5 Personal Year | May is a 1 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for May: This is the month to remain open to spontaneous opportunities and happy surprises!


May is upon us and there’s no better time to circle back and offer a reminder about the key elements or themes you’re working with all year long in your 5 Personal Year.

I like to describe the Personal Year as knowing the theme to your party!  It’s so much more fun!

And I think it’s valuable to think of it in exactly that way.  As if you’re showing up for a party (that you happen to have to attend for an entire twelve months!), so most certainly you’d rather know if it’s a baby shower, birthday party, Bachelor (or Bachelorette) Party, Memorial service, or a drinking party with Charades.

Ah, yes. Don’t show up to the wrong party wearing the wrong outfit!

For you in your 5 Personal Year, the key themes are:  exploring and embracing a sense of freedom on every realm, facing your fears, working with feelings of confinement and restriction, and being open to substantial change in your life.

What I love about numerology is that it offers us the key elements that are always in play, supporting us and offering opportunities. So, if we know the themes and energies that are available to us, then we can focus and intentionally use that supportive energy to our benefit.

Either we can use the energy OR the energy can use us!


You’re coming down from a month where your cage may have been rattled a bit with unexpected transitions. You might feel as though the rug has been pulled out from under you in April.

Hopefully you’ve had the wherewithal to land on your feet.

You’re bridging into May, which is a time of new beginnings and initiation — a month guided by the energy of the number 1.

May brings a sense of release — an opening of the gate.

In fact, this is a time where you can see things in a way you haven’t seen them before.

Meaning, you’ll really expand your thoughts concerning things you hadn’t even imagined before and not only that — you’ll actually be receptive and open to very different possibilities now.  After clearing out some space in your life last month, now’s the time to focus on a new trajectory.

Do you ever have that experience where you can’t even wrap your brain around something — having twins, moving, getting a divorce, changing jobs — and then suddenly your mental/physical/emotional bodies finally converge and you’re then able to embrace the change in a very profound way?

This might be something you’ll experience this month.


Your renewed energy carries you along for the ride during May, combined with some unusual support from an unexpected source.

Don’t second-guess — go with your intuition and yet also do your research.

Even though it’s tempting to just jump into the fray, take the time to focus so that you can move ahead constructively — after doing some practical investigation and study.

Impulsive action will only result in a longer, more arduous detour.

This is the time to bank on your individual vision and act with an independent flare. Of course, this element just adds fuel to the fire of uncertainty and unpredictability that is already the cornerstone to your ever-changing 5 Personal Year.

A reminder that even though the 5 Personal Year is full of changing conditions and lots of drama, impatience and impulsiveness can be your Achilles Heel.  As my 7th Grade art teacher used to bellow: “Haste makes waste, people!”  Yes, she used to call her students “people.” Even though I still find that saying rather annoying, certainly it could be your momentary mantra in May.


The highest and best of the energy of the 5 is “freedom through self-discipline.” 

The freedoms and changes you seek this year will come to fruition when a certain level of commitment and follow-through is also a major part of the mix.

I would also predict that there will be some beautiful surprises when you’re prepped and ready for the opportunities when they surface.

Think of it this way. You know people who are waiting for their big break? They’ll tell you again and again that they’re an exquisite artist, award-winning writer, or Grammy-worthy singer.  Yet when you ask to hear their demo, see their portfolio, or read their manuscript, they don’t have anything that they’ve actually produced.  It’s all in their head or in their fantasy life.

Think about all those videos of people somehow getting called up on stage to sing with Michael Bublé, crush a guitar solo with Dave Grohl, or sing a duet with Kristin Chenoweth. All of these people (many of them young kids!) were ready for the opportunity and grabbed it with everything they had! They knew the lyrics to the songs, knew the music, and blazed through any nerves they may have had to get up there and risk humiliation or something going wrong.


Why do I mention this here, oh-traverser of the 5 Personal Year? 

Because the moral of the story that you can very much benefit from this year — and particularly in the month of May — is this: Don’t just dream it. Be it. Do it.  And most importantly, BE PREPARED!

Wouldn’t it have been a sad kick in the shins for these folks to finally get a chance to be on stage with their idols and yet when they got there, they didn’t know all the lyrics to the song or they folded under the pressure?


Make sure that you’re prepped and ready to go if you’re offered a spontaneous opportunity this month.

Your task this entire year resides in responsible freedom  — and that means doing the work, being prepared, and also allowing for happy surprises along the way.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!