9 Personal Year | October is a 1 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for October:  This is the month to begin to feel a revived sense of energy and when some pieces begin to come together.


October is a month to begin to cut through the fog and step into forward movement.

Think back to January of this year.  What was unfolding for you then?  The energy of the month of October is the same as it was for you in January— the initiating and new beginnings-focused 1.

Yet I find when we repeat a cycle within a cycle—meaning you’re revisiting a 1 Personal Month within a full Personal Year—it’s beneficial to look back and see what was happening during that month and to then see how you might be offered an “up-leveling” of your experience as you walk through it again.

It’s a time where you can elevate and integrate more deeply the lessons and opportunities presented to you at this time.


At this point in your 9 Personal Year, it’s a bit of a “hurry up and wait” game at the moment. Yet there’s much to be learned in the process. If you’ve played your cards right this year, you’re mentally prepared to act on the freedom to move in the direction of your choosing—not in a holding pattern that might be strangling the life out of you. (…cue theme song of choice for the 9 Personal Year . . .)

Trust is a key concept right now. Trust in yourself. Trust in your feelings. Trust that you’ve also done the practical, tangible preparation that’ll allow you to move in the direction you want to go.

October promises more of the same in terms of opportunities to clean house.

The less unfinished business you have to contend with, the more clarity and revised energy you’ll be feeling.

A new interest that surfaces on or about October 7th may be ripe for exciting development within a short time-frame. Several new opportunities with considerable potential are beginning to open up between October 9th and 27th.

This can be a turbo-charged month for business, work, and/or creative thinking and problem solving.

During the week of October 16th, you may meet some new friends or possibly a new business partner with interesting potential. It’s a month of give and take, of ups and downs. Grab hold of your self-confidence and be open to change, transition, and something new.


As playwright Tom Stoppard says: “Every exit is an entry to somewhere else.”  Keep this in the forefront of your mind as you continue to blaze through the fog—gently so as not to fall down and hurt yourself, yet with measured confidence and trust that when the fog lifts, you’ll be in a new and exciting place in your life.

It can suddenly it feels as though there is a light on where the bulb has been burned out all year long. A sense of newness and beginning is becoming stronger and stronger. It’s time to anticipate a plan of action. Yet the anticipation is just that. It’s just out of reach! As Tim Curry’s Dr. Frank-n-furter sings in Rocky Horror Picture Show:  “I see you shiver with  Ant …..  ic ….. i ….. pation.”

Things can certainly gain more clarity this month, yet you must also take the 9 Personal Year to the finish line. And that’s a good thing!  Think of it like you’re washing your car.  You don’t want to exit the car wash before the entire process is complete. That would pretty much negate the entire reason to get your car washed, if it comes out half-way clean with soap suds still clinging to it.

The same idea with the 9 Personal Year.  It’s still the time to clean house, to seek the support you might need to let go of what needs to make its exit, whether is a lifeless relationship, soul-sucking job, or an addiction to any negative or unproductive self-talk (just a few examples). Of course, the key and the underlaying difficulty resides in truly coming to grips (and making friends with) the fact that everything is temporary. The great things in life are just as temporary as the devastating things in life. This is a major lesson and reality of the 9 Personal Year. This theme is in the spotlight for you this year.

Yet October holds out some forward-moving experiences and gives you a taste of the overall vibe of what’s to come for you during your 1 Personal Year in 2025 where initiative and independence are key players.

Meanwhile, this is a month where you might feel some movement, some signs of life and optimism that may have been hard to come by at certain times this year. The energy of the 1 is a disruptive energy. It’ll push the envelop. It seeks momentum. It wants and needs to bring energy into life and into manifestation. Enjoy and make the most out of this opportunity to make some advancements in October.


Those of you who’ve followed me for a while know that I’m someone who offers different schools of thought as they show up in numerology—pointing out different modes of calculating the numbers and disparate ways different numerologist’s do things.

I have always pointed out that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. I’m hesitant to do constant reminders about it because, let’s be honest, it can be confusing! And let’s be honest again: Many people just want the 25-second byte of info without thinking much about it.

Be that as it may, I am going to remind you that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. Most numerologist’s use the January 1 – December 31st mode of thinking. Others proffer that the Personal Year is more like a solar return (for those of you who’re astrology-minded), instead running from birthday-to-birthday.

If you’re born at the first of the year, this doesn’t effect you as much. Yet once you hit mid-year and beyond, this can really make a difference. And how do you know what’s right and what’s not right?  BY HOW YOU FEEL! It’s up to each of us to feel it out and see what feels right to us individually.

**The key to avoid as much confusion if you want to explore the birthday-to-birthday scenario:  You would calculate your Personal Year based on the year of YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY. So if you’re reading this right now and your birthday is November 11, you would calculate your Personal Year by adding the Month + Day + LAST YEAR (2023).

In this example, it is 11 + 11 + 7 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7) = 29; and 2+9 = 11.  Up until 11/11, you’re in an 11/2 Personal Year and then you CHANGE INTO THE 3 PERSONAL YEAR on your birthday. Then you begin to read the forecast for the 3 Personal Year. Make Sense?  I don’t want to rock your numerology world, yet it’s only fair to consider both options and see what works for you.


>If you want to review the nuts-and-bolts of the 9 Personal Year, watch this short video.



**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!