1 Life Path CHILDREN
February 23, 2014
Do You See Repeating Numbers?
September 26, 2014
The Numerology Of Your Address
Have you ever lived in a home where everything just feels right? Where your life flows and feels synergistic?
And then have you ever lived in a place that just feels off – out of synch with you, your desires, and with your energies?
In Numerology, every address carries with it a vibrational matrix that becomes the home’s “personality.”
When you know the personality of your house (or potential home) you can understand if you’re a good match or not.
It’s almost like dating – you want a partner (your home, where you spend a good deal of time) to be supportive and in alignment with your goals and energies, right?
Here’s how to calculate the numerology for your house or apartment.
First, write down the full number of your house or apartment.
Next, add all of the numbers together to find the sum. Reduce the sum to a single digit.
For example: The house address is 1704 Bluff Boulevard
The house number is 1704.
You then add: 1 + 7 + 0 + 4 = 12. Reduce 12 to a single digit: 1 + 2 = 3
If you live in a house 1704 Bluff Boulevard, you live in a 3 house.
The most important element is the house number, not the name of the street.
If you live in an apartment, your most influential number is your apartment number – not your building number.
Example: The apartment address is 266 North Street, Apt #28.
Now you calculate the apartment number, which is 28. 2 + 8 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1
Letters also have numeric value in Numerology. So you live in apartment 15A, you would take the numeric value of the letter A (see below) and add that to the apartment number.
In this example: 15A = 1 + 5 + (A = 1) = 7
1 = A, J, S
2 = B, K, T
3 = C, L, U
4 = D, M, V
5 = E, N, W
6 = F, O, X
7 = G, P, Y
8 = H, Q, Z
9 = I, R
Look to see what “personality” each number brings with it.
And this is a great thing to know: If you don’t have control over your house number right now and you feel that it’s not offering you the supportive energy that you want, in order to make it into a number you feel is more compatible with you, here’s a simple way to remedy the situation. It’s almost like a Feng Shui “fix.”
You can change the vibration of your home by putting another number inside your door.
Let’s say you live in a number 7 home and you’d rather live in a number 3 home.
Just add number 5 to the inside of your door and – wa-la! – 7 + 5 = 12; 1 + 2 = 3
Your Home’s Personality . . . by the numbers
The 1 home is a place to establish independence. It’s all about “#1” and its energy promotes innovation, individuality, ambition, drive, and leadership. The personality of this house supports self-employment or an active career. People living in this home will be encouraged to maintain their independence, autonomy, and personal freedom. Living here can teach you lessons about self-confidence, courage, determination, and failing forward.
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for a “soft and fuzzy” family environment, this is not the place for you. The 1 home fosters and focuses on independence to the exclusion of the give-and-take required for successful partnership. If your priority at this time in your life is to find a long-term intimate partner, you’ll find connecting and sustaining a reciprocal relationship challenging. If you’re a person who is sensitive to loneliness, this home can have too much “me/self” energy and might be a place where you spend time alone.
If your home adds up to 19 – which is a karmic number – the tendency might be that you feel unsupported and overloaded with work.
>>Find out more about the Karmic Debt 19/1
Upside: Great place for an active, outer-focused life. Perfect for finding success and establishing your sense of independence, individuality, and achievement.
Downside: This home is “all about you” to the exclusion of others. “One” can be the loneliest number.
The 2 home is a place devoted to love, family, and partnership. It’s all about inclusion, nurturing, and providing a loving and safe environment. Its energy promotes loving relationships, devotion to the group as a whole, and is a harmonious place to live. The personality of this house supports people who want to co-create a life together – couples, couples with kids, or best friends. People living in this home will be encouraged to be diplomatic and take everyone’s needs into consideration. Living here can teach you lessons about love, relationships, peace, harmony, and emotions.
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for a launching pad that’ll encourage you to present yourself dynamically to the world, this is not the place for you. The 2 home fosters and focuses on relationship to the exclusion of independence and individuality. If your priority at this time in your life is to get moving with your career or get out of a codependent relationship, you’ll find that putting yourself first will prove challenging. You might find that you’re extremely emotionally sensitive in this home and become enmeshed with those living with you. You can begin to feel emotionally needy. If you live here alone, you can feel depressed that you’re not sharing your life in partnership with another person.
Upside: Great place to create your nest. Perfect for creating and establishing loving relationships and is a great home to raise a family. This is a comfortable and nurturing environment for everyone.
Downside: This home can make you want to stay home and away from the “fray” to the point where you start living in your own little world. You can become enmeshed in the emotional lives of those you’re living with in the house.
If you live in a home that calculates to an 11 before reducing down to the number 2, you’re living in a home carrying a Master number. The Master numbers bring higher potential and also more intense challenges.
