Numerology: What Are Master Numbers?
March 19, 2017
3 Personal Year | Expression & Creativity
April 8, 20171 Personal Year | A Year Of New Beginnings
In numerology, we believe we experience nine-year periods of time called Personal Year Cycles.
I call knowing your Personal Year number knowing the theme to your party. You don’t want to show up at the wrong party in the wrong outfit for an entire year! (seriously . . . !)
We all feel this shift in energy, don’t we? We get restless toward the end of the year, as the New Year’s Resolution frenzy get underway. Numerologically speaking, there’s a very real energetic transition that happens for each of us from year to year.
We feel this energy whether or not we understand numerology—or even believe in numerology. When you learn the theme to each Personal Year, you can align with the energy of the year rather than push against it. Know your theme and you’ll find that you have much more success throughout the year. Or at least you’ll be able to extract deeper meaning about why things are happening and how to make sense out of it.
Also note that the Personal Year Cycle runs from January 1 – December 31 (not from birthday to birthday), even though I find that the energy related to your Personal Year intensifies around your birthday. It also comes to a crescendo during the month of September.
Please be aware that some numerologists calculate the Personal Year to run from birthday to birthday.
It’s up to you to decide which school of thought you feel is correct. When I refer to the Personal Year, I’m referring to a start of January 1 and an ending on December 31.
Remember also, when you’re in a Personal Year that has the same number as your Life Path, you’ll feel double indemnity from the slings and arrows of the year—you’re going to feel all the positives doubly. This also means that you’re going to be doubly challenged with the obstacles inherent in the year’s theme.
When you experience a Personal Year that is the same as your Life Path number (or another of your core numbers), the year offers you many experiences and opportunities to bolster where you might have a weak link that needs strengthening within that particular theme. This simply might show up as more intensity or more dramatic occurrences or experiences that revolve around the key themes of your year.
Calculate the Personal Year
Take the date of birth: October 17, 1990
Use only the MONTH and DAY:
October is 10: 1 + 0 = 1
Day is 17: 1 + 7 = 8
Then use the CURRENT YEAR.
2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1
Now add the month, day, and current year together.
1 + 8 + 1 = 10 and then 1 + 0 = 1
In this example, you’re experiencing a 1 Personal Year.
1 Personal Year | A Year Of New Beginnings
This is a year of new beginnings, independence, initiation and achievement.
It holds more clarity than last year and serves as the start of a new nine-year cycle.
The energy of the 1 Personal Year can be felt as a genesis—an absolutely new beginning if you’re ready and willing to take the plunge.
It’s time to plant the seeds for what you want to see grow and mature over the next nine years. This is the final push of a three-year transition cycle (Personal Years 8-9-and now 1). You might be a bit fatigued at this point. But don’t throw up your hands now! These next twelve months are very important, so don’t waste them with frivolous activities or useless relationships.
The 1 can be a somewhat lonely year, where you feel that a lot rests on your shoulders and only you can get it done—without help from others.
And while that’s true, there’s a huge difference between solitary pursuits based in healthy independence and being alone.
Right now, independence is your mantra.
This is the year to begin with as much of a clean slate as you possibly can. If any unfinished business is left over from your transitional 9 Personal Year, those loose ends need to be concluded (or at least acknowledged!) before you can fully engage in the magic of the initiating 1 energy.
A woman I know left a long-term relationship in her 9 Personal Year and wanted to have her hands washed of all involvement with her ex by her 1 Personal Year. Yet it didn’t quite work out that way! They had some business-related entanglements that ended up extending well into the 1 Personal Year and beyond, much to her dismay. The important thing to observe from a numerology standpoint is that she broke it off during the 9 Personal Year (endings) and started a new cycle in her 1 Personal Year, with the intention to start anew.
She found herself standing at a threshold: a door closed behind her and a new vista laid out in front of her waiting to be explored. She did everything humanly possible to finalize the obligations with her ex while also focusing on creating her new life and applying a fresh commitment to her own business.
Even though she wasn’t fully and completely done with her ex until a few years later, that didn’t negate the intent, energy, and action she initiated to get things moving in a different direction throughout the 1 Personal Year. That is the profound truth of a new beginning.
I use this story as an illustration, because often we frustrate ourselves when we look at this as a black and white scenario. She didn’t fail at her 1 Personal Year because she still needed to deal with surprising leftovers from her break-up. She would surely have preferred a clean break—and did everything in her power to create it. Yet there were issues she couldn’t predict.
During your 1 Personal Year you’ll be challenged with stepping into your individuality and manifesting your independence.
The more you can connect with the unique, off-the-beaten path aspects of yourself, the more successful you’ll be. This year, the true you aches to come to the microphone and take center stage. Who are you? What’s next?
There will be failures, according to your presumptions of how things should go, yet the year’s designed to teach you some accelerated lessons in self-esteem, trusting yourself, and trusting your initiative and creativity. This is a time when you’ll be required to stand strong and independently. The 1 Personal Year is a time when you’ll be challenged to make substantial advances in the career-driven areas of your life. You’ll be working intensely on getting your ducks in a row and following up with action, action, and more action.
This is a time where relationships can flourish—and yet often take a back seat to other matters—particularly career advancement.
The key for you and relationships in a 1 Personal Year resides in finding your sense of independence and individuality within your relationships in a balanced and healthy way—codependence no more. It’s a year where you’ll be met with opportunities to define and create independence on all levels. You’ll be tested with relationships that are enmeshed, co-dependent or where you are the enabler or the enablee.
You’ll benefit from the initiating energy of the year when you focus with clarity on longer-range goals while also being nimble enough to take some calculated risks and tap into your pioneering spirit.
This is the time to define and act upon long-range goals while taking the lead in your life.
Understand that you won’t land on your feet on January 1 with crystal-clear clarity about the direction you’re headed. This is an entire 12-months devoted to formulating your new phase and bringing it into focus. This is truly the year to begin a new chapter. Bruce Springsteen (1 Life Path) says it this way—life offers you clean white pages, daring you to write on them.