2 Personal Year | July is a 9 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for July: This is the month to let go. As one door closes another door opens!


This is the month to let go. As one door closes another door opens!

This is your month to cross over the bridge. On the most basic realm, this year is all about slowing down and developing new levels of patience and trust in the unpredictability of right timing. It’s also a year where the development of your relationships and EQ (Emotional Intelligence) take the front seat.

This entire year is all about cultivating more love in your life, whatever that means for you at this point. If you’ve been reading your forecast for the year, this isn’t news to you!


July is a month of cleaning house on several fronts.

Now is the time to finally release an old association, activity or relationship that has outworn its usefulness in your life. You’ll suddenly realize that the effort you’ve been putting in to sustaining it has been well spent and now you can give yourself permission to say “Bye Felicia!”

All of that patience and cooperation you’ve been mustering in regard to this matter or issue is no longer needed. You’ve done your best—when July is over, you can move forward with a deep sense of confidence (and an ultimate sense of relief) that this part of your life has turned a corner.

This can be a relationship, a project, or even just a way of reacting to a particular recurring issue. In that scenario, this could be the time where you finally (once and for all) reconfigure the way you deal with your inept boss, your meddling friend, or any other person with whom you have a repeating pattern of challenge, difficulty, or something that’s just out-stayed its usefulness.

I realize it’s not like waving a magic wand. Yet when you close this door with decisiveness, you can recalibrate yourself and set your sights on what’s ahead rather than be constantly attempting to fix or make allowances for what is lingering or has passed.

I’m also very careful when I discuss the possibility of a termination, ending, or transition. Please don’t have a freak out! This is often something that has been building and is somewhat expected.

So it doesn’t take away the feelings that a shift or a loss might bring, yet it will only leave room for your bigger, better, and brighter future.

Also, sometimes this can be a termination that happens with more subtlety. Perhaps you realize that a friend who wasn’t really adding much to your life hasn’t texted you in weeks and you resist the temptation to reach out, letting it fall away organically.

Maybe it comes as a decision, mental shift, or emotional transition. The key here is in being open to movement forward rather than holding on to whatever needs to roll on through.

This could also come into your world as simply a next step. Perhaps you move from one house or geographical location to another, bringing some emotions around leaving a place or person and moving into a next phase. None of it’s bad, it’s just navigating the good-bye’s and opening yourself to something new and uncharted.


In the midst of this, a few business and personal activities can reach a long-awaited conclusion about July 2nd or 9th, opening the door for some unexpected opportunities.

Be prepared, too, for a surprising sense of emotion connected to these culminations and endings.  Along with your own emotional tenderness, you may have to deal with strong feelings and hypersensitivity of a few close friends or family members.

Even though your energy could feel slightly low and your personal emotions somewhat taxed, make every effort to be understanding and compassionate—both to yourself and to the others involved.

Around July 28th, there’s a good chance you’ll begin to sense that matters are opening up and a weight is being lifted from your shoulders. Just understand that July can still feel somewhat unsettling and unclear. Next month opens some new doors as long as you close some this month.

Closure is a key player for you in July.

It’s time to wrap something up, close something out, and remain open for completely new opportunities.

Master 11/2 Personal Year

If you’re in your 11/2 Personal Year, you might not experience such a slow down after all. That double 1 can actually bring new starts in at break-neck speed during an 11/2 Personal Year. Yet there will still be delays. It can feel edgy.

The potential benefits are enormous yet it can feel like a jolt of lightning being zapped into a vat of tar—a bit of an electrifying mess!

Along with it being a slower, relationship-oriented and emotional year, you’ll be presented with opportunities to learn deeply personal spiritual lessons. This can manifest in every way imaginable—from coping with crisis to embracing massive success.

Interestingly, in your 2 or 11/2 Personal Year, you only get one month out of twelve that brings you this closure and clearing energy of the number 9, so make it count!


Don’t know if you’re experiencing a Master 11/2 Personal Year or not?

Here’s how the calculation might look:

Reminder:  The Personal Year is calculated by adding the MONTH + DAY of your birth with the CURRENT YEAR.

Example of a Master 11/2 Personal Year:

August 22

August = 8

22 = 22 (Master numbers aren’t reduced)

2024 = 8

8 + 22 + 8 = 38

3 + 8 = 11

This is an 11/2 Personal Year

>If you want a reminder about the nuts-and-bolts of the 2 Personal Year, watch this video.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!