5 Personal Year | February is a 7 Personal Month

🤔  Reflection for February:  How can you carve out time for pondering, gathering more intel, and placing the data into the right configuration?


Even though 2025 is a year that’s turbo-charged with twists and turns, in February you’ll want to spend some time solo and unplugged. Overall, it’s a contemplative month.

February is prep time. It’s all about pondering, gathering more intel, and placing the data into the right configuration. This is the time to prepare for what’s next.




Next month (March) is launch time. February is the time to make sure everything is keyed in appropriately. Is your data correct? Is the research solid? Did you miss any key factors?

If you’re interested in spiritual matters, part of this month—particularly during the week of February 18th—provide great times to meditate and spend added time studying in whatever way you choose—reading books, attending classes and seminars, taking on-line courses, writing and journaling, or teaching your own courses.

Both the energies of the numbers 5 (your Personal Year vibe all year long) and 7 (the energy you’re experiencing during the month of February) are quite heady and need healthy outlets for built-up or pent-up energies. How’s the healthy eating regimen going? Have you been exercising with consistency? Drinking plenty of properly mineralized water? Removing toxic emotional patterns?

Time spent near water or out in nature in any way, shape or form will feel particularly clarifying right now. Enjoy some self-directed time of your choice. Even though you’ll have spurts of wanting to spring into action—if you act impulsively—the timing will be off.

The energy of the 5 Personal Year begs the question: Where do I feel stuck, stagnant or repressed in my life? With that question as your prompt, this is the perfect month to sit with those questions and feel into the answers.

Think of February more as a data-collection month. It’s all about trusting the timing. Don’t push it. Take time for yourself and for digging into the deeper depths.




I listened to a brief podcast featuring relationship expert Esther Perel (a powerful 8 Life Path).

Here’s a quote from her that I’m grabbing as a mantra or affirmation for 2025 (and beyond…).




>If you want a reminder about the nuts-and-bolts of the 5 Personal Year, watch this short video.


Note: There are two schools of thought regarding the Personal Year.

The first is that it runs from January 1 – Dec. 31 of each calendar year.

The Personal Year is derived from adding together your MONTH of birth + the DAY of birth + the CURRENT YEAR.

Therefore, the logical flow is that it takes place for the calendar year for which it is being calculated.

**Remember: If you subscribe to this mode of thought, your Personal Month RESETS and CHANGES on January 1.


The second mode of thought is that the Personal Year runs from birthday to birthday, somewhat like a Solar Return in Astrology.

If you know my work at all, you’ll know that I’m someone who simply attempts to point out the different schools of thought and then the ball is in your court. It’s up to each of us to determine method makes the most sense to us and feels right or correct.

It’s like anything else in life. People can get really adamant about the correct diet (keto? paleo? vegan? gluten-free? vegetarian? and on and on).

You can go to different doctors with the same condition and get different courses of treatment. You can study Pythagorean numerology, or subscribe more to Chaldean numerology, or other modalities.

I don’t mean to belabor it, but it might surprise you how many people contact me and leave comments insisting that their particular methodology is the only right way to do it.

If you subscribe to the birthday-to-birthday way of thinking, you calculate this way:  Using your birth date, add the MONTH + DAY + YEAR OF YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY

Just know that you’ll change into a new Personal Year on your BIRTHDAY, meaning that you’ll also change which Personal Year you read for your Forecast! This mode of thinking is more confusing until you wrap your brain around it.  đź’Ą


So I just want to be clear. It’s up to YOU to determine what school of thought feels right to you. And it’s ends up being just that:  HOW IT FEELS. Sit with it. Ponder it. Feel into it.

If you feel the Personal Year runs from birthday-to-birthday, you will still reference the forecast for your Personal Year, yet the flow of it is a bit more wonky. Meaning: On your birthday, it switches gears and might feel as if it’s more of a dramatic or abrupt shift.

Either way, the forecast still applies to you. Just use your own mind, body, and spirit to make the most out of the information.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!