Master 11/2 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 2023
Master 33 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 202322 Life Path Child
Knowing how to best support, guide, and just plain understand your child is certainly a parental desire.
Let’s take a look at how to understand and support your child with numerology.
Even though I’ll focus primarily on the Life Path number, please know that your child’s complete chart will offer much more detailed information about what your child is all about.
And yet, if you’re only going to know one number in your entire numerology chart, the Life Path is the one.
It gives you an indication of your child’s life purpose and also indicates what challenges, tendencies, and obstacles will come into play throughout your child’s life.
>>If you don’t know the Life Path, click here to use the Life Path calculator.
If your child is a 2, 4, or 6 Life Path, make sure to see if the number before you digit down to that one-digit number is an 11/2, 22/4, or 33/6. If this number shows up, your child is on a more intense journey and it’s important to know this as a parent.
The Master Number indicates that your child has higher potential and also more intense challenges.
What you need to know is this: It’s not easy!
The Master Number brings with it an intensity that is undeniable. Your child has come here with a higher spiritual purpose. So in practical terms, understand that you’re child is most likely more high-strung and feels a constant push to be more and do more and be better.
Your child’s mission – should they choose to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible music!) is to master their life’s purpose, to lead in whatever they do, and to bring a higher level of spiritual awareness into the world.
Know this: The Master Numbers are inherently in conflict with themselves. Your child’s foundation is indicated by the single-digit number (2, 4, or 6) and the 11, 22, or 33 brings a higher purpose that pushes your child into higher realms that feel innately challenging and uncomfortable.
So please read the description of the single digit Life Path number first, then add to your knowledge about your Master Life Path child with the information about the 11, 22, and 33.
You can also educate yourself with my book Master Numbers: 11, 22 33: The Ultimate Guide.
The Master Numbers can be seen as “testing” numbers.
Here a just a few characteristics of what the Master Numbers have in common:
- Ability to achieve fame
- Frequent need to be alone
- Extremes in emotion
- Nervous tension
- High creativity, leadership ability, and need to work on a grand scale
- A need to surrender to higher spiritual purpose and ideals
My best advice for parents with a child on a Master Path: Your child needs to pace themselves! The Master Path energies are not mastered overnight and can be so intense as to cause burnout. Master energies take years to develop and life’s experiences are necessary to learn the lessons needed to embrace and act upon the higher calling of the Master Path.
Please understand that these gifts and talents usually don’t blossom until much later in life – usually starting in the forties and beyond.
If you have a 22/4 Life Path child, here are some basics:
Masterful teaching and manifesting inspired practical ideas. Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.
The 22/4 Life Path child is here to develop and implement systems that improve the day-to-day lives for a lot of people. The 22/4 child seeks peace, order, stability, and security.
Children with a 22/4 Life Path will be challenged with getting out of their own way. Your child will want to dot all the “i”s and cross all the “t”s, much to the detriment of the over-all task. They’re being pushed to think bigger and get outside of their own box, which is difficult for the 22/4 Life Path. These children can be stubborn and make the same mistakes over and over again. They’ll be challenged with coming to terms with the ways in which they restrict themselves and their efforts with rigid and unyielding thinking – “it can only be done this way!” Ego comes into play with the Master numbers and the 22/4 Life Path child can be a bulldozer when it comes to doing what they think needs to be done.
You’ll have to work with them in these areas:
- The 22/4 Life Path child is here as a Master Builder of things and ideas. Since their natural tendency is to think very literally, they’ll need to work with expanding their thinking into more creative realms.
- Your child is a natural systems person. They might tend to gravitate toward anything having to do with actual building and design.
- The 22/4 Life Path child can have additional health concerns.
- One of your child’s life lessons resides in tapping into the step-by-step hardworking processes that will accomplish their tasks and projects.
Here are a few ways that you can support your 22/4 Life Path child to be the best they can be:
- Divert overwhelm. Your 22/4 Life Path child can be easily overwhelmed. Since their natural “enemy” is anything resembling disorder or chaos, your child thrives on some predictable routine and practical order.
- Gently push them outside of their comfort zone. Part of your child’s mission in life is to manifest dreams into reality in a practical and down-to-earth way. Yet their habit is to limit themselves and not take risks.
- Encourage proper planning and the bigger picture. Your child is learning the value of concerted effort, setting step-by-step goals, and bringing ideas into form and manifestation.
- They are two parts 2 and one part 4!