7 Personal Year | April is a 3 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for May: This is the month to bring some creativity, playfulness and social engagement into the mix.


May is upon us and there’s no better time to circle back and offer a reminder about the key elements or themes you’re working with all year long in your 7 Personal Year.

I like to describe the Personal Year as knowing the theme to your party!  It’s so much more fun!

And I think it’s valuable to think of it in exactly that way.  As if you’re showing up for a party (that you happen to have to attend for an entire twelve months!), so most certainly you’d rather know if it’s a baby shower, birthday party, Bachelor (or Bachelorette) Party, Memorial service, or a drinking party with Charades.

Ah, yes. Don’t show up to the wrong party wearing the wrong outfit!

For you in your 7 Personal Year, the key themes are:  deep inner work, soul searching, research and learning, spending time alone, organization and preparation.

What I love about numerology is that it offers us the key elements that are always in play, supporting us and offering opportunities. So, if we know the themes and energies that are available to us, then we can focus and intentionally use that supportive energy to our benefit.

Either we can use the energy OR the energy can use us!


Given that this is a soul-searching year for you, last month must have felt as though life was hovering in front of you in suspended animation.

April (last month) might have felt excruciatingly slow and arduous, mixed in with an edgy sense of anxiety. I visualize it as though your life felt like several scenes from The Matrix, where everything is coming at you in slow motion.

Now you’re moving into a space of time that’s designed as a portal for your creative juice to flow and for you to lighten up! The 7 Personal Year can feel so ponderous that you might forget to just be a human for a moment and let loose, have some fun, and do something just because it feels good and brings you pleasure.

You’re bridging into May, which is a time of self-improvement and fun — a month guided by the playful and social energy of the number 3.


In theory, May should feel lighter and airier.

You may want to initiate a creative project that allows you to express yourself on or about May 11th. This is a perfect month to travel or get yourself out in a different way. The invitation is to just be human for a moment. Eat the gelato. Yes, have a glass of wine.  Go bowling. Hit the dance floor. Just participate in life!

Added to all of this will be an urge to express your emotions, potentially through writing, an artistic or creative project, or by speaking to a gathering of like-minded people.

Even though May feels lighter, it also can bring up some hidden emotional soft spots or unfinished business. Along with the inward-focus of your year overall, this can be a valuable opportunity for personal healing. I know you’re ready to move this old stuff up and out.

The desire to travel or just have some actual, real-time social engagement can really show up in an undeniable way this month. The month of May intensifies this want and need. 


When the number 3 shows up in a cycle, as it is now in your Personal Month, the red carpet is rolled out for all things that feel creative, enjoyable, and expressive.

Think about it as your month to frolic a bit! In the midst of all of the seeming chaos, change, and uncertainty we all find ourselves in at the present time, can you extract from the heaviness and instead hold on to the lighter, more buoyant aspects of life?

Certainly you’ll be offered opportunities this month to move a creative project forward, engage in expressing yourself more effectively, and find ways to feel inspired rather than despairing — energized rather than drained.

And since this is your year of mental and spiritual “house cleaning,” chances are that you’ll gain some deep insight into yourself this month around where you experience bouts of self-doubt, where you might over-analyze, and where you need to release emotional trauma.

Journaling is a great way to work with this energy — or creative dance, music, or getting more social. Anything that activates your creativity is a great and productive outlet this month. Get out there, enjoy yourself, and have some fun!


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!