6 Personal Year | September is a 6 Personal Month
🧠Directive for September: This is the month for reinventing and recharging relationships.
September is a crescendo month in your 6 Personal Year!Â
September is a peak month to reflect and act upon all of your 6 Personal Year themes of refreshing your relationships, modulating responsibility, and taking in the enjoyment of home, friends, and family.
Simply put: This is a time where the energy (and issues!) related to your personal year come to a peak. This is an intense time for reinventing and recharging relationships across the board.
Take the time to step back and enjoy the pleasures of your connections with friends, family, and your other vital relationships. The themes for the month—which you’re experiencing with double intensity—is love, acceptance, service, forgiveness, and responsibility.
There’s a potential for you to feel an interesting dichotomy in September—making you feel both satisfied and snuggly—and a bit suffocated or edgy.
If your communication is clear and your feelings expressed openly and honestly, this can be a very important and expansive time for everyone involved. If you’re married or otherwise committed, it may be a time to renew and rekindle those zingy romantic feelings.
If you find that your relationship is not the way you want it to be—if, like most longer-term commitments, it has shifted with time—September is the month to bring matters out into the open and recommit to bringing yourselves into more alignment with each other. Do you speak as “we” and “us” or is it mostly “I” and “me?”Â
Reconnection is open to you with any of your important relationships this month.
If you’re contemplating marriage or commitment, you may want to start discussing something like a solid plan, possibly during the week of September 5th. It’s time to make the dream a reality. Set the date. Start interviewing photographers. Talk about a venue. Get on the same page together.
If you’re single and open to attracting your “person,” September has the potential to offer some cosmic connections if you’ve been doing your work, so to speak. Have you spent a good portion of the year digging into your concept of how you define relationships on a grand and core-level scale? I’ve observed that so many of my clients and others in my personal world are undergoing deep levels of transformation about how they want to engage in relationships and how they themselves actually show up in their relationship lives.
I’ve seen this run the gamut from rethinking marriage to break-ups, intense intimate connections, dramatic friendship or business partnership splits or unions, and other relationship revelations.
If you’re successfully single, often this is a time where you see yourself in an entirely different way. The way you decide to connect with others undergoes a sea of change.
The energy of the 6 is also about children—whether you have any of your own or not. You might initiate activities that allow some kid-focused time, particularly around September 18th or 27th. If you don’t have children in your life, explore some activities that bring out the kid in you, spend time with the fur babies, or hijack some kids from friends or family for some quality time together. And not to be too corny, yet this is also a great month to do some intensive inner child work. Anything you can do with trauma work, EMDR, Family Constellations—that sort of thing. This personal work is highly energetically supported at this peak time in your 6 Personal Year.
I honestly find that another key aspect to the energy of the 6 Personal Year is about getting to know your “inner child” in new ways. The energy of the 6 is about home, family, and responsibility and yet that can manifest in so many non-traditional ways. How have you constructed and created your home base?
If your family of origin isn’t stellar, have you invited other important people into your daily life who fill those roles for you in a positive and nurturing way?
Gay, straight, married, not married, or any other mix-and-match, this month offers you a warm-and-fuzzy opportunity to really engage with your family of choice. The family you have built, nurtured, and created.
This is the apex of your “relationship evaluation” year.
This energy is also teaching you valuable lessons in the realm acceptance—and in letting go of perfectionism and letting go of the expectation that everyone has to behave and think the way you do in order to meet your approval. The whole year has offered lots of opportunities to let go of control, while also meeting your responsibilities head on.
This has also extended even more deeply to yourself. Have your expectations of yourself and your own performance in your life been so out of the stratosphere that you often belittle yourself for not being worthy or being enough?
It’s also about forgiveness, and the focus on primarily on forgiveness of yourself. Where are there remnants from your past that are proving to be blockages to establishing the kind of intimacy you crave?
If there’s ever a month to work on forgiving yourself, this is it. Therapy, anyone? It’s been an emotional year focused on being of service to others and honing and defining your own sense of yourself in the midst of it all. Love has also been at the forefront this year—loving and understanding yourself—then offering yourself to others with healthy boundaries and unconditional love.
September is a month of opportunity to bring some magic into your love life. It’s a time where you might finally settle into a new feeling of “home”—of being nested, nurtured, and loved.
Feeling at home in your own skin, feeling at home in your actual home, and feeling a sense of connection with yourself and within your relationships that you haven’t felt before.
The drive to balance yourself in partnership, harmonize your living and home environment, and bring it all together in a beautiful and fluid way is at the helm for you. The 6 Personal Year is also a red-letter time for business and hopefully you’re experiencing a boost or consistent surge in this area of your life.
I see the month of September as a month of culmination of all that you’ve been working with in your 6 Personal Year. You’re at the top of the mountain and are now situating yourself to traverse down the other side of the mountain and into the energies that are coming up for you in your upcoming 7 Personal Year in 2025.
Yet not so fast! You still have the final three months where, if you’re somewhat sensitive energetically, you can feel the breeze of the next cycle coming to greet you. Yet you still have the next several months to really play out the highest and best use of your home and relationship-driven 6 Personal Year.
Those of you who’ve followed me for a while know that I’m someone who offers different schools of thought as they show up in numerology—pointing out different modes of calculating the numbers and disparate ways different numerologist’s do things.
I have always pointed out that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. I’m hesitant to do constant reminders about it because, let’s be honest, it can be confusing! And let’s be honest again: Many people just want the 25-second byte of info without thinking much about it.
Be that as it may, I am going to remind you that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. Most numerologist’s use the January 1 – December 31st mode of thinking. Others proffer that the Personal Year is more like a solar return (for those of you who’re astrology-minded), instead running from birthday-to-birthday.
If you’re born at the first of the year, this doesn’t effect you as much. Yet once you hit mid-year and beyond, this can really make a difference. And how do you know what’s right and what’s not right? BY HOW YOU FEEL! It’s up to each of us to feel it out and see what feels right to us individually.
**The key to avoid as much confusion if you want to explore the birthday-to-birthday scenario: You would calculate your Personal Year based on the year of YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY. So if you’re reading this right now and your birthday is November 11, you would calculate your Personal Year by adding the Month + Day + LAST YEAR (2023).
In this example, it is 11 + 11 + 7 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7) = 29; and 2+9 = 11. Up until 11/11, you’re in an 11/2 Personal Year and then you CHANGE INTO THE 3 PERSONAL YEAR on your birthday. Then you begin to read the forecast for the 3 Personal Year. Make Sense? I don’t want to rock your numerology world, yet it’s only fair to consider both options and see what works for you.
>If you want to review the nuts-and-bolts of the 6 Personal Year, watch this short video.
**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!