9 Life Path | Adapting To Change & Uncertainty
December 19, 2023
The Question Is The Answer | 2 Life Path
December 19, 2023The Question Is The Answer | 1 Life Path
Haul out Baby Yoda and take a seat on your meditation pillow.
This is a simple take on what I have seen to be a profound truth.
In my ongoing numerology practice, I observe that there are two universal patterns many people have.
And these patterns show up as these consistent questions:
The first: Why is my life SO HARD?
The second: I know I’m special, but no one understands me.
Or: I know I was meant to do something special. What the hell is it?
And now for the Baby Yoda Moment.
What I have also observed is:
The Question is the Answer.
The Problem is the Solution.
The sooner we can pivot our perspective to not only accept this universal truth, but to embrace and embody it, the more we open ourselves to our true passions, true purpose, and true destiny.
Let’s look at how this might show up for the 1 Life Path.
Note: For those of you who know your full numerology profile, you might also read for your Expression or Destiny number and for your Birthday number.
>>Don’t know your full numerology profile? Order yours HERE.
1 Life Path
The Question: Why do I always feel as though no one supports me and my ideas?
The Answer: Because you’re learning how to be self-reliant, trust your inner voice, and to blaze your own path. If you had nothing to push against, you wouldn’t learn how to forge your way, against all odds!
The Problem: Gaining your independence, asserting yourself in a healthy and dynamic way, and developing and trusting your creativity and your skill set can often feel impossible and unfair.
The Solution: Stepping into yourself and gaining a level of self-mastery and creative leadership is THE POINT of your life.
You find yourself again and again in relationships and situations where you must fight for your sovereignty, where you must extract yourself from difficult co-dependent relationships, and where you must push through barriers in order to act upon your unique creative vision.
Rather than bemoan why it’s SO HARD, you benefit from pivoting your expectations and enjoy the challenges as people in your life and experiences you have provide you with ample opportunities to dig in and master your life’s work.