3 Personal Year | July is a 1 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for July: This is the month to take bold steps forward and believe that everything is possible.


This is your month to express yourself and take the lead. You’re really working with all things having to do with creative self-expression and emotional sensitivity this year. There’s a lot of emphasis in connecting with your truth and working with improving communication on every level.

If there are blocks in these areas—and let’s face it, you’d have to be in a coma not to have a few issues in these areas—it’s coming up to be dealt with and won’t be ignored.

This is a year for anything and everything self-improvement related. It’s focused on fun, creativity, and tapping into your expressive emotional landscape.

Yet, understand that this can also be a year where you’ll be challenged to work on expressing your emotions clearly and effectively, so you’ll be offered plenty of opportunities to practice this feat!

So for example, you’re having a few relationship issues crop up, pressing you to communicate more clearly or bring some harder conversations to the table— that’s what I mean. The 3 Personal Year throws out the status quo and pushes you to ask for more from yourself and of others in the realm of communication and emotional connection.

Interestingly, in your 3 Personal Year, you only get one month out of twelve that brings you this initiating, leadership energy of the number 1, so make it count!


One of the things that I find happens in the 3 Personal Year is that we experience periodic intensity and a heaviness with our emotional life, however that might play out at the moment.

Although this is year where lightness is encouraged, the opposing forces can’t be underestimated. It’s a time where a bit of depression or emotional ups and downs might seep into the mix.

A wave of new direction is coming into play this month for you and it can feel oh-so good. New opportunities open up around July 7th. They’ll continue or expand the progress with some of the activities you’ve been developing for the last six months.

Yet also understand that—while you’re finding yourself faced with some fantastic opportunities—the way in which you want to work with them or incorporate them into your life may feel somewhat indefinite and downright uncertain.

You also might be feeling a bit fatigued energetically. So make sure to devote some time and effort to self-care this month. Take that hike, avoid refined sugar, go to bed early. Whatever it takes to revive and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.


This can also be a turn-around relationship month where you begin to reap the benefits of all that practice you’ve been having with expressing and communicating yourself emotionally. 

And speaking of emotions—were we speaking of emotions?—July offers a few hum-dingers to you on a platter. So the solution for you is not to chew on these high-intensity emotions all by your lonesome.

Instead, funnel your feelings into your creative projects. It’s the time to bring your emotions to the surface and turn toward contributing something to others rather than stewing in your own juice. Don’t bottle it up.

July offers some moments that are designed to jolt you out of complacency and serve as a catalyst for you to stand up and take the lead in your life. The jolt can either feel unsettling or invigorating—your choice! It’s a time where the more you lean into your unique viewpoints about yourself and about life, the better off you’ll be.


>>If you want a reminder about the nuts-and-bolts of the 3 Personal year, watch this short video.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!