3 Personal Year | December is a 6 Personal Month

End-of-Year Reflection 🎁

This is a month where you’ll want to stick to home base. It’s all about your family and closest relationships in December.

While that’s often how it feels during the holidays anyway, this feels more intense and vital for you right now. All the work you’ve done during your 3 Personal Year around speaking your truth and healing personal trauma will be tested (in a good way!) this month.

Take time to acknowledge how everything you’ve experienced in your 3 Personal Year has expanded you emotionally and creatively. Did you get to know yourself and your internal workings on a more intimate level this year Please tell me you’ve been out socializing, communicating like a pro, and getting real with your emotions.


As we near the end of the year, December brings with it some intensity surrounding family and home. Yes, I know it’s the holidays and that’s often the case across the board.

Yet for you, this will be an extra home-centered time where you’ll feel added responsibilities and duties surrounding your family obligations. It can also bring up issues of pain or lack that you feel about your family. Many people have difficulties during the holidays that bring up feelings of loss, trauma, and other emotions that stem from family dynamics.

Alternately, this can be a joyful and close time, full of contentment and gratitude — I can just feel that halo of holiday cheer in its most positive form! It can be a month where you get a lot of joy out of some creative projects or by commandeering some social events or get-togethers. Getting the kids or friends into the car for some drive-by Christmas light tours or enjoying an exciting family tradition can be in the mix.

Given that the 6 arrives at the end of your 3 Personal Year, this can also bring up questions around where you’re living.  When the 6 shows up (as it does for you this month), it brings in questions and experiences related to your home. Do you feel “at home?”  If not, this is a month where that issue might come up to the surface more directly.

If you’re feeling adrift regarding your home life, this month can galvanize and prioritize this aspect of your life to a point where you feel propelled to make some decisions or changes in your home life.

This can show up as buying or selling a home, moving into a new apartment, or even moving geographically. Or let’s say this comes into play in a less dramatic way, as painting your home office, cleaning out the basement, or committing to a Feng Shui sweep of your home.

The energy of the number 6 is all about giving and service—anything in this realm will be very much in alignment for you this month.

December is a heightened time to focus on home, family, and children. Perhaps you surprise your staff or employees with a special party or offer them some appreciation that’s heart-felt and more personalized than usual.

If kids and that kind of extended family aren’t in the mix for you, then this can be a “warm and fuzzy” time where you nurture yourself and whatever close relationships you have with added devotion—be those friends, family, the fur-babies or any other variation.

As you leave your 3 Personal Year and enter into your 4 or 22/4 Personal Year, take some time to consider the locus of your self-improvement this year. What did you focus on? What were your over-arching intentions?

Did you finish writing your book or get that recording contract? Did you improve your relationships with better communication or did you end a relationship because of a lack of authenticity?

Perhaps you have a new personal look through weight loss, new hairstyle, or wardrobe upgrade.

Have you made decisions about how to improve your business or work situation?  Maybe you’re reeling from the many emotional triggers that challenged you throughout the year.

Or perhaps you blazed through the year and didn’t give yourself the time or energy to tap into a lighter sense of things. If that’s the case, you might be reeling with exhaustion or depression right about now.

The upcoming year is the time for getting real in multiple ways. This shakes out with whatever thematic your working with at this point in your life. It’s a time where you’ll be investigating your sense of home and security—and that can manifest as moving, building a home, or even beginning to investigate where you truly want to call home.

It’s a time devoted to getting serious about yourself and your future—and not only your future, but also your now. What needs focus, management, and organization in order to move in the direction you would like it to move toward?

The key is to know that the energy of the upcoming year is not a sprinting energy. It’s not fast paced. It’s not immediate. The energy of the 4 is slow, deliberate, and demands concerted effort and a certain level of tenacity to get things accomplished.


In 2025, it demands that you investigate the foundations in your life and come up with a longer-range plan. It’s all about the process and sticking with it.

Also know that the energy of the number 4 governs health and one of the great lessons of the 4 is about learning how to get the work done and also schedule time for lighter activity, true relaxation, and instituting healthy practices across the board.

