Numerology: The Soul Urge
October 14, 2023
2 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires HARMONY
October 15, 20231 Soul Urge |
Your Heart Desires INDEPENDENCE
You have a deep need to become #1 at everything you do in your life.
When you look deep into your soul, you have an underlying and pressing need to be independent, exert your individuality, and achieve with whatever you set your mind toward.
Down deep, your task is to make a unique mark in the world and to become a leader in whatever field you’re the most passionate and skilled. You have an underlying need to be the best at everything you do.
Your heart’s desire is to take the lead and take initiative—the 1 Soul Urge isn’t destined to sit in the backseat.
You’re meant to have courage, act independently on your unique and original ideas, be innovative, and take charge.
You have amazing insights and are highly creative and forward-thinking.
Underneath it all, you long to be the trailblazer, the pioneer, the original thinker, and the one who pushes the envelope.
A 1 Soul Urge sets you up for the development of your sense of self, harnessing willpower, and setting out with courage and determination without allowing the naysayers or glitches along the road to derail you.
Some of your internal struggles might include a battle with low self-esteem or lack of self-confidence. Beware of defaulting into defeat and staying there. That’s when you resort to self-absorption, cynicism, bullying, and possibly battle with addiction.
Your ultimate desire revolves around marching to the beat of your own weird and innovative drummer.
Understand that you’re learning how to be a leader and innovator—and you’re learning how to stand on your own two feet and act with an independent flair. You’re also learning how to actually engage with other people and value their thoughts and feelings. Meaning, you’re also learning not to be too self-oriented.
You’ll experience many lessons where you’ll learn the delicate balance between taking the reins and blazing forward without answering to anyone—and cultivating input from others.
You might walk a fine line being overly assertive or passive—yet your inner longing is to be a leader and to achieve whatever you set your mind toward.
Know that you’ll be challenged with the opposite of your internal calling—meaning, you can have trouble taking the lead, be overly sensitive to criticism, or have trouble seeing outside of your own wants and needs.
Or alternately, you may wear the mask of criticism and judgment while thinking only of yourself. It ultimately depends on the other numbers in your chart and how those energies mix and match with your initiating 1 Soul Urge.