Your Bosses Leadership Style | Master 33/6 Life Path
December 15, 2023
Your Bosses Leadership Style | 8 Life Path
December 15, 2023Your Bosses Leadership Style | 7 Life Path
I received a request from a reader, asking about how to understand the style and traits of bosses by looking at the Life Path number.
(A shout-out to Chantel! Thanks for asking this question!)
Since I’ve not addressed this before, I thought I’d offer my take on it.
Not to complicate matters, yet I would also say, if you can find out the Expression (or Destiny) number of the person in question, that would be an even more complete way to understand leadership style.
(If, for some bizarre reason, you know both the Life Path and the Expression-Destiny number of your boss, read for both numbers to get a more expansive picture of your bosses leadership style).
Because the Expression-Destiny number indicates how you will go about doing what you do. It’s often a great gauge as to what kind of work or career you would be good at or will gravitate toward.
Knowing this aspect will give you an even clearer idea about leadership style than knowing just the Life Path. Although it’s fair to say that it might be much more challenging to discover the Expression-Destiny number of your boss or potential boss, given that it’s calculated from your full birth certificate name, not from your birth date.
With that said, let’s go!
7 Life Path: The Analyst & (sometimes reluctant) Spiritualist
The number 7 is a high-vibe energy and presents with an interesting dichotomy. The 7 boss is fiercely data-driven and yet on the other hand, intensely intuitive. The mantra for the 7 is: “OK, if we’re all having a spiritual experience in a human body, prove it!” The 7 boss is often highly misunderstood. They can appear lofty or snooty, yet often that’s simply the way they “read” to other people. They’re really introverted and processing everything all the time, so that they might appear aloof or detached. And in some ways, they are detached. Emotions are often more foreign or challenging to the 7 Life Path boss. They’re much more comfortable analyzing data than feeling their feelings — or dealing with the feelings of those around them. They’re the boss who intellectualizes everything and might have to work on emotional intelligence.
Style: The 7 Life Path is all about the development of trust and openness. The 7 boss can struggle with feeling too vulnerable and will protect themselves from being too emotionally exposed at all cost. The 7 operates on a different wavelength and can be flummoxed when people totally misread them, their personality, and their overall intentions. They often have an elusive and mysterious energy — as if they’re withholding something. When in their game, the 7 boss is wise, intelligent, and incredibly intuitive.
What they want and need from YOU (whether they know it or not!):
- They need people who are businesslike and not overly emotional when you interact when them. Otherwise, if you can take on the emotional connection and come up with the creative ideas, you can perform a needed function for the 7 Life Path boss.
- A bit of a lone wolf, they need to be left alone some of the time.
- They want you to be methodical and stick to the facts. They can be somewhat eccentric and benefit when you are fluid with their innate introversion.
- Generous with their time and energy when it has a point and a reason
- Loves research and mining data
- Can be difficult to understand their thinking and actions
- A perfectionist – or slightly superficial
- Easily frustrated and irritated
Biggest Nemesis: Isolation, frustration, and perfectionism — and being misunderstood by the team.
Think of: Elon Musk or Taylor Swift
Ideal: The 7 Life Path boss is brainy and also intuitive — when they trust it. They’re serious about doing a spectacular job and love it when the team works together as a cohesive unit, leaving them to their highest and best use, which is to formulate the question or task, gather the data, and bring it all together.