A Master 11 house is a powerful place to develop intuition. This is a wonderful home for anything having to do with spiritual healing and developing your own excellence in whatever you do. This is a warm and inviting home, yet it can make you feel a little more the “dreamer” than the “doer.” A home with a Master number supports achievement in whatever realms you’re focused on, as long as you’re tapping into your authentic self and helping and healing others. The 11 home is the house of “illumination.”
The 3 home is a place that’s full of joy and laughter and has an optimistic and upbeat energy. It’s all about communication, emotional self-expression, and creativity. Its energy promotes socializing, inspired and uplifting conversation, and artistic expression. The personality of this house supports people who want to start a family, engage in innovation and creativity – anyone who wants to live life fully and joyfully feels good in this house. People living in this home will be encouraged to be emotionally sensitive and tap into their creative expression. Living here can teach you lessons about communication, emotions, joy, and expression.
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for a solitary retreat, this is not the place for you. The 3 home fosters and focuses on social engagement and joyful expression to the exclusion of a more “serious” expression of life. If your priority at this time in your life is to have some unplugged “alone” time, you’ll find it challenging. The energy of this home is vivacious, yet it can lend itself to the occupants feeling scattered and unable to follow through with things (commitments, projects, that sort of thing). You can also find that money slips though your hands when you live here. Since the energy of the 3 is all about creativity and emotions, you might have a tendency to experience bigger emotional highs and lows in this house, not to mention bouts with self-doubt.
Upside: Great place to expand your creativity and communication skills. Perfect for hosting parties and get togethers with fascinating people. This is a comfortable and inspiring environment for everyone.
Downside: This home can be a place where you experience money problems. You can feel scattered and have trouble focusing and following through with things in your life. If you’re not open to expressing your creativity and living with joy, you can experience depression and succumb to cynicism.
The 4 home is a place to establish security and stability. It’s all about the slow and steady processes that produce security. Its energy promotes hard work, development and implementation of systems, organization, loyalty, and protection. The personality of this house supports growing a business, a family, or your solid investments. People living in this home will be encouraged to maintain conservative actions, hard-working endurance, and grounded practical activities. Living here can teach you lessons about service, practical goal setting, honesty, and security.
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for a free-flowing environment, this is not the place for you. The 4 home fosters and focuses on security to the exclusion of lighter, more creative, or more fanciful endeavors. If your priority at this time in your life is to bring out your fun-loving and freedom-seeking nature, you’ll find the energy of the 4 home challenging. This home supports hard work and concerted effort. It’s got a more “serious” vibration and feels very stable, organized, and well managed. This home is very “earthy” and benefits from a nice garden and does well with live plants in the interior of the home as well.
You might find yourself becoming a “work martyr” or getting too bogged down in your to-do list (just say no to micromanaging!), particularly if you live in a 13 home – which is a karmic number. [To learn more about the Karmic Number 13, click here] It’s important to make every effort to balance work with play and practicality with emotions.
Upside: Great place for you if you need to establish a sense of stability and security in your life. Perfect for slow and steady process meant to endure the test of time. Also conducive to knowledge seeking and study.
Downside: This home can feel “heavy” and supports continuous work and meeting of goals. If you don’t make a concerted effort to take some time off and lighten up, the energy of this home can feel oppressive. The energy here is all about discipline, structure, and order.
If you live in a home that calculates to an 22 before digiting down to the number 4, you’re living in a home carrying a Master number. The Master numbers bring higher potential and also more intense challenges.
A Master 22 house is a powerful place to develop mental mastery. This is a wonderful home for anything having to do with spiritual healing and developing your own excellence in whatever you do. This is an organized and well kept home. This is a place where you’ll feel compelled to study and gain knowledge – this is a perfect home for a writer, architect, or any other profession where you’re changing the everyday lives of a large group of people for the better. A home with a Master number supports achievement in whatever realms you’re focused on, as long as you’re tapping into your authentic self and helping and healing others. Yet it will challenge you to step up and into this form of achievement. This isn’t a home for “slacking.”
The 5 home is a place to party and have fun! It’s all about fun, fearlessness, adventure, and progressive ideas. Its energy promotes versatility, flexibility, enjoyment of all things social, and freedom. The personality of this house supports developing your sense of freedom through self-discipline – it’s about the constructive use of freedom. People living in this home will be encouraged to live life to its fullest, tackle problems with fearless abandon, and make lemonade out of lemons. Living here can teach you lessons about acceptance, the focused use of freedom, dynamic change, and facing your fears.
