4 Pinnacle | Hard Work & Organization
October 5, 2023
6 Pinnacle | Responsibility & Family
October 5, 20235 Pinnacle | Freedom & Change
The Pinnacles are four distinct periods of time that each of us experience—with the longest cycles being at the beginning and at the end of our lives, with two nine-year cycles in the middle. Each Pinnacle is a time of personal development.
The Pinnacles can be seen as the degree programs you signed up for during your life—and you get to study that particular subject matter for an extended period of time. Consider them to be like a master plan compartmentalized into stages of development. They are the building blocks of your life—and you take the experiences and skills learned throughout each cycle and bridge them to inform the next.
Each Pinnacle number represents the energy and lessons that are emphasized during a period of several years. Understanding the elements presented to you during your Pinnacle Cycles offers invaluable information about the focus and lessons to be learned during certain chunks of time, and also provides a great format for understanding why certain things happen during these periods of time. This is the environment in which you find yourself, offering you a particular trajectory through life.
In numerology, Pinnacles are sometimes called The Four Pyramids. Calculating your four Pinnacle Cycle numbers is not so much a predictive tool—although it can be used to map out a clearer vision of your past, present, and future—as a tool that offers support and guidance for your life decisions and actions.
I’m making the assumption that you know how to calculate the Pinnacles, or you wouldn’t be searching for information about the 5 Pinnacle!
>>If you aren’t aware of how to calculate them or want to know about the Pinnacle Cycle in more depth, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose.
When you have a 5 Pinnacle, get ready for what might be described as an “ADHD experience.” This Pinnacle is a time for change and uncertainty—when it feels as though you’re experiencing life without a filter. During this Pinnacle, you’re immersed in frenetic energy and it’s hard to know what direction to go or what to grasp onto. Ultimately, this is a time for loosening up patterns of restriction you have held on to in the past.
The 5 Pinnacle is all about developing a new sense of freedom, liberation, and adventure. Change is the mantra for this period of your life—and that means change in everything from career direction and business decisions, to spirituality and health, marriage and divorce. You name it. It’s all up for review during this highly energized and catalytic portion of your life. If you’re forward thinking and ready for a shakeup, this can be a brilliant time of transformation—yet not without the pain or discomfort associated with growth. This is not particularly a favored time to nest or settle down. Instead, you’ll find yourself being drawn into the public world and feel an underlying need for adventure and freedom from constraints.
The major focus of a 5 Pinnacle is to learn to be adaptable and flexible. Don’t resist this cataclysmic energy, yet also avoid impulsive decisions—including the strong urge to run away and avoid whatever you’re experiencing. This can be a time of excess and tendencies to seek escape from the difficulties demanded by change and transformation. A hallmark of this Pinnacle resides in feeling restricted, tethered, and tied down—coupled with a strong and relentless desire to break free.
1st Pinnacle: A 5 as a 1st Pinnacle can be a tumultuous period because it’s hard to find the stability to establish yourself, develop a sense of who you are, and set the foundation for what you want in adult life. Perhaps you end up moving geographically quite often during this 1st Pinnacle and it requires that you change schools and friends often. Maybe you have a strict family upbringing and feel hemmed in. Or perhaps you’re brought up with ample freedom, permissive environment, and are allowed to forge your own way with more freedoms than most. Whatever the case, freedom is the central theme and experience, experimentation, and pushing boundaries is the name of the game. The 5 energy invites you to live by your own rules in many ways during this early time, which can be great if well managed. Yet most likely you’ll find yourself going sideways! You’re likely to experience a good amount of impulsiveness and a craving for unrestricted independence during this early stage. Alternately, this can be a period of time where you feel greatly restricted and face more than your share of fears.
2nd or 3rd Pinnacle (Main Pinnacle): If you find yourself in the 2nd or 3rd Pinnacle, the energy of the 5 supports your ability to progress and achieve in a fast-moving, highly fluctuating environment. Adaptability is critical to your healthy progress during this stage. Your desire for—and sense of—freedom is quite powerful and significant during this Pinnacle. You must be careful not to get too carried away and damage relationships or partnerships because of your unyielding urge for freedom, travel, adventure, and few restrictions. Special care must be taken to take personal responsibility for your actions and inactions. This is a time where you’re magnetic and can have great success when you’re flexible and forwarding-thinking—yet focused. Responsibility can be an issue during this period and commitment is often elusive during a 5 cycle.
4th Pinnacle: The 5 energy that guides a 4th Pinnacle results in a continuously fast-paced and ever-changing life. This won’t be your road to a laconic retirement. Change and variety continue to present themselves and this can be an interesting and dynamic stage of life, potentially bringing freedom from overarching financial or domestic worries. Because the 5 Pinnacle is a time to expect the unexpected—and change is usually challenging for all of us—this period is exciting and possibly unsettling. It’ll often prove to be a transformational time accented with restlessness and a distinct desire to get outside of your own box. There also may be tendencies to quit something before it’s completed, to be promiscuous in your sexual life or to habitually overindulge in food, drugs, alcohol or other addictive outlets. There’s a chance that this portion of your life will contain an abundance of travel. Maintaining balance is key and a test during this 5 Pinnacle.