8 Personal Year | May is a 4 Personal Month

🧭 Directive for May: This is the month to empower yourself in ways you could never have imagined in the past.


May is upon us and there’s no better time to circle back and offer a reminder about the key elements or themes you’re working with all year long in your 8 Personal Year.

I like to describe the Personal Year as knowing the theme to your party!  It’s so much more fun!

And I think it’s valuable to think of it in exactly that way.  As if you’re showing up for a party (that you happen to have to attend for an entire twelve months!), so most certainly you’d rather know if it’s a baby shower, birthday party, Bachelor (or Bachelorette) Party, Memorial service, or a drinking party with Charades.

Ah, yes. Don’t show up to the wrong party wearing the wrong outfit!

For you in your 8 Personal Year, the key themes are:  financial gain (and potential loss or fluctuation), personal empowerment on every level, endurance, and proper management and organization.

What I love about numerology is that it offers us the key elements that are always in play, supporting us and offering opportunities. So, if we know the themes and energies that are available to us, then we can focus and intentionally use that supportive energy to our benefit.

Either we can use the energy OR the energy can use us!


May is the time to get your organization and management skills down to a fine art.

You’ll know what I mean when there’s a break down in organization this month that requires that you work extra hours to reorganize so that things can run smoothly and effectively.

Between May 15th and 27th, it’s time to firm up the foundations in several places so that further building of your projects can continue with success. You’ll be required to take care of the ongoing work — yet keep a clear picture of the benefits that will accrue so that you don’t get discouraged.

The energy here isn’t linear — it’s intensely pressurized and highly resilient. Yet you can have a financial windfall one week and a financial disaster the next. It’s all in the cards. The test is in how you handle it.

If the amount of work makes you feel restricted, know that it’s a temporary but necessary step along the road you’re traveling. Especially during this financially weird and unstable period of time, there is certainly added emphasis here that is no joke. This is push-time.

Get ready to tackle many details that will crop up from May 9th to the end of the month.

Know also that you can have a lot of ups and downs this year and this month highlights the very-real practicalities it’ll take to hammer out a plan and have the resolve and guts to follow-through with it.


The month May is grounded in the Personal Month number 4. 

The number 4 is what I might say is the lower octave of the 8. When they “play together,” there can be a powerful harmony.

Yet this month, if you thought it was all about fun and loosening up, think again.  The lighter elements come into play for you next month, in June. If there’s ever a month designed to test your moxy and resolve, this is it.

When the 4 shows up, it’s all about the slow and steady process of defining and meeting a goal. It’s mandatory that you get the right information, formulate a plan, and get down to business.

Of course, most likely this is all about business — your career, finances, investments, that sort of thing — yet this can be in your personal life as well. I would daresay that there will be a few family-related issues that raise their voice this month and you’ll need to face them head-on in a different way that you are accustomed to dealing with them.

It’s your 8 Personal Year after all, which means that you’re task at hand is all about empowering yourself in areas that you could really benefit from it!

And who couldn’t use a dose of “tough love” when it comes to certain ways that we might be drawn into dysfunctional family dynamics?

This can be a month that’s less about hammering away at your business ventures and instead the focus is on establishing your sense of stability. This can show up as a physical move, relocation, or exploratory mission to see where you might want to set down roots. Still, though, it demands systematic thinking and getting your ducks in a row.

So now’s the time! Have at it!  Step up and stand up for yourself.

I do love what numerologist Juno Jordan observes about the 8 Personal Year when she says:  “Do not be too materially minded now, for while money is power, you may find more power in being free of something than in trying to hang on.” 

So while, yes, the 8 Personal Year is money-focused, consider also that the 8 invites you to rise to the highest octave of the energy of the 8, which is about mastering yourself, mastering your finances, and mastering your spiritual self as well.

No one ever said it would be an easy one-way street, did they?

The month of May pressures you to take command of yourself, instill clear-headed goals, and act with precision and with a longer-range goal in mind. Those bright and shiny objects will fly at you, hoping to distract you from your more vital and important task at hand.

Again, next month you can free things up a bit, yet this month, get tenacious about what you want and then go after it with diligence and dedication.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!

