7 Personal Year | July is a 5 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for July: This is the month to be nimble and light on your feet. This is a pivot-point month. Are you ready?


This is a month where you’re knee-deep in an exploration of how free (or how tethered!) you feel in your life. It’s a spiritually active and activating year—meaning, you’ll have many opportunities to move into amazing levels of personal growth and evolution, however you define it.

If you’ve been following these forecasts, this isn’t news to you!

This is a year where your faith and trust will be tested and you’ll feel as though you want to shield yourself from the static of the outside world.

Interestingly, in your 7 Personal Year, you only get one month out of twelve that brings you this sensual, freedom-seeking energy of the number 5, so make it count!


Even though you’ll continue with the underlying theme of contemplation, study, and inner reflection, July might offer a welcome respite from the intensity and somewhat ponderous nature of your year.

What I haven’t highlighted so far in your 7 Personal Year is this. If you’re engaged with the opposing energies to the number 7 or are resisting the slow-down, this can be a year that feels incredibly victimizing.

If you’ve resisted some of the deeper truths being offered to you right now, this can be a time that might feel somewhat despairing.

On the other end of the spectrum, it can feel as though some shackles are being taken off of you—as though the universe has been steadily sitting next to you with a small blow torch, tirelessly working at cutting the thick metal chains that hold you hostage.

Oddly, you can experience both of these feelings somewhat simultaneously, making it even more confounding!

Dolores Cannon offers this intriguing observation:

“There is a moment you realize you are not to here to change, heal, fix, or teach anyone but your own conscious self.”


Give yourself a “Hall Pass” to spend part of July by yourself with the studious or contemplative activities you’ve been involved in for many months. Embrace it. Absorb it. Become it.

At this time, you could very well be exploring significant new directions that interest you or you may be planning to work on some of your undeveloped (yet pressing) talents.

July offers a moment to re-evaluate what you ultimately want and where you want to take it. You’ll feel a need for more freedom and will ache for some variety from your given routine.

It might be a time where the status quo just doesn’t cut it anymore. The 5 is a catalyst, so prepare for some plot twists this month. This could be a time where everything changes direction when a new opportunity arises that is even better than you could have asked for.

Some of these new opportunities might pull you out of solitude for a portion of the month, probably between July 7th and 25th.

There’s lots of activity right now, which may feel slightly uncomfortable or just like too much—or too jarring!—because of your slower, more internal reality this year.

Relationship issues can surface this month, where freedom, sexuality, and adventure are themes that are pressing to the front of the line.

Yet you’re also feeling a bit restless and—let’s face it—somewhat discontent at times. So don’t let these feelings derail you. As a matter of fact, use these feelings of unease to engage in some deeper self-analysis.

You’re at the apex of some deep emotional and spiritual breakthroughs.

It’s the time to take steps to improve your mind—with new learning or by changing old and worn out thought patterns. Reach out for some healthy mental food—taking a hiatus from hours at the phone or computer will feel mandatory.

Even though this is a year where you’re feeling lower energy and lower key in general, remember not to abandon your responsibilities in the “real” world.

Especially this month, take care of any legal or practical matters with punctuality and thoroughness. Keep your books up to date and keep things rolling smoothly in your daily life.

July offers some moments that are designed to give you space on all levels. Give yourself room to roam, whether it’s with some actual travel or just allowing yourself to explore something new in your environment.

Make an effort to center yourself and yet also understand that you’ll get the most out of the energy of the month when you do something that scares you, just a little.


>If you want to review the nuts-and-bolts of the 7 Personal Year, watch this short video.



**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!