11/2 Destiny or Expression | You Express With Innovation & Sensitivity
October 24, 2023
3 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 20232 Life Path Child
Knowing how to best support, guide, and just plain understand your child is certainly a parental desire.
Let’s take a look at how to understand and support your child with numerology.
Even though I’ll focus primarily on the Life Path number, please know that your child’s complete chart will offer much more detailed information about what your child is all about.
And yet, if you’re only going to know one number in your entire numerology chart, the Life Path is the one.
It gives you an indication of your child’s life purpose and also indicates what challenges, tendencies, and obstacles will come into play throughout your child’s life.
If you don’t know the Life Path, click here to use the Life Path calculator.
If you have a 2 Life Path child, here are some basics:
To develop their sense of diplomacy, harmony, balance, cooperation, service to group dynamics, and giving/receiving unconditional love. Because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.
Your child is here to be a peacemaker and serve the world in a loving and supportive way.
Children with a 2 Life Path will be challenged with being over-the-top emotionally sensitive! Understand this about your 2 Life Path child – they’re a walking emotional wound until they learn how to construct and act upon healthy emotional boundaries. And – as I’m sure you can understand – this ain’t easy! Your child’s gift is also their curse. They soak in everyone’s emotional “stuff” even though they don’t know it. So your child will come home from school and feel completely drained because of all the emotional baggage s/he’s carrying from the day.
Your 2 Life Path child wants love, acknowledgement, and approval. You’ll have to work with them in these areas:
- Your child tends to need constant validation from everyone around them to the detriment of their healthy personal identity.
- They tend to get hurt so deeply that they’ll turn into the anti-2 Life Path and withdraw with resentment and act aggressively. This happens when they’re feeling emotionally drained or pulled through the emotional wringer.
- Your child will struggle with being the ultimate “pleaser.”
- Your child will go through a period of time when they’re treated like a “doormat” until they can learn to stand up for themselves.
Here are a few ways that you can support your 2 Life Path child to be the best they can be:
- Allow your child to say “no.” Your child is learning healthy emotional boundaries, so any encouragement to step out of the “pleaser” role is great practice for them. The 2 Life Path is innately shy, so encouragement to say “no” and care for their own needs is crucial.
- Encourage group activities. Your child needs to feel as though they belong and are a contributing member to a group.
- Often your child needs additional kudos. Your 2 Life Path child will thrive with added pats on the back from you.