6 Personal Year | May is an 11/2 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for May: This is the month to place an emphasis on the myriad  layers of your relationship life, from the inside out.


May is upon us and there’s no better time to circle back and offer a reminder about the key elements or themes you’re working with all year long in your 6 Personal Year.

I like to describe the Personal Year as knowing the theme to your party!  It’s so much more fun!

And I think it’s valuable to think of it in exactly that way.  As if you’re showing up for a party (that you happen to have to attend for an entire twelve months!), so most certainly you’d rather know if it’s a baby shower, birthday party, Bachelor (or Bachelorette) Party, Memorial service, or a drinking party with Charades.

Ah, yes. Don’t show up to the wrong party wearing the wrong outfit!

For you in your 6 Personal Year, the key themes are:  increased levels of responsibility, increased emphasis on your relationships, and an overall focus on home and family – offering opportunities to invite you to investigate where (and if) you feel at home.

Remember that first and foremost, the 6 Personal Year invites you to engage in your relationship with yourself in a vastly different way. It’s often a year where we get a birds-eye view of our own dysfunctional relationship patterns so that we can make some course-correctives!

What I love about numerology is that it offers us the key elements that are always in play, supporting us and offering opportunities. So, if we know the themes and energies that are available to us, then we can focus and intuitionally use that supportive energy to our benefit.

Either we can use the energy OR the energy can use us!


The energy of the month supports you in yet more engagement with family and friends, especially during the weeks of May 6th or 16th.

You’ll be called upon to tap into your sensitive side and may even find yourself in situations calling for your reserve, diplomacy, and cooperation.

In a 6 Personal Year, you’re being encouraged to nurture without judgment and to open yourself to hold space for yourself and for others.

And so what does that mean, really, to “hold space?”

The Nourish Your Soul Movement posted this definition of holding space and I’ll share it here: “What does it mean to ‘hold space’ for someone else? It means that we are willing to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they’re on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome. When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgment and control.”

With that in mind, in May you’ll be pulled toward some family and relationship matters needing your attention.

Be prepared to support a friend or family member needing your help right now. You’ll be working with a sense of heightened responsibility this year to begin with — and this month you’ll feel it in spades.

Perhaps this unfolds as a requirement that you actually stand up for yourself or state a clear boundary that you’ve been struggling to move forward with. The illuminating Master 11 that infiltrates your month will offer a spark of energy for you to move the needle, finally.

Close friends could very well ask for assistance with legal or financial matters around May 22nd or potentially seek you out as a friendly shoulder to lean on. This could also show up as a legal or financial matters that you are personally experiencing and for which you need special assistance. Perhaps you’re the Rock of Gibraltar for everyone else and you’re about ready to collapse under the pressure.

If this is the case, your mandate for the month is to stop and ask yourself what your heart and soul is telling you. Slow down. Listen. Feel it.

This is a year where the call of duty and service is front and center.

And this month brings you opportunities to really be there for someone (or more than one person!) who needs extra help and support right now. Take the additional time and energy to extend yourself throughout the month. Whatever support and understanding you can give now will be appreciated and repaid in the future.

Not only will May be a very emotionally sensitive time for you (haul out the tissue box), it’s also a great time to dig in to some kind of personal development or spiritual study that speaks to you.

Given it’s your relationship-centered 6 Personal Year, May might be the perfect time to spiff up your emotional intelligence factor. What’s your Love Language?  This is a red-letter time to take the quiz and really work at understanding your own love language and the language your other responds to!

How do you show up in relationships? (take a look at the Gottman Institute for some great relationship tools, including a wonderful new book just published title Fight Right:  How Successful Couples Turn Conflict Into Connection).


Then add the intensity of the Master 11/2 for the month of May and you can expect some emotional intensity to show up.

The number 11 is a spiritual messenger — it always offers a doorway of “Ah-Ha” moments if only we can slow down enough to notice them. May offers you unexpected diversions, if not downright frustrations.

On or about May 4th, you can expect to experience some roadblocks. Understand that these delays are actually moving the timing of your project or activity to a more optimal framework — allowing for its eventual outcome, yet you can’t see that now.

Perhaps all you see is that you’re running into a wall and the delays are driving you crazy! Despite the tempest brewing on the outer realms, look inward for the real information. The ultimate validation comes with how you feel rather than what might be placed in front of you as logical or pragmatic.

The key elements for the month of May resides in truly feeling out your place in your own world. Do you feel at home in your house, in your body, in your job or career? Do you place yourself and your needs in proper balance and harmony with your other duties and responsibilities?

The energy of the 11 can feel a bit edgy and anxious. Make sure to prioritize some self-care in May. Take those walks, carve out time to meditate, dive into a creative project.

Overall, the emphasis is on the myriad layers of your relationship life, from the inside out.

And if you’re working on a creative project that is in any way related to counseling, serving the needs of children or the elderly, or any other project with a focus on service and nurturing, this is your time to really put it out there!


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!