5 Personal Year | July is a 3 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for July: The is the month to usher deep shifts and spiritual openings into your life!


This is the month to be open to new, spontaneous insights.

This is your month to get up and go! If you’ve been reading your forecast for the year, this isn’t news to you!

What does freedom mean to you? More time? Money? A different job? A different marital situation? Lots of unexpected opportunities are bound to come your way, so be open to trying new things all year long.

Interestingly, in your 5 Personal Year, you only get one month out of twelve that brings you this dynamic, creative energy of the number 3, so make it count!

I’ll put a direct spotlight on the sticky aspect of the 5 Personal Year, which is the creation of freedom through disciplined actions, focus, and follow-through. Ah yes, that.


Change is on the horizon and you’re getting ready for major transitions toward the end of the year. So given that we’re mid-way into it, may I suggest that you begin to rein it in?

Hopefully there’s a little “been there, done that” right about now and you’re beginning to see and feel the real changes that you’ll want to take a hold of, focus on, and follow through with for the rest of the year.

You may have been bouncing around with different opportunities or different ideas about what direction to take in your life.

In the romance department, I hope you’ve been taking advantage of any “swipe right” opportunities that have come across your path this year so far.

Sometimes the 5 Personal Year doesn’t yield the super-sensual experiences you wish it would. While it’s a time where your sex appeal is at all time high, if you’re at a point in your life where hooking up or casual dating just isn’t your jam, this may be an aspect of the year that feels unfulfilled.

Yet never fear!  If you’re waiting for a real long-term connection, this year is paving the way for calling in your plus-one. Next year is a 6 Personal Year for you, which is all about relationships and commitment.  So, if that’s your desire, hang in there. You might very well collide with someone who has staying power in your life and the relationship will begin to deepen and develop in the coming months.


It’s funny because there’s a chance that you’re already reflecting on some of your “been there, done that” moments from the year. 

Just remember something Dean Martin once said:  “Good judgment comes from experience.  And experience?  Well that comes from poor judgment.”

From July 2nd through the 20th, express yourself by participating in unusual, unique, or unexpected offerings or experiences that land in your world. These opportunities are aligned with changes that will lead to new openings or will expand some of your ongoing endeavors.

Enjoy your family and make sure to allow time for special activities with children, particularly around July 11th or 18th.  

If you can carve out some travel in July, please do. Both the energies of the 3 and the 5 offer up some fun and adventure if you’re up for it. The energy of the 3 allows for some creativity, self-expression, and will infuse some heightened emotional sensitivity in the mix.

July offers some moments that are designed to open you up and show you some deeper truths about yourself, about others, and about your life. Be spontaneous. Be open to new directions and new possibilities.


>If you want a reminder about the nuts-and-bolts of the 5 Personal Year, watch this short video.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!