2 Personal Year | May is a 7 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for May: This is the month to breathe into yourself and see what unfolds.


May is upon us and there’s no better time to circle back and offer a reminder about the key elements or themes you’re working with all year long in your 2 or 11/2 Personal Year.

I like to describe the Personal Year as knowing the theme to your party!  It’s so much more fun!

And I think it’s valuable to think of it in exactly that way.  As if you’re showing up for a party (that you happen to have to attend for an entire twelve months!), so most certainly you’d rather know if it’s a baby shower, birthday party, Bachelor (or Bachelorette) Party, Memorial service, or a drinking party with Charades.

Ah, yes. Don’t show up to the wrong party wearing the wrong outfit!

For you in your 2 or 11/2  Personal Year, the key themes are:  patient progress, love and relationships, networking, and fine-tuning your emotional life. 

What I love about numerology is that it offers us the key elements that are always in play, supporting us and offering opportunities. So, if we know the themes and energies that are available to us, then we can focus and intentionally use that supportive energy to our benefit.

Either we can use the energy OR the energy can use us!


One of the lessons of the number 2 has to do with empathy.  How do we cultivate a sense of connectedness and compassion? How can we practice it consistently, even in the face of conflicting or opposing forces?

I’m sure you’re working with some up-close-and-personal family and relationship-driven dynamics pretty consistently, given that this is a primary theme of the 2 Personal Year.

Whether the issues reside with immediate family (as a former family member of mine observed, “Family are friends you can’t choose”) or your friends and associates, this is a perfect month to establish yourself in a new and revised way within your relationship circle.

It’s a good time to step back and evaluate your engagement with your intimate partner, if you’re currently part of a couple. Is this person someone who supports you or is this a person who takes more than gives?

Or perhaps it’s vice-versa and you’re being called upon to reconnect and build intimacy in a revised and more effective way.

And if you’re not currently with an intimate partner and would like to be, what do you really, really, really want?

The energy of the 2 presses us to understand ourselves better in the realm of love and relationships.  Again, how do we love and how do we want to be loved in return?  And how do we develop and practice dynamic emotional boundaries?

This year is devoted to these questions.

Now, you’re bridging into May, which is a contemplative and planning month guided by the energy of the number 7.

May is giving you a huge “thumbs up” and a permission slip to take some time by yourself and pursue some soul-expanding activities. This might show up as some on-line meditations, enrolling in an on-line course or Mastermind, or when you take the additional time to yourself for reading, writing, or any other activity that engages the deeper crevices of your being.

The 2 (of your 2 Personal Year) holds out heightened promise for the development of your intuitive skills across the board. It’s a time to understand and learn to manage your energetic, emotional, and psychic sensitivities. Mixed with the spiritually-probing energy of the 7 that you get all month long, this can be an amazing month for personal revelations and spiritual growth.

Investigate some special interest you’re drawn toward on May 4th or do some studying to brush up on material that affects your current work or your creative projects, sometime around May 9th or 18th.  From May 28th on, you’ll want to spend more time with friends and associates.


The energy of this month supports all things associated with the exploration of higher purpose. This is the perfect time to sit down and make an inventory of what’s working for you in your life and what you’d like to shift. Be honest with yourself. Dig deep.

The key here is also to remember that this entire year is full of delays, temporary stoppages, and strange obstructions. 

Yet the point of all of that is to offer you some downtime. A little rest is the offering!  Will you accept it?

This year is designed as a year where you are the gardener and your primary task is in tending and cultivating the garden you planted and put in the ground last year.

There are those moments where it’s busy and urgent, when you need to spend more time weeding, adjusting how much you’re watering each of the rows of plants, and times when one of the plants dies and you need to dig it up and put it in the compost pile. Otherwise, it’s all about nurturing and giving the plants the necessary time to grow, mature, and ripen.


Patience is a key feature for you this year and let’s just be honest here.  No one really is a super-fan of waiting or being patient for something known — or unknown — to find it’s right time and unfold on its own. Yet that’s exactly what this year is all about.

And let’s not underestimate how glorious that actually can be. As just a little “for example:” Did you watch the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit?

Apparently, the writer of that script spent (wait for it . . . ) THIRTY YEARS shopping that script around.  No one wanted it.  No one thought that a story about chess could ever be interesting or successful, nor a story about a female chess player.

Yet, thirty-years in the making, The Queen’s Gambit is, I gather, one of the most viewed and highly rated Netflix series ever.

There are so many stories that show us that it’s all about the timing. Author Kate DiCamillo’s award-winning story Because of Winn-Dixie was rejected something like 437 times before being taken on by a publisher. J.K. Rowling was a single-mother on welfare writing parts of Harry Potter on café napkins because she couldn’t afford paper.

So, there’s something to be said for time, place, and timing.  And the rewards of delayed gratification. So if you ever feel frustrated this year, just think about the writer of The Queen’s Gambit, Kate DiCamillo or J.K. Rowling. Or insert your inspiration of choice!

Master 11/2 Personal Year

And if you’re experiencing the 11/2 Personal Year, this is a deep dive for spiritual growth, self-actualization, and defining and refining your intuitive capabilities.

For you in May, expect some “ah-ha” moments to reveal themselves to you throughout the month. Allow time to process and digest your experiences from the first of the year until now.  Enjoy taking the time for some extended percolation.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!