1 Personal Year | June is an 8 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for July: This is the month to get focused and serious about your ambitions. It’s the empowering month you’ve been waiting for!

This is your month to own your power. In your personal world, this is a year of new beginnings, independence, and (ultimately) writing your action-packed opening chapter to the new novel that is your life!

Welcome to a year that’s courting you to write yourself in as the leading man or leading lady of your own life’s story! It’s remarkable that we often have to remind ourselves of that simple fact; that we are indeed the star of our own show.

You’re continuing to refine and define — planting the seeds for what you want to see grow and mature during the next nine years. If you’ve been reading or listening to your forecast for the year, this isn’t news to you!

What have you started this year? How do you feel about it? Can you feel anything taking root? Do you see new horizons stretched out before you?


A quote for the month comes from (the GOAT) gymnast Simone Biles:

“Practice creates confidence and confidence empowers you.”

I advise you to listen to Simone, because July is an 8 Personal Month – one of the two most dynamic months in the whole year! The other is September, if you’d like to pencil that in on your calendar, because that will be a crescendo in your year of new beginnings.

Interestingly, in your 1 Personal Year, you only get one month out of twelve bringing you this dynamic, business-oriented energy of the number 8, so make it count!

Yet for now, business, finances, and empowerment are the themes for July, your number 8 month.

Just understand that there will be tests along the way.  Because the only way to master a new skill is to practice it, right? So, you can expect challenges as you bolster your sense of assertion and purpose.

The numbers 1 and 8 are two of the most dynamic and, in many way, business oriented numbers in numerology. The 1 (of your Personal Year) is about forging your pathway with your unique, independent spirit. The 8 (of your month of July) is all about management, organization, and taking the bull by the horns.

Put them both together and it’s time for a decisive move forward—possibly on July 2nd or 9th—most likely in relation to business or financial matters.


A venture in which you’ve been engaged for some time—possibly something with significant potential—may change or expand around July 18th. Both your personal life and your professional life may be moving and mutating rapidly right now.

You also may find a business opportunity on July 20th or 29th with a great deal of possibility. It could be a manifestation of something you’ve been contemplating for the past six months, since the beginning of your seed-planting 1 Personal Year.

Examine the situation from different angles and—if it’s what you’ve been looking for—make your move. Don’t overthink, second-guess, or linger. Take the leap if it’s something you’ve been researching, contemplating, and seriously considering. Procrastination no more!


The month of July is an action-packed and dynamic time for you. Take stock and dive in with confidence. Take a calculated risk.

What’s your biggest fear factor right now? Write it down and then deconstruct it. Often you’ll find that the fear dissolves when you actually look at it pragmatically. Successful people follow three basic steps when faced with a problem:  1. State the problem clearly; 2) Write down every horrible, devastating outcome that could happen; 3) Stand “outside of yourself” and formulate solutions for each fearful outcome.

Chances are, as you go through this three-point process, the solution will reveal itself organically. And often it simply doesn’t fit into your mold of what you think the outcome should be.

For instance, do you fear what would happen if you left a current relationship? Perhaps your fear is financial and you feel you’ll be unable to support yourself if you decide to call it quits.

If you look at your history, perhaps your financial fears are unfounded. And if they aren’t unfounded, you obviously lived through it before. Chances are you can again. It’s the time to take a serious look at what’s keeping you in a holding pattern.

That’s just one example of many.


July is the perfect month to get real on every level. Last month you had some prep time and some pondering time. Now it’s time for action and follow-through.

Keying into your ambition is a key player for you in July. It’s time to own it and to align with your greatest ambitions. July isn’t the time for lukewarm engagement. Go all in.


>>If you need a reminder about the nuts-and-bolts about the characteristics of the 1 Personal Year, check out this video.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs!  These are my daughters’ dogs:  Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!