2 Personal Year | March is a 5 Personal Month

🤔  Reflection for March:  How can you key into your adventurous spirit and push yourself out of your comfort zone?


March is a number 5 Personal Month those of you experiencing a 2 or 11/2 Personal Year. This is a month where you’ll be feeling that itch to travel or and shake it up a bit! There’s a chance for travel around March 7th or so. You won’t be able to deny an intense longing and desire for an escape and to take a break right now.

The energy of the number 5 (the vibe of your month of March) brings an energy of sensuality and indulgence. Anything you can do to bring in something fun and adventurous is in alignment with this freewheeling energy.

On March 16th or 18th, you may also find opportunities to advance one or another of your important projects or interests.

If you’re single and ready to mingle, you’ll notice that you to have an added layer of sex appeal right now. Yet with the energy of the 5, don’t make reservations at the same place on the same day at the same time. The 5 invites you to explore, do something new, and expand your horizons. Do something new and different — maybe even something that pushes you out of your comfort zone more than you would usually allow.


It’s your 2 Personal Year, which is a time where love and connection often heightens within your current relationship or “the one” shows up to greet you.

It’s all about love and partnership in 2025, so if you’re single and ready for your “plus one,” this is a sizzling month to dip your toes into the dating water. If you’re happily coupled, make sure you take full advantage of this sexy, adventurous energy.

The issue at play in March, though, also has to do with anything around the concept of freedom.

Where do you feel a sense of freedom in your life and where do you feel stunted, restricted or up against a wall?

There’s a strong chance that there will be an event, happening or experience that will push the envelope for you this month, making you definitely choose something or let go of something that’s (ultimately) tethering you.

Fear is another attribute of the number 5.  Why?  Because the 5 is about fearlessness. It’s about facing your fears head-on and either taming them or wrestling them into submission.

Don’t be surprised if you get at least one of your fears pulled up to the front of the line this month. It’s asking you to take the plunge, dig deep and do what you know you need to do. Fear can also be seen as a limiting belief showing up to give you the opportunity to change that belief — maybe even once and for all!


Master 11/2 Personal Year

If this is your 11/2 Personal Year, understand that there’s always an added intensity on every realm. The occurrences all year long highlight personal awareness and spiritual illumination.

It can feel like you’re riding on a teeter-totter. Up and down, up and down.

If you feel a certain sense of nervous tension or feel that this isn’t a “slow” year at all, you’re most likely knee-deep into the Master 11 energy — a double number 1 vibe.

A quick example of how this looks mathematically:

If your DOB is January 2 you would calculate the Personal Year like this:

January = 1

Day = 2

Year (2024) = 8

1 + 2 + 8 = 11

This is a Master 11/2 Personal Year

It’s time to fine-tune your intuition and learn your own intuitive language. Start noticing even the smallest signs — pay attention to repeating numbers in your daily life, remember and write down your dreams, and take note of synchronicities.

The 11 Personal Year offers heightened spiritual advancement – mixed with some “hurry up and wait.”

As you settle in to your relationship-centered 11/2 Personal Year, know that peacemaking, patience, and diplomacy are highlighted all year long. This is the “core” theme you’re working with.

Yet the double 1 (11) offers a competing agenda.

There’s a whole other world of information ready and waiting for you when you slow down enough to notice and take it in.

The 2 Personal Year is all about truly coming to terms with who you are, from the inside out.

This month, self-inquiry centers on sexuality, relationship connection, and how curious and adventurous you are (or aren’t!). How do you engage with your sensual side?

Your assignment for March is to give yourself permission to tap into your adventurous spirit. Can you get your sexy back this month?



It feels downright wrong not to mention all of the Astrology that’s happening right now!  On February 28, 2025 SEVEN PLANETS fell into alignment, which is, well, it’s a big deal!

See what my colleagues and Astrology experts The AstroTwins have to say about it!

March itself is a wild and dynamic month of Mercury in Retrograde from March 15 to April 7 , not to mention two eclipses. And I’m sure there are other aspects that I’m not mentioning here, and yet you get the picture.

There’s A LOT of cosmic energies being shaken (or stirred!) up in March!  So just understand that all of us will benefit from going and flowing right now.  Release expectations (remember the 9 Universal Year!) and be open to possibility.


>>If you want a reminder about the nuts-and-bolts of the 2 Personal Year, watch this video.


Note: There are two schools of thought regarding the Personal Year.


The first is that it runs from January 1 – Dec. 31 of each calendar year.

The Personal Year is derived from adding together your MONTH of birth + the DAY of birth + the CURRENT YEAR.

Therefore, the logical flow is that it takes place for the calendar year for which it is being calculated.

**Remember: If you subscribe to this mode of thought, your Personal Month RESETS and CHANGES on January 1.


The second mode of thought is that the Personal Year runs from birthday to birthday, somewhat like a Solar Return in Astrology.

If you know my work at all, you’ll know that I’m someone who simply attempts to point out the different schools of thought and then the ball is in your court. It’s up to each of us to determine method makes the most sense to us and feels right or correct.

It’s like anything else in life. People can get really adamant about the correct diet (keto? paleo? vegan? gluten-free? vegetarian? and on and on).

You can go to different doctors with the same condition and get different courses of treatment. You can study Pythagorean numerology, or subscribe more to Chaldean numerology, or other modalities.

I don’t mean to belabor it, but it might surprise you how many people contact me and leave comments insisting that their particular methodology is the only right way to do it.

If you subscribe to the birthday-to-birthday way of thinking, you calculate this way:  Using your birth date, add the MONTH + DAY + YEAR OF YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY

Just know that you’ll change into a new Personal Year on your BIRTHDAY, meaning that you’ll also change which Personal Year you read for your Forecast! This mode of thinking is more confusing until you wrap your brain around it.  đź’Ą


So I just want to be clear. It’s up to YOU to determine what school of thought feels right to you. And it’s ends up being just that:  HOW IT FEELS. Sit with it. Ponder it. Feel into it.

If you feel the Personal Year runs from birthday-to-birthday, you will still reference the forecast for your Personal Year, yet the flow of it is a bit more wonky. Meaning: On your birthday, it switches gears and might feel as if it’s more of a dramatic or abrupt shift.

Either way, the forecast still applies to you. Just use your own mind, body, and spirit to make the most out of the information.


**For those of you who are new to the Monthly Forecast, each month I share pics of my Grand-Dogs! These are my daughters’ dogs: Oliver is the senior gentleman (with one blue eye and one brown eye). Oscar is the Wire-Haired Fox Terrier. Rio is a Pitbull-Mix. They are the Dynamic Trio!