6 Personal Year | Home, Relationships & Responsibility
April 29, 2017
8 Personal Year | Money, Empowerment & Resolve
May 13, 20177 Personal Year | A Year of Introspection, Study & Truth-Seeking
In numerology, we believe we experience nine-year periods of time called Personal Year Cycles. I call knowing your Personal Year number knowing the theme to your party. You don’t want to show up at the wrong party in the wrong outfit for an entire year! (seriously . . . !)
We all feel this shift in energy, don’t we? We get restless toward the end of the year, as the New Year’s Resolution frenzy get underway. Numerologically speaking, there’s a very real energetic transition that happens for each of us from year to year.
We feel this energy whether or not we understand numerology—or even believe in numerology. When you learn the theme to each Personal Year, you can align with the energy of the year rather than push against it. Know your theme and you’ll find that you have much more success throughout the year. Or at least you’ll be able to extract deeper meaning about why things are happening and how to make sense out of it.
Also note that the Personal Year Cycle runs from January 1 – December 31 (not from birthday to birthday), even though I find that the energy related to your Personal Year intensifies around your birthday. It also comes to a crescendo during the month of September.
Please be aware that some numerologists calculate the Personal Year to run from birthday to birthday.
It’s up to you to decide which school of thought you feel is correct. When I refer to the Personal Year, I’m referring to a start of January 1 and an ending on December 31.
Remember also, when you’re in a Personal Year that has the same number as your Life Path, you’ll feel double indemnity from the slings and arrows of the year—you’re going to feel all the positives doubly. This also means that you’re going to be doubly challenged with the obstacles inherent in the year’s theme.
When you experience a Personal Year that is the same as your Life Path number (or another of your core numbers), the year offers you many experiences and opportunities to bolster where you might have a weak link that needs strengthening within that particular theme. This simply might show up as more intensity or more dramatic occurrences or experiences that revolve around the key themes of your year.
Take the date of birth: January 5, 1980
Use only the MONTH and DAY:
January is: 1
Day is 5: 5
Then use the CURRENT YEAR (this is an example; insert the actual current year!)
2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1
Now add the month, day, and current year together.
1+5 = 6 + 1 (2017) = 7
In this example, you’re experiencing a 7 Personal Year.
7 Personal Year | A Year of Introspection, Study & Truth-Seeking
This year is all about delving inward.
While you may see yourself functioning fairly normally, this is a time where you’ll be heavily involved in deep inner work. It’s a spiritually evolving year—meaning, you’ll have many opportunities to test your sense of spirituality, however you define it.
If you wonder how one might actually define spirituality, here is one way of looking at it. Brené Brown observes: “Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricable connected to one another by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and belonging. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.”
Spirituality is—in its most simple form—self-awareness.
This is your focus this year.
How do you feel connected and how do you feel disconnected to life overall?
How can you take steps to expand both your awareness and your experience with an expanded and powerful sense of purpose? This is a time where faith and trust are tested.
You’ll feel as though you want to retreat from the static of the outside world. Potentially this brings you into a space that’s more quiet, detached, and introspective than usual, so don’t let that surprise you.
It’s a year where you’re gathering data, collecting knowledge, and probing your own inner depths. This can show up as being drawn toward travel or toward reading books, taking courses or engaging in workshops or seminars.
Don’t push things (especially financially!)—that can wait until next year when you start a three-year transition cycle.
In her book Numerology: The Romance in Your Name, numerologist Dr. Juno Jordan observes that the 7 Personal Year depends upon “a right state of mind.” She places the 7 Personal Year as a time for “mental house-cleaning”—when you’re offered the opportunity to set your mental and spiritual house in order.
This is the year for a retreat, sabbatical or just additional solo time.
Your mission—should you choose to accept it—is to explore the depths of your soul’s calling and be willing to recalibrate yourself so that you come into alignment with the you that you’re excavating this year.
This is not the year to concern yourself with your material well-being or on financial growth.
Leave that for next year. Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), this doesn’t imply that you abandon your earthly responsibilities! What is does imply is that this is not the year to focus on financial growth or push your career into over-drive. You’re prepping for that, which launches into action next year.
This can be a valuable time to evaluate your sense of yourself and how you’ve chosen to position yourself in the world.
Nothing deep or heady about that, is there? It’s a time of deep contemplation or—if you’re working with heavier tendencies in this cycle—big feelings of being a victim in your life.
This is a time for introspection, meditation, and spiritual study.
It’s also a good moment for counseling or therapy, energy work, and anything else that allows you deep personal growth. There’s a focus on embracing the inner depths.
This is an all about me year in which the universe is giving you full permission to contemplate your own navel.
This may be a year where you’re quiet and not as outwardly communicative as usual, so be clear when dealing with your relationships.
Many numerologists refer to this year as a resting year or a year that serves as a vital pause before heading into a more active and transitional cycle of time.
The 7 Personal Year can feel like a welcome respite from last year’s focus on everyone and giving your nurturing all. This is a time of deep evaluation where core issues come up for review. Shadow work is unavoidable. It’s a time for planning, thinking, researching, learning, and processing. Processing. And a bit more processing.
Maybe it’s a year where you don’t leave your partner, your partner leaves you. Where you need to take some extra time to deal with a mystery illness or issue. When some strange twist of fate lands on your doorstep.
It can feel as though the world is taunting you and gives you the bait-and-switch—promising illumination and yet delivering confusion and curve balls.
The occurrences and events of the 7 Personal Year demand that you trust the universal forces at work and flow with the inexplicable and intangible.
If you’re signed in for the deep dive, this can be a pivotal year for some beautifully life-changing internal shifts where you’re the only one who can measure or know the significance—and trying to explain it to someone leaves you feeling even more like an extra-terrestrial.
If you’re challenged with the internal work needing to be done, the year can feel frustrating and pull you into feeling victimized and getting stuck in the past or grinding gears that aren’t quite in sync.
If you refuse to involve yourself in self-realization on any level, you might instead opt for surface living—often showing up as involving yourself in as much emotional drama as possible. Or by gliding by with superficialities—small talk, insubstantial relationships or added time hanging out at the wine bar. Or it can feel off if you’re unable to slow down, take in new information, and seek out new ideas and master new levels of data, in whatever way you might benefit.
Even though it’s a year for planning rather than doing, if you haven’t taken the initiative to research your next steps, you’ll ultimately feel you’ve missed out on a valuable cosmic incubator for your own spiritual and personal evolution.
The 7 Personal Year can rival the 9 Personal Year with an overall intense and demanding vibe.
Open up and dig in. Slow down. Breathe. It will only lead you to a mystical magical place where you come to know yourself in a life-changing and profound way.