Also be aware that this upcoming year is also meant to be the year where you implement some of those more substantial creative projects you’ve been working on this year. Now that the creation-time is mostly wrapped up. the upcoming year ushers in the supportive energy for implementation, marketing, and creating the systems needed to put your creative work out into the world.

Chances are you’re feeling this pull toward battening down the hatches and getting your life in line!  You have all the support you need from the hard-working and results-oriented 4 throughout the entire year of 2025.

Want to know more about the Personal Year Cycle?  Try the PERSONAL YEAR GUIDANCE BUNDLE. Only $17, this is a short video course offering information and guidance about how to understand and optimize the Personal Year Cycle.

I’m dropping some vital astrological information into this forecast. Although I’m not an astrologer (I leave that to my astrology experts, primarily among them Tali & Ophira Edut “The AstroTwins”), as a numerologist, I find that the information both numerology and astrology offer is always intimately connected.

Astrologically, we’re making a massive shift.

As of November 19, 2024, the planet Pluto moved from Capricorn (where it declared residency for the past 16 years — since 2008) and into the sign of Aquarius.  The AstroTwins offer this outline:

Pluto’s upcoming journey through Aquarius, a sign of revolution, innovation, and the collective. From November 19 to Jan. 19, 2044, Pluto will ignite a new era of transformation, one that could radically redefine power structures and usher in a future where equality and freedom take center stage.

Pluto’s return to Aquarius could usher in another wave of societal transformation, and astrologers already feel it brewing.

While that might seem like a far-off ideal, Pluto has been known to deliver extreme shifts when it enters a new sign. While Capricorn clings to tradition, Aquarius is all about breaking free from convention and embracing the future.

The last time Pluto moved through Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798, and the world went through seismic shifts, from the American Revolution to the French Revolution. This era also dovetailed with the early days of the Industrial Revolution, which completely changed how societies functioned as we replaced farmed and handcrafted goods with machine-made and processed ones.

Pluto’s return to Aquarius could usher in another wave of societal transformation, and astrologers already feel it brewing. There could be a push toward systems that are more egalitarian, tech-driven, and inclusive as we move away from top-down structures to a more collective, grassroots energy.  

— see this article in ELLE Magazine and another article about this important cycle here


With that said, this coincides with a powerful and transitional 9 Universal Year. If you’d like to know more about the 9 Universal Year and how to maximize its potential, see my 2025 Numerology Guide.


Those of you who’ve followed me for a while know that I’m someone who offers different schools of thought as they show up in numerology—pointing out different modes of calculating the numbers and disparate ways different numerologist’s do things.

I have always pointed out that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. I’m hesitant to do constant reminders about it because, let’s be honest, it can be confusing! And let’s be honest again: Many people just want the 25-second byte of info without thinking much about it.

Be that as it may, I am going to remind you that there are two schools of thought about the Personal Year. Most numerologist’s use the January 1 – December 31st mode of thinking. Others proffer that the Personal Year is more like a solar return (for those of you who’re astrology-minded), instead running from birthday-to-birthday.

If you’re born at the first of the year, this doesn’t effect you as much. Yet once you hit mid-year and beyond, this can really make a difference. And how do you know what’s right and what’s not right?  BY HOW YOU FEEL! It’s up to each of us to feel it out and see what feels right to us individually.

**The key to avoid as much confusion if you want to explore the birthday-to-birthday scenario:  You would calculate your Personal Year based on the year of YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY. So if you’re reading this right now and your birthday is November 11, you would calculate your Personal Year by adding the Month + Day + LAST YEAR (2023).

In this example, it is 11 + 11 + 7 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7) = 29; and 2+9 = 11.  Up until 11/11, you’re in an 11/2 Personal Year and then you CHANGE INTO THE 3 PERSONAL YEAR on your birthday. Then you begin to read the forecast for the 3 Personal Year. Make Sense?  I don’t want to rock your numerology world, yet it’s only fair to consider both options and see what works for you.


>>If you want a reminder about the nuts-and-bolts of the 3 Personal year, watch this short video.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!