8 Personal Year | October is a 9 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for October: This is the month to allow a few things to take the exit ramp!


This is a month to release, surrender, and let go of anything that needs to make an exit from your life.

Think back to January of this year.  What was unfolding for you then?  The energy of the month of October is the same as it was for you in January— the transitional and humanitarian-focused 9.

Yet I find when we repeat a cycle within a cycle—meaning you’re revisiting a 9 Personal Month within a full Personal Year—it’s beneficial to look back and see what was happening during that month and to then see how you might be offered an “up-leveling” of your experience as you walk through it again.

It’s a time where you can elevate and integrate more deeply the lessons and opportunities presented to you at this time.


Wow, this has been some kind of year, hasn’t it? The 8 Personal Year ignites a three-year transition cycle and you’re in the final throes of it. The pressure has been intense this year just at the get-go. October is your time for endings and completions. You’ll be letting go, finishing, and letting the universe take the reins for a moment.

You’ll find closure perhaps on October 9th and 27th. Yet October 18th stands out as a date for letting go of something long-standing in your life and opening to another possibility. This is the time where several of your ventures begin to show significant signs of closure and/or it marks the start of a final transition or reconfiguration.

Of course, this can be work related or it can come about with a relationship or other area in your life. It can also be a shedding of an old personal identity that simply no longer fits or is valid any longer.

Please know that this doesn’t mean death and destruction necessarily!  This can indicate a letting go of some aspect of yourself or of something in your life that simply needs to change forms. Maybe you’ve been putting all this time and energy into a product and you just need to let go of a certain construct around what it is and how it should be rolling out and instead be open to the project reformulating itself in a positive way. The same with relationships. Letting go of certain outworn patterns of engagement can make their way into your world this month.

This year has offered you experiences that can shift your perceptions and your sense of yourself to the very core. The emphasis is often financial or career-driven, yet that is always attached to the more intimate way in which we view ourselves, our worth, and how we’re able to feel a healthy sense of power and control in our lives.

While the energy of the 8 (your Personal Year number) often is seen as “the money number,” it’s so much more than that.


October is the month to begin looking at your various ventures and contemplating what you want to phase out in the months to come in anticipation of your upcoming year, which will be the end of a nine-year cycle for you.  You’ll be heading into a 9 Personal Year, the completion of a cycle, in 2025. Your focused and concerted effort has attracted and helped manifest your successes this year. Take time to let the satisfaction that you’re feeling sink in. Think about what you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come.

Rather than hustle through it and on to the next thing, take a moment to reflect and celebrate. Celebrate your accomplishments that you’ve achieved this year. Write yourself a “thank you” note for coming to the table ready to rumble and to expand your horizons.

The energy related to the number 9 (the vibe of your month) is a humanitarian one and will call upon you to be empathetic and understanding in your dealings with friends and colleagues. Know that there’s a possibility that lovers, close personal friends or business associates may eventually be moving on, either by your choice or of their own volition.

It’s like a retrograde period of your year—a moment to stop and review. 

So rather than, for instance, not forgiving yourself for some infraction in the past, perhaps this is a place where you can see it as the required experience for the balancing and growth of your soul.  Wouldn’t that be a relief?

Take time to be with those with whom you feel closest—with whom you feel the most seen, heard, and appreciated. I saw a great saying the other day that basically said:

Question: “What’s more important, the journey or the destination?”

Answer: “The people you take with you.”


By now, I would bet money that you’re feeling fatigued and very low on fuel. This is a good month to realize that you’ll feel better when you only place a light expectation on what you would like to see happen and leave a lot of space for the unexpected.

As Paulo Coelho observes: “I think it’s important to realize you can miss something, but not want it back.”  These could be your watch words for the month.

Just know that this is like a commencement—you’re graduating into the next and vital part of your life.  It might feel somewhat confusing or bittersweet, yet it’s time to move forward.


Those of you who’ve followed me for a while know that I’m someone who offers different schools of thought as they show up in numerology—pointing out different modes of calculating the numbers and disparate ways different numerologist’s do things.

I have always pointed out that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. I’m hesitant to do constant reminders about it because, let’s be honest, it can be confusing! And let’s be honest again: Many people just want the 25-second byte of info without thinking much about it.

Be that as it may, I am going to remind you that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. Most numerologist’s use the January 1 – December 31st mode of thinking. Others proffer that the Personal Year is more like a solar return (for those of you who’re astrology-minded), instead running from birthday-to-birthday.

If you’re born at the first of the year, this doesn’t effect you as much. Yet once you hit mid-year and beyond, this can really make a difference. And how do you know what’s right and what’s not right?  BY HOW YOU FEEL! It’s up to each of us to feel it out and see what feels right to us individually.

**The key to avoid as much confusion if you want to explore the birthday-to-birthday scenario:  You would calculate your Personal Year based on the year of YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY. So if you’re reading this right now and your birthday is November 11, you would calculate your Personal Year by adding the Month + Day + LAST YEAR (2023).

In this example, it is 11 + 11 + 7 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7) = 29; and 2+9 = 11.  Up until 11/11, you’re in an 11/2 Personal Year and then you CHANGE INTO THE 3 PERSONAL YEAR on your birthday. Then you begin to read the forecast for the 3 Personal Year. Make Sense?  I don’t want to rock your numerology world, yet it’s only fair to consider both options and see what works for you.


> If you want a reminder about the nuts-and-bolts of the 8 Personal Year, watch this short video.



**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!