5 Pinnacle | Freedom & Change
October 5, 2023
7 Pinnacle | Spiritual Development & Specialization
October 5, 20236 Pinnacle | Responsibility & Family
The Pinnacles are four distinct periods of time that each of us experience—with the longest cycles being at the beginning and at the end of our lives, with two nine-year cycles in the middle. Each Pinnacle is a time of personal development.
The Pinnacles can be seen as the degree programs you signed up for during your life—and you get to study that particular subject matter for an extended period of time. Consider them to be like a master plan compartmentalized into stages of development. They are the building blocks of your life—and you take the experiences and skills learned throughout each cycle and bridge them to inform the next.
Each Pinnacle number represents the energy and lessons that are emphasized during a period of several years. Understanding the elements presented to you during your Pinnacle Cycles offers invaluable information about the focus and lessons to be learned during certain chunks of time, and also provides a great format for understanding why certain things happen during these periods of time. This is the environment in which you find yourself, offering you a particular trajectory through life.
In numerology, Pinnacles are sometimes called The Four Pyramids. Calculating your four Pinnacle Cycle numbers is not so much a predictive tool—although it can be used to map out a clearer vision of your past, present, and future—as a tool that offers support and guidance for your life decisions and actions.
I’m making the assumption that you know how to calculate the Pinnacles, or you wouldn’t be searching for information about the 6 Pinnacle!
>>If you aren’t aware of how to calculate them or want to know about the Pinnacle Cycle in more depth, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose.
Love, duty, responsibility, and family are the hallmarks of any 6 Pinnacle. This is a stage in life immersed in the energies of nurturing. You may choose to nurture your career or your family—or even your pets or employees—yet you can’t avoid these years devoted to nurturing those around you, embracing your sense of responsibility, and modulating giving to others and giving to yourself in a balanced and fulfilling way. This is a time where home takes on new meaning. It can be a period focused on establishing and maintaining your nest, whatever that specifically means to you.
It’s a prime time to marry or to settle in, appreciate home life, and up your commitment in your relationship world. If giving is lopsided and you give to everyone else and leave nothing for yourself, you’ll certainly experience the difficult lessons that accompany that imbalance. Or if your behavior is lopsided in the opposite direction—where you’re self-involved and self-absorbed at the expense of giving freely to others—you’ll experience the difficult lessons that accompany that imbalance. You must achieve harmony within yourself and your chosen family.
This is the stage where there’s an irresistible urge to establish or intensify your involvement with home, children (or your inner child!), with a focus on the beautification of your surroundings. The 6 also carries with it an energy associated with commitment to community and humanitarian service of some kind, so this might be a period of time propelling you toward involvement in some aspect of these services. There can be a call toward mentorship, involvement in the healing arts or any activity that offers your heart-felt talents to others.
Considerable money can be made during this Pinnacle when solidly focused on visionary contributions and service. This is a love and marriage stage with intense focus on children and the home. This can also be a significant time where you heal the child within. It can also be the marriage and divorce stage when a marriage as it stands can no longer be positively sustained or where you commit to an exclusive relationship or marriage. One of the influences of a 6 Pinnacle is experiencing an overwhelming sense of responsibility, bringing with it a feeling of restriction and being tied down. The bottom-line is that you’re learning about responsibility and nurturing, plain and simple. You’ll learn what’s required and when enough is enough by setting and acting upon your personal boundaries, while also giving generously.
1st Pinnacle: As a younger person in the midst of a 6 Pinnacle, you’re likely to find yourself knee-deep in duty and responsibility related to your home and family of origin. This may be because of the pressures you experience with parents and siblings—or you may find yourself entering into a marriage at an early age. Family, relationships, and identification with your family is a focal point for this 1st Pinnacle. This energy sets you up to experience controlling circumstances from a parent or another authority figure. Family is a key feature and either shows up as a place where you feel a strong sense of unity and identification—or where you struggle with dysfunction. You feel like the responsible party from an early age during this Pinnacle, where you parent your parents or have heightened responsibilities with siblings or other family-related dynamics.
2nd or 3rd Pinnacle (Main Pinnacle): If you have the 6 as your 2nd or 3rd Pinnacle, you find great achievement through accepting increasing levels of responsibility and interacting with a giving and nurturing attitude. Home and family take precedence over self-oriented endeavors. This can be the time when you marry, start a family or when you establish a home-based business or have a career centered around service in some way, shape or form. It’s a time to attend primarily to the demands of others—family, friends, colleagues, community. The 6 Pinnacle provides ample creative energy and you can find a creative or artistic career flourish during this time. The 6 supports all justice-related pursuits and you might be drawn toward the law—or any career or volunteer effort with a focus on righting wrongs and promoting justice.
4th Pinnacle: If you have a 6 during a 4th Pinnacle, this period brings with it the rewards and pleasures of family, friends, and security. You’ll feel the drive to settle and plant roots somewhere, have a home-base that feels nurturing and nesting, and where you’re drawn to help, heal, and serve others. You’ll most likely act on your feelings of philanthropy and feel compelled to place your time and energy on what you can do for the greater good, however that shows up for you. This is a stage where giving back is vital to your innate sense of well-being and purpose. When you experience this Pinnacle, you might tend to idealize the world, people, relationships, and even the self, resulting in stubbornness and being overly opinionated. By idealize the world, I mean that you find that you’re continuously disappointed and disillusioned. Judgment needs to achieve balance during this Pinnacle and acceptance is an overriding theme. Overall, this Pinnacle is a time where home takes on a different meaning and focus than it has in the past, where you’re called to take more responsibility upon your shoulders, and where a bit of self-sacrifice goes a long way. Your relationship life takes center stage and utmost satisfaction is gained within your home and relationship environment.