6 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 2023
8 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 20237 Life Path Child
Knowing how to best support, guide, and just plain understand your child is certainly a parental desire.
Let’s take a look at how to understand and support your child with numerology.
Even though I’ll focus primarily on the Life Path number, please know that your child’s complete chart will offer much more detailed information about what your child is all about.
And yet, if you’re only going to know one number in your entire numerology chart, the Life Path is the one.
It gives you an indication of your child’s life purpose and also indicates what challenges, tendencies, and obstacles will come into play throughout your child’s life.
>>If you don’t know the Life Path, click here to use the Life Path calculator.
If you have a 7 Life Path child, here are some basics:
To develop spiritually through seeking answers to life’s big questions: “Who am I? What am I doing here? What’s it all about?” Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.
Your 7 Path child’s here on an “internal” journey of spiritual seeking. Your child feels as though they’re on a different wavelength than other people and can appear aloof and thoughtful. They’re gifted with a highly analytical and data-driven mind that’s always seeking answers. And on the other hand, they’re highly intuitive – even psychic. The 7 carries a high spiritual vibration and your child is the carrier of this energy. Understand that your 7 Life Path child needs down time and time alone. Don’t be surprised if your child sometimes plays by themselves or needs to have time alone on a consistent basis. They need this processing time because they’re always thinking and working on life’s big questions. Or on the other hand, they veer away from this calling and are more prone to superficial behaviors and have a fear of being alone.
Children with a 7 Life Path will be challenged with trust issues. As children, the 7 feels out of place and not of this world. They can be the quiet one who studies a lot, the compassionate one who sees people and situations from an intuitive vantage point, or the loner in the room (or the one whose scared silly to ever be alone!). Since trust is a big issue, your child will experience situations in which they feel betrayed. They fear vulnerability. They can also need to work at being trustworthy themselves. As your child grows, their life’s journey is focused on locating their sense of spirituality – no matter how they might define it. Until they find and practice their spiritual beliefs, these children can struggle with feeling alienated, frustrated, and lost in the world. They are finding faith and trust across the board
Your 7 Life Path child is here to develop their sense of spirituality, trust, openness, refined data-driven thinking, and a high level of intuition. You’ll have to work with them in these areas:
- The 7 Life Path will often present one of two ways: airy and in the ethers or intellectual and hard-data driven.
- Your child can appear reserved and quiet.
- The 7 Life Path child can feel unreachable emotionally, because they’re afraid of betrayal of trust and of feeling vulnerable.
- One of your child’s major life lessons is to get to know themselves in a deep, core-level, and authentic way. This takes a lifetime.
Here are a few ways that you can support your 7 Life Path child to be the best they can be:
- Encourage intuition. Usually the 7 Life Path child enters the world with intuitive and psychic ability. And usually your child will soon learn that they’re “different” and shut down their intuitive abilities. Their gift to themselves and to the world is the acknowledgment and development of both the left-brain and the right-brain. When they use both, there is great wisdom and that’s what they’re here to offer to the world. And it’s not as easy as it sounds.
- Allow for quiet time. The 7 Life Path child needs their quiet time, even though they also may resist it at certain points in their lives when they’re afraid of looking at what’s going on inside of them when faced with a moment of silence.
- Validate their emotions. Your child is working on deep levels throughout their lives. They’ll often have trouble allowing their emotions to come to the surface and yet it’s vital for their development to allow themselves to be human after all.