6 Personal Year | July is a 4 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for July: This is the month to lean into getting things in line. Planning and practicality pays off royally!


This is your month to ask yourself where you feel at home. This extends to your actual home and housing situation, yet also extends to the more emotional or philosophical aspects of “home.”

Do you feel at home in your own body? Do you feel nurtured and nourished in your life? Do you have people in your life who you can count on for support, even when (or especially when) you’re going through a rough patch?

With that said, July itself is a practical month for you. I know, I know. As if this whole year hasn’t been filled with enough duty or pressing responsibilities as is, right?

Interestingly, in your 6 Personal Year, you only get one month out of twelve that brings you this hard-working, systematic energy of the number 4, so make it count!


Some of last month’s lighter activities may spill over into the beginning of July. Yet know that, from July 3rd to 18th, there may be a good deal of responsibility to take care of, primarily related to your domestic realm and home life.

It’s time to secure your foundations—both literally and metaphorically. Just know that a solid plan followed up by diligent effort brings great results. The satisfaction of a job well done will be your reward. No more diversions or procrastination. Get down to it.

Is it time to brush up your resumé and start networking for that better job? Maybe it’s a time to review your personal “mission statement” and make some determinations for how you’d like the rest of the year to unfold across the board.

Also know that legal or financial matters may need some attention. Don’t put these off. Get out the files, read through the fine print, and do what needs to be done.

Take some time to check on any health matters that may be affecting you, particularly around July 21st.

Hold on, though, because from July 24th on, the workload you’ve been carrying is likely to diminish considerably. The month may close with some lighter social activities.

Also know that you might experience an unexpected lesson in self-discipline, given to you by an unlikely source, such as a child or other family member.

It’s a great month to take a look at an old emotional wound(s) that might be standing in your way. Expose it. Look at it. Dismantle it. Express it. Then its power over you will start disintegrating—or at least it will be pulled into your consciousness in a different way so that it can begin to be dealt with differently.


July offers some moments designed to offer experiences and information that assist you in finding your “place.”

This can show up as finding a new place in your career with a promotion—or perhaps you change jobs and begin to feel out a new place on that realm. Yet since it’s your 6 Personal Year, this most likely will show up as finding your place within your relationship life and also your home life.

Either way, the emphasis is on exploring a sense of place and where you feel a sense of contentment and identity.


>If you want to review the nuts-and-bolts of the 6 Personal Year, watch this short video.



**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!