Your Bosses Leadership Style | 7 Life Path
December 15, 2023
Your Bosses Leadership Style | 9 Life Path
December 15, 2023Your Bosses Leadership Style | 8 Life Path
I received a request from a reader, asking about how to understand the style and traits of bosses by looking at the Life Path number.
(A shout-out to Chantel! Thanks for asking this question!)
Since I’ve not addressed this before, I thought I’d offer my take on it.
Not to complicate matters, yet I would also say, if you can find out the Expression (or Destiny) number of the person in question, that would be an even more complete way to understand leadership style.
(If, for some bizarre reason, you know both the Life Path and the Expression-Destiny number of your boss, read for both numbers to get a more expansive picture of your bosses leadership style).
Because the Expression-Destiny number indicates how you will go about doing what you do. It’s often a great gauge as to what kind of work or career you would be good at or will gravitate toward.
Knowing this aspect will give you an even clearer idea about leadership style than knowing just the Life Path. Although it’s fair to say that it might be much more challenging to discover the Expression-Destiny number of your boss or potential boss, given that it’s calculated from your full birth certificate name, not from your birth date.
With that said, let’s go!
8 Life Path: The CEO & Financial Go-To
Business is the natural habitat of the 8 Life Path. They excel when stepping into an existing structure and bring it into its next and higher level of success and productivity. When in their game, the 8 the ultimate manager and organizer. The 8 boss is large and in charge — with a dominating presence and “time is money” attitude. They’re always thinking bigger and are often focused on the finer things in life. They seek attainment of wealth, status, power, and influence. The 8 boss demands respect.
Style: Since the 8 is all about power (and personal empowerment), money, control, and authority, it’s vital that they step into their role as a top-notch boss and authority figure. In their game, the 8 boss has a high level of integrity. They are resilient, determined, and while they’re meant for success, it doesn’t necessarily come easily. The 8 boss is competitive and wants to win!
What they want and need from YOU (whether they know it or not!):
- They need people who give them the respect and admiration they desire.
- They need true team players who are great at what they do and yet are absolutely devoted to the vision and management style of the 8 boss.
- They want you to be 100% behind them no matter what.
- Generous and giving
- High levels of professionalism
- Can be ruthless and greedy
- Can be emotionally explosive
- Can be intolerant and overbearing
Biggest Nemesis: Dominating and controlling personality.
Think of: RuPaul or Martha Stewart
Ideal: The 8 Life Path boss is generous, good-natured, and up to the task. They’re serious professionals who know how to get the job done and how to bring out the best in their team or staff.