22/4 Destiny or Expression | You Express With Responsibility & A Strong Work Ethic
October 24, 2023
2 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 202311/2 Destiny or Expression |
You Express With Innovation & Sensitivity
Your destiny is to heal and transform others through selfless-service and artistic creativity. You express yourself through loving leadership.
How do you go about expressing your Life Path purpose?
You express your purpose when you recognize and use your creativity, intuition, and healing abilities for the benefit of humanity as a whole.
When you express your Life Path purpose through the 11/2 Destiny/Expression, you can achieve this in a multitude of ways—eliciting an emotional response through dance, music or art. You can work one-on-one or in groups with various healing modalities. Or you can write, entertain or teach.
Remember, you’re a double 1 (leadership, confidence) and yet also a 2 (harmony, love).
You come with some special challenges to fulfill your destiny. A 2 will go out of their way to avoid being in the spotlight. A 2 is most at peace and satisfied when they’re taking the reins behind the scenes while the 11 pushes you into the spotlight.
The Master 11/2 Destiny/Expression brings a consistent level of nervous tension to the mix. You’ll feel as though nothing you do is ever quite enough. You might lean toward impatience and criticism—toward yourself and others—and arm-wrestle with insecurity. If you’re to embrace this destiny, you’ll be required to come to terms with a fairly delicate ego.
This number sets you up for inspired leadership and achievement, yet you’ll most likely feel as though you’re jumping through rings of fire to get there. Your life provides you with plenty of obstacles to get your footing, embrace your high level of spirituality and intuition, and then act upon your gifts in a solid and down-to-earth way that bring your message to the masses.
Yours is the destiny of spiritual illumination, however that speaks to you.
The 11/2 is the dreamer rather than the doer, therefore this Destiny/Expression number requires that you plant your feet firmly on the ground.
You benefit when you build and use your emotional psychic shield daily (meaning, a development of healthy emotional boundaries). Creative or healing work is favored and spiritual development is mandatory.