6 Challenge | A Struggle To Be Accepting & To Release Control
October 12, 2023
8 Challenge | A Struggle To Empower Yourself
October 12, 20237 Challenge | A Struggle To Evolve Spiritually
Knowing your Challenge numbers and understanding their meaning can open a window of understanding during each phase of your Pinnacles.
To know what you’re up against is often half the battle of being able to fully embody your passionate purpose in life! Challenge numbers aren’t meant to be overcome—rather they indicate what you must become.
I view the Challenge numbers (particularly the 3rd or Main Challenge) as the KEYS TO YOUR CASTLE!
Why? Because most often, when the Challenge is mastered, it’s a vital yet mysterious missing link that becomes your best friend rather than your worst foe. Trust me on this.
The issue here is that when a number presents itself to you as a Challenge, it’s bombarding you with the destructive aspects of that number while simultaneously demanding that you operate in the constructive aspects of the number.
We can also see the Challenge numbers as indicative of certain weaknesses we have that we’re being asked to improve upon and turn into strengths.
The Challenge number by definition is confrontational. This number challenges you to overcome the opposing energies while becoming aligned with—and embodying—the constructive elements associated with a particular number.
The Challenge numbers indicate specific areas where there are shortcomings in your character.
I’m making the assumption that you know how to calculate the Challenges, or you wouldn’t be searching for information about the 7 Challenge!
>>If you aren’t aware of how to calculate them or want to know about the Challenge Cycles in more depth, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose.
7 Challenge
The 7 Challenge demands inner exploration, soul-seeking, and taking a deep dive into who you really are as a soul living in a physical body.
The chances of feeling alone, isolated, and misunderstood are common dur9ing this Challenge.
Contemplating the intricacies of life and spirituality isn’t mastered in a weekend seminar. Nor is it mastered in a lifetime. Yet that’s the task you’re being called to focus upon.
Often there is a big “test” or some serious repression or avoidance during a 7 Challenge.
Remember: The key lesson for a 7 Challenge is to understand that all your experiences—especially those that occur during this particular time in your life—are fuel for your growth.
Develop trust in yourself. All that you experience during this period of life is meant to hone your powers of analysis and observation, intuition, and spirituality. You’ll be asked to trust your analytic mind and your highly developed intuition. It is time for to connect with your Higher Self and your trust in the flow of all that is.
During a 7 Challenge, you’ll be faced with difficulties brought on by your discomfort with your own inner thoughts and feelings. This could feel like detachment from people and situations or like tumultuous unexpressed and unresolved emotions.
You might feel exasperated and helpless, as though you’re a hapless victim of life who is unable to change or improve his or her situation or circumstances. There’s also a strong tendency to chronically complain and criticize while offering no solutions to your perceived problems.
More challenging aspects of the 7 vibration might lead you to express everything you say or write in a negative manner. You may feel the impulse to avoid your feelings by putting up a wall of pride and aloofness.
This is your opportunity to develop faith in your own abilities rather than to rely on the opinions of others or dwell on your limitations. The trick is to get out of your head and into your self.
This is a time devoted to truly, madly, and deeply uncovering the real and authentic you.
A 7 Challenge calls upon you to learn, seek, and gain critical knowledge and experience.
Potential Destructive Aspects of the 7 Challenge
- Withdrawing through drugs, alcohol, sex, or spending your life online
- Either isolating yourself totally from the world or being unable to spend any time alone
- Avoiding work by being scattered, unfocused, and overly emotional
- Avoiding your own life by immersing yourself in someone else’s (for example, the life of a family member, business partner, or friend)
- Becoming overly focused on money and material objects
- Health-related issues like addiction and depression.