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for a solid and steady environment, this is not the place for you. The 5 home fosters and focuses on freedom and pleasure to the exclusion of more serious or more conservative endeavors. If your priority at this time in your life is to get serious and build a solid future, you’ll find the energy of the 5 home challenging and counter-productive. This home supports variety and change, so it might not serve as a permanent residence for you unless you desire an ever-changing lifestyle. The 5 is the number of excess, so you might find that you (and your guests) overindulge in food, sex, alcohol, drugs. Any excessive behaviors are amped up under this vibration.
You might find yourself succumbing to addictions (if you’re prone to that) or alternatively becoming fearful to the point of seclusion, particularly if you live in a 14 home – which is a karmic number. It’s important to implement light healthy routine and focused self-discipline, or the energy of the 5 can easily run amuck.
Upside: Great place for you want some fun and energy in your life. This is a great house for tapping into your versatility, meeting and connecting with interesting and off-the-beaten-path sort-of people, and just livin’ large!
Downside: The energy of this home can move very fast, which can feel as though you’re being knocked off balance sometimes. It’s an intense energy of fun, sensual pleasures, and constant activities. If you have children in a 5 home, they’ll probably be engaged in a bundle of extra-curricular activities. Just make sure you don’t get carried away with all the impulsive energy contained in this home.
The 6 home is a place of beauty and nurturing. It’s all about home and family and its energy promotes loving service, warmth, compassion, and is a superb home for children. The personality of this house supports running a business and raising a family. People living in this home will be feel nurtured and cared for – yet you must be careful not to over-give to the point of feeling drained. The energy of the 6 also has perfectionist tendencies, so be aware that you’ll need to loosen the reins on your need for control. This is a perfect home for your service-oriented business, especially something in the line of massage, energy work, counseling, interior decorating – anything having to do with making people feel better is in alignment with the energy of the 6. Living here can teach you lessons about service, trusting your visionary ideas, love, and acceptance.
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for a “no responsibility for me” environment, this is not the place for you. The 6 home fosters and focuses on service to the exclusion of more independent or individual endeavors. This home supports the value of home and family – it also supports the artist as well. The 6 is the “domestic” number and this home is your castle. It nurtures all who walk onto the premises. I can almost smell the homemade cookies baking! Make sure and take time to invite others into your world. The 6 home can become your own little resort of perfection, so make sure that you don’t turn a blind eye to the world around you.
Upside: This home is a nurturing and beautiful environment for families and for people who want to live in a house that feels like home. This is the place to nurture and be nurtured – it’s truly a sanctuary. Children and animals thrive here and it’s a home of taste and usually has an artistic and creative flair.
Downside: Since “responsibility” is the cornerstone for the energy of the 6, you might feel bogged down by responsibility in this home. The trick is to balance self-care with the care and loving service to others. You might also feel as though you want to just hang out in your little cocoon all the time and not venture out and engage with the world. Don’t cut yourself off from your engagement with experiences and people outside of your own family circle.
The 7 home is a place for introspection and contemplation. It’s all about spiritual seeking, taking isolated time for yourself, igniting your intuition, and refining your data-driven ideas. Its energy promotes tranquility, soul searching, knowledge gathering, and spirituality. The personality of this house supports developing your sense of truth. It’s a place you can really take the time to get to know yourself in a deep and profound way. People living in this home will be encouraged to find faith in themselves and in others, to take time to be by themselves, and to learn more about whatever you’re specifically interested in knowing more about. Living here can teach you lessons about trust, your own spiritual beliefs, how to develop and listen to your intuition, and uncovering the “real you.”
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for an environment that’s set up to move you forward in practical ways in the material world, this is not the place for you. The 7 home fosters and focuses on your “internal journey” to the exclusion of more practical and material endeavors. If your priority at this time in your life is to get your cash flow going and make your mark in a high-energy career, you’ll find the energy of the 7 home challenging. This home supports contemplation and intellectual pursuits, so if you’re in a relationship or marriage, you’ll have to make a special effort to connect and communicate clearly with your partner. Otherwise, the energy of the 7 is much more internally focused and self-directed, so you can confuse people when they feel you’re perhaps a bit aloof or stand-offish.
You might find yourself tempted to escape through addictions or living very much “in your head” to the point of feeling intellectually superior to others, particularly if you live in a 16 home – which is a karmic number. It’s important to bring yourself back to earth in order to operate successfully in the world.
Upside: This is a perfect home for a writer, scientist, professor – anyone who is working at becoming an expert in an area of specialty will benefit from the intense energies related to the headiness of the number 7. This home is a refuge and feels private. You can gain miraculous insight when you’re living in the energy of a 7 home. To promote a tranquil feeling rather than a feeling of isolation, water features are beneficial.
