Why You Might Push Love Away | 7 Life Path
November 20, 2023
Why You Might Push Love Away | 9 Life Path
November 20, 2023Why You Might Push Love Away |
8 Life Path
Our involvement with love and relationships are one of the primary reasons we’re here in this world.
As a numerologist, this is one of the key elements people want more insight about. I’m always asked why a relationship didn’t work or how to attract the perfect partner.
Mostly I’m asked: “So what’s my problem? What am I doing wrong? What am I missing?”
Understand that we all have unique issues that influence the way we engage with and approach relationships—whether those are relationships with our family, friends, colleagues or lovers.
Yet knowing some of the innate challenges you might experience is always beneficial and offers some potential insight and areas of illumination that can be useful in defining and understanding how you present yourself in your relationship life and what some of those shadows might be that sneak up and sabotage us.
Knowing your Life Path number is similar to knowing your Sun Sign in astrology.
I would suggest that you broaden your understanding of the complexity of how you might deal with love and relationship by looking at both your Life Path number and also your Expression number, which can be compared in some ways to the Rising Sign in astrology.
So if you know both of those, it’s suggested to read the explanation for both.
Ultimately, when looking at relationship compatibility, I also focus on the Soul Urge number.
Since we’re examining how you might push love away, don’t take these observations personally.
This is what the numbers bring to you, after all! Instead position yourself to look through a viewfinder of curiosity rather than judgment. This is designed to be informative, not critical or judgmental.
Intensity, thy name is 8 Life Path.
Overall, your optimal expression is being at ease with financial abundance, using power and authority wisely and for the good of others, not dwelling in the negative or becoming a victim to circumstances, and being abundantly giving of time, money, and influence to make the world a better place.
Your personal mission is to develop abundance and empowerment in every aspect of your life.
When it comes to love, you’re a “time is money” kind-of person and you think in business-like terms. You look for a partner who fulfills the role of “the other half” of your power couple and you value someone who’s physically attractive and who looks good on your arm.
And let’s face it, you’re often much more focused on work and career, so much so that your significant other can tend to feel neglected and overlooked, even though you’re simply attempting to be a stellar provider.
You have a need to control and that extends to relationships. You can be generous and yet tend to feel that money (or status) can be used as a substitute for one-on-one emotional engagement.
You can push love away by being overly controlling and fixated on power. Emotional availability can be a challenge for you because emotions are a secondary feature as you forge a path of material success. You have zero tolerance for anyone who crosses you, either in love or in business.
You seek a relationship that can support and help you fulfill your goals in life and while you can offer support to a partner, your needs always come first. If you’re challenged with the material abundance that’s at the core of the 8 Life Path, love can materialize in a more dire way—with you in the role of abused (or alternately you can play the role as the abuser). When you’re disempowered, your relationship life can embody and exemplify your deepest shadows.
A reason why you might push love away? Emotionally distant mixed with an unyielding need for control.