7 Personal Year | September is a 7 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for September:  This is a month to welcome a “Eureka Moment!”  Get ready for seismic spiritual shifts.


September is a crescendo month in your 7 Personal Year! 

September is a peak month to reflect and act upon all of your 7 Personal Year themes of introspection, study, research, organization, and soul-seeking.

Simply put: This is a time where the energy (and issues!) related to your personal year come to a peak. There’s no denying it—you have a particularly strong need to spend much of September on your own or at least with time carved out for yourself.

Numerologist Dr. Juno Jordan (in her book Numerology: The Romance in Your Name) observes that the 7 Personal Year depends upon “a right state of mind.” She places the 7 Personal Year as a time for “mental house-cleaning” when you’re offered the opportunity to set your mental and spiritual house in order. She also adds: 

“Out of the year will come a goal and plan of great importance which can hardly be realized until later. When you will move forward in life to a new level of expansion and living.”


In some way, this month may provide a culmination for many of the year’s activities, knowledge seeking, and soul searching. Even if you think you can’t possibly spend another second in partial hibernation, guess again!

You may receive some special spiritual understanding or revelation that will clarify your general outlook on life, particularly during the week of September 18th.

I can’t stress enough that September is a crescendo month for you this year in terms of spiritual intensity and evolution—and by evolution, I mean feeling as though you have outgrown your own skin and are readying for a subtle (or maybe not-so-subtle!) yet serious metamorphosis. Get ready for some intense inner growth blossoming and coming to fruition.

I have to warn you—many people feel that the lessons of the 7 Personal Year often rival the lessons of the 9 Personal Year in self-evaluation and intensity.

So be warned—it most likely doesn’t feel light and breezy right now.  There’s a weight that comes with the overall energy of the 7 Personal Year that is undeniable. It’s not bad, it’s just intense and deeply inexplicable.

If you’ve been spending time with some private research, study, or solitary creative endeavors, this is the month where you’ll potentially start seeing some results. Or perhaps it’s a month to really dig in and take added time to go the extra step in your learning or creation process. This is the time to fine-tune your efforts. It’s incremental. While the energy is moving toward manifesting in the physical world, you’re still not quite there yet. So, patience is still required. You have a lot of “stuff” percolating inside of you right now.


September ushers in the need to evaluate and coordinate your plans for the future, optimally between September 9th and 27th.

Your time by yourself can be particularly meaningful and contribute immeasurably to your inner peace of mind. Mediation, lingering walks, salty baths, or perhaps even a long weekend retreat of your choosing would be in order.

Don’t forget that the energy of the 7 is the truth seeker. What is your truth? Have you used this time to unearth some of the deep parts of you that have been covered over or denied?


This is still a great year to take the class or seminar that will offer you more advanced skills that will ultimately advance your job or career situation—or that furthers your spiritual development directly.

I often find people find themselves taking metaphysical classes in a 7 Personal Year that they would never have been interested in before—conscious breathing, energy work, meditation, numerology—all kinds of esoteric arts might be coming into your world.

Know also that, again, the 7 seems to often bring in intensities that feel rather deep. So, perhaps this is a month where a relationship finally dissolves, a health issue peaks, or any number of other aspects of life that hit us in the most core-level and profound way. And most likely if this is the case for you, this particular issue will carry over into your “self-empowerment” year next year. The underlying power of this year can’t be underestimated.


Do you suddenly feel as though the cocoon is coming to maturation and soon you’ll be shedding it and will show up as an entirely different Being? Do you need this time in September to feed yourself the proper “food” and proper rest so that you’ll have enough power, strength, and resolve to remove the cocoon you’ve been ensconced in all year long?

I see the month of September as a month of culmination of all that you’ve been working with in your 7 Personal Year.  You’re at the top of the mountain and are now situating yourself to traverse down the other side of the mountain and into the energies that are coming up for you in your upcoming 8 Personal Year in 2025.

Yet not so fast!  You still have the final three months where, if you’re somewhat sensitive energetically, you can feel the breeze of the next cycle coming to greet you.  Yet you still have the next several months to really play out the highest and best use of your contemplative 7 Personal Year.


Those of you who’ve followed me for a while know that I’m someone who offers different schools of thought as they show up in numerology—pointing out different modes of calculating the numbers and disparate ways different numerologist’s do things.

I have always pointed out that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. I’m hesitant to do constant reminders about it because, let’s be honest, it can be confusing! And let’s be honest again: Many people just want the 25-second byte of info without thinking much about it.

Be that as it may, I am going to remind you that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. Most numerologist’s use the January 1 – December 31st mode of thinking. Others proffer that the Personal Year is more like a solar return (for those of you who’re astrology-minded), instead running from birthday-to-birthday.

If you’re born at the first of the year, this doesn’t effect you as much. Yet once you hit mid-year and beyond, this can really make a difference. And how do you know what’s right and what’s not right?  BY HOW YOU FEEL! It’s up to each of us to feel it out and see what feels right to us individually.

**The key to avoid as much confusion if you want to explore the birthday-to-birthday scenario:  You would calculate your Personal Year based on the year of YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY. So if you’re reading this right now and your birthday is November 11, you would calculate your Personal Year by adding the Month + Day + LAST YEAR (2023).

In this example, it is 11 + 11 + 7 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7) = 29; and 2+9 = 11.  Up until 11/11, you’re in an 11/2 Personal Year and then you CHANGE INTO THE 3 PERSONAL YEAR on your birthday. Then you begin to read the forecast for the 3 Personal Year. Make Sense?  I don’t want to rock your numerology world, yet it’s only fair to consider both options and see what works for you.


>If you want to review the nuts-and-bolts of the 7 Personal Year, watch this short video.



**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!