Downside: You might have a tendency to feel like a loner in this home. If you enjoy a vibrant social life, this home won’t jive with you. Since the number 7 also loves to escape, it’s not the best choice if you struggle with drug or alcohol issues.
The 8 home is a place of power and prestige. It’s all about financial abundance and its energy promotes financial gain (and loss), control, authority, and achievement. The personality of this house supports you in getting ahead in the material world. People living in this home will tend to feel as though money and achievement are top priority – therefore it’s vital that you maintain a healthy sense of loving communication with your family members or they’ll feel neglected or second on the totem pole. The energy of the 8 is all about the mastery of money, yet it’s highest form is in giving back to others and doing business with the utmost integrity. This home is often a “show piece,” so be careful that it represents your values and doesn’t become a vacuous “show home.” Living here can teach you lessons about personal power, endurance, management, and organization.
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for a relaxed and low-key environment, this is not the place for you. The 8 home fosters and focuses on financial achievement and authority in the material world. If your priority at this time in your life is to contemplate the more spiritual or intangible side of yourself, you’ll find the energy of the 8 home challenging. This home supports abundance in all areas of your life. The 8 is the “money” number and this home is power central. This home usually has a certain degree of elegance or “reserve” about it. The energy of the 8 is all about appearances, yet make sure that there’s a heart to the home or it’ll feel superficial.
Upside: If you want a supportive environment for advancing your interests in the realms of money and achievement, this is the perfect environment to do it. This home usually feels as though there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. Perfect for impressing business associates and it’s also a great place for running a business if it’s a home-based business.
Downside: The number 8 is all about money and abundance, yet it’s also a risk taking energy and usually attracts losses as well as gains. You need to understand that resilience is part of the package. You might find that you have a tendency to become a “hoarder” in this house – always getting more and more “stuff.” If you’re constantly upgrading the home for “show” purposes, it can become a money pit. People who live here can become workaholics. Make sure to balance work and play. Also understand that the challenge to the energy of the 8 is the opposite of power and abundance – therefore an 8 house might be a place that isn’t particularly opulent. Yet even if it’s a “regular” home, it usually exudes a sense of pride and refinement.
The 9 home is a place of humanitarianism. It’s all about charitable giving and its energy promotes creativity, spirituality, selflessness, and forgiveness. The personality of this house supports you in changing the world to make it a better place. People living in this home will tend to feel as though they want to give back to the world in a substantial way. The energy of the 9 is all about the letting go – so this is a place where you can heal yourself and others. This home welcomes everyone and people who live here often are (or become) spiritually evolved. Living here can teach you lessons about giving wise counsel, universal truth, charitable giving, and letting go of the past.
Glitches & Potential Challenges: If you’re looking for a place where your focus is more self-centered, this is not the place for you. The 9 home fosters and focuses on love, compassion, and acceptance of everyone. If your priority at this time in your life is to forge ahead in the world on your own terms, you’ll find the energy of the 9 home challenging. Your intuition will become highly developed here. Its likely that you’ll find yourself being contacted by people seeking your advice. People are drawn to your home because of the loving and giving energy. The number 9 is an “international” number, so you might find yourself traveling frequently or hosting visitors from other parts of the world. This is also a refuge for healing past wounds – you can count on having opportunities to forgive yourself and others for past indiscretions. The expression of feelings and creativity of all kinds is a must.
Upside: This is a wonderful home for supporting you if you’re on a humanitarian mission in life. This can be anything you feel strongly about sharing and giving to the world – as a teacher, artist, counselor, business person, musician, philanthropist. This is a magnetic home that supports spiritual growth.
Downside: This home is good for people who’re ready and willing to tap into their compassion, spirituality, and giving. Sometimes this home can be a home where “loss” occurs. The 9 is the energy of completions, letting go, and transformation. This is a place where you’ll experience personal and spiritual evolution – and that isn’t always smooth or easy.
Remember: You can create a different vibration by adding another number to the inside of your door, as I mentioned at the beginning of the article.
This photo provides an example of changing the numerology of the house. This person lives at a 1 address. A high priority for her is to attract her soul partner relationship. She doesn’t feel that the 1 address is ideal for this, so she placed a 5 inside the interior entry way in the home. The 1 supports her career and her individuality (she owns her own business). The 5 offers an adventurous spirit, possible opportunities for travel, changes, and some sensual experiences (if she’s open to it!). Wrap the entrepreneurial spirit of the 1 with the adventurous spirit of the 5 and you get a vivacious home-and-relationship centered home base.
Also know that our needs shift and change as we go along – you’re often living in the energy that you need for this moment in your life. When you feel the impulse and need to shift that energy, you’ll instinctively know when it’s time to move. It’s useful to know what lessons you’re learning in the different places you choose to live.