4 Personal Year | July is an 11/2 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for July: This is the month to remain open to dramatic change. This is a turning point month!


This is your month to explore limiting beliefs. Understand that the tendency at this point in your hard-driving 4 or 22/4 Personal Year is to feel rather martyrish about all the work you’ve been doing.

It might be the time to step back for a moment and allow a little fun now and again. Really. Life is too long—and too short—to be so serious about every little thing.

Even though the point of the 4 Personal Year is to batten down the hatches, there’s also delicate balance to be struck. You don’t want to fall down the rabbit hole of unending pressure, work, and more work. Even in a year devoted to getting things in order, there must be a release valve built-in, or there will be an implosion or explosion.

Last month felt like a swift kick in the pants—hopefully in a good way. Yet it was very much focused on action (and follow-through) and more action (and more follow-through).


Oddly, July is a significant turning point for you, although it might not feel like it. You won’t be able to see how important it was for you until you look back with hindsight in a few months, or maybe even at some point next year.

Temporary delays you don’t anticipate may hold up several ventures between July 9th and 20th. Help to keep things moving, yet—I remind you—don’t force matters. The more you push, the more frustrated you’ll get. The gaps and weird spirals are actually set up to bring other things into play for you.  The issue is that you can’t see that yet!  It’s all in the timing. And the timing necessary is almost guaranteed not to be your timing.


If a colleague needs your personal assistance, particularly during the week of July 13th, this will prove a valuable place to focus your efforts.

I want to give you a prescription for the month. Find ways to relax on every level. The energy of the 4 requires hard work and yet also requires scheduled downtime.  Otherwise the nervous tension and stress can get the better of you. Burn out, anyone?


July is also a Master number 11 month for you—on top of everything else!—so there will be some intensity surrounding virtually everything.

The 11 is the number of spiritual illumination, yet you must slow down enough to be receptive to the messages and signs as they show up for you.

On or about July 18th, allow some time for meditation, contemplation, or spiritual studies. New insights you gain now may turn out to be of considerable importance during the last half of the year.

Look for synchronicities, be open for a message, and tap into your intuition. Taking time can simply mean being intentional about the present moment. Slow down or simply take added care to savor and experience each task, each moment, each experience. That is when you can truly align with the power of the Master 11 energies that you have at hand this month.

July offers some moments that are designed to open you up and show you some deeper truths about yourself, about others, and about your life.

Master 22/4 Personal Year


If this is your 22/4 Personal Year, add a dash of love, diplomacy, and pay close attention to your intuitive hits right now. This can be a hard-driving month of more meetings, more fires to put out, and more demands on your time to move whatever your working on forward with additional drive, creativity, and leadership.

All of the forecast for the 4 Personal Year applies to you — yet you might also read the forecast for the 2 Personal Year for the month and see what issues and energies might bleed over into your world.

The Master 22/4 holds the foundational energy of the 4, then add a double-dose of the energy of the 2 on top of it!

If you’re experiencing a 22/4 Personal Year, in addition to the core elements of the number 4, you have the added intensity related to the Master Number 22. offering you additional challenges and more phenomenal opportunities. The potential benefits are enormous.

If you’re experiencing a Master 22 Personal Year, it’s quite intense and prods you to up the ante with your work and career goals. I’m not big on self promotion, yet you can get detailed information about the Master number 22/4 in my book Master Numbers 11, 22, 33:  The Ultimate Guide.  It’s quite beneficial to understand the powerful energy that comes with the Master 22.

Interestingly, in your 4 or 22/4 Personal Year, you only get one month out of twelve that brings you this month’s patience building and spiritually illuminating energy of the Master 11/2, so make it count!


Don’t know if you’re experiencing a Master 22/4 Personal Year or not?

Here’s how the calculation might look:

Reminder:  The Personal Year is calculated by adding the MONTH + DAY of your birth with the CURRENT YEAR.

Example of a Master 22/4 Personal Year:

March 11

March = 3

11 = 11 (Master numbers aren’t reduced)

2024 = 8

3 + 11 + 8 = 22

This is a 22/4 Personal Year

>>If you want to review the nuts-and-bolts about the 4 or 22/4 Personal Year, watch this short video.

**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!