5 Personal Year | Unexpected Opportunities, Travel & Changes
April 22, 2017
7 Personal Year | Introspection, Study & Truth-Seeking
May 4, 20176 Personal Year | A Year of Home, Relationships & Responsibility
In numerology, we believe we experience nine-year periods of time called Personal Year Cycles.
I call knowing your Personal Year number knowing the theme to your party. You don’t want to show up at the wrong party in the wrong outfit for an entire year! (seriously . . . !)
We all feel this shift in energy, don’t we? We get restless toward the end of the year, as the New Year’s Resolution frenzy get underway.
Numerologically speaking, there’s a very real energetic transition that happens for each of us from year to year.
We feel this energy whether or not we understand numerology—or even believe in numerology. When you learn the theme to each Personal Year, you can align with the energy of the year rather than push against it. Know your theme and you’ll find that you have much more success throughout the year. Or at least you’ll be able to extract deeper meaning about why things are happening and how to make sense out of it.
Also note that the Personal Year Cycle runs from January 1 – December 31 (not from birthday to birthday), even though I find that the energy related to your Personal Year intensifies around your birthday. It also comes to a crescendo during the month of September.
Please be aware that some numerologists calculate the Personal Year to run from birthday to birthday.
It’s up to you to decide which school of thought you feel is correct. When I refer to the Personal Year, I’m referring to a start of January 1 and an ending on December 31.
Remember also, when you’re in a Personal Year that has the same number as your Life Path, you’ll feel double indemnity from the slings and arrows of the year—you’re going to feel all the positives doubly. This also means that you’re going to be doubly challenged with the obstacles inherent in the year’s theme.
When you experience a Personal Year that is the same as your Life Path number (or another of your core numbers), the year offers you many experiences and opportunities to bolster where you might have a weak link that needs strengthening within that particular theme. This simply might show up as more intensity or more dramatic occurrences or experiences that revolve around the key themes of your year.
Take the date of birth: February 3, 1975
Use only the MONTH and DAY:
April is 2: 2
Day is 3: 3
Then use the CURRENT YEAR (whatever it happens to be!)
2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1
Now add the month, day, and current year together.
2+3 = 5 + 1 (2017) = 6
In this example, you’re experiencing a 6 Personal Year.
6 Personal Year | A Year of Home, Relationships & Responsibility
This year of responsibility and relationship evaluation offers a heightened sense of purpose and warm and fuzzy satisfaction in your home, family, and relationship life.
It’s magnetic for business and finances, yet not at the expense of your overall family obligations. This is a time to evaluate how you love, want to be loved, and how you relate to others.
The 6 Personal Year is a relationship evaluation year on all fronts.
It depends on how willing you are to take a deeper look at yourself and how you actually engage in relationships. There can be frustration if you find yourself pointing the finger at everyone else. The energy of the 6 brings out levels of idealistic expectations about the world at large—and about yourself and others in your closer circle.
If you operate with critical judgment as the default mechanism, then the year can go awry. You can experience serious bouts of miscommunication and misunderstandings with those you love, if not those in your professional life.
The 6 Personal Year can also feel off if you fall into the irresponsible route, shunning involvement in building intimacy with your relationships, and not paying attention to your home life—especially if you have children or other home-based responsibilities.
Feeling exasperated and whiny is the first clue that you’re not in the groove of the 6 Personal Year. How many eye-rolls will it take to step back and reevaluated your perceptions and your stance? It can also feel out of whack if you’ve got blinders on or are in denial about certain key relationships in your life and you’re unwilling to step up to the plate, have some hard conversations, and commit to changing the dynamic. If you choose the same-o same-o, the 6 Personal Year will hit you like a wave at high tide.
After your freewheeling 5 Personal Year last year, it’s time to buckle up and buckle down.
There are heightened levels of family-based responsibility this year. This is a time where all relationships are highlighted. It’s a good year to get married or engaged if you’ve been hovering around that decision.
This is a perfect year to attract the one or to recommit and grow your current intimate relationship. It’s also a time where you may seek divorce, a break-up or other relationship splits. This can be called the marriage and divorce year—and that can be seen both literally and metaphorically.
It’s all about evaluating the relationships in your life, starting with your relationship with you.
This is the year where you’ll finally feel that click in knowing if a separation is necessary or you can also have the clarity you’ve been waiting for and officially say “I Do.” Either way, these decision-making moments peak this year. The energy of the number 6 tests your sense of idealism, particularly when it comes to relationships. Do you give yourself away to your kids, spouse, parents, boss or friends? Or do you level judgment on those around you, impeding your—and their—happiness?
It’s time to investigate how you feel empowered or disempowered in your domestic life.
This is a year where you’ll be asked to take on additional responsibilities with friends and family that may come in the form of a wedding, graduation, birth of a baby, military deployment, a loved one’s health crisis, or any other family event. The trick is to participate in the way you want to participate. Take on the responsibility without resentment or over-commitment. Or step up and take on the responsibility if your tendency is to avoid it.
This is also a year where your home takes a front seat.
Do you have a desire to move? Redesign the kitchen or bath? Revitalize your home with new landscaping design, water feature or planter? This is the perfect time to beautify your home on any level.
On the career front, it’s a make-or-break time for business.
Your theme song for the year: “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?”
Issues related to control and perfectionism are also under review. You’ll be handed experiences that challenge you to let go of outgrown or counter-productive controlling tendencies. You’ll also get to practice letting go of perfectionist tendencies and to lighten your demand that others adhere to your sometimes lofty or unrealistic expectations.
Remember: If you do something out of duty it’ll deplete you. If you do something out of love, it’ll energize you. The 6 Personal Year is a beautiful time to enjoy the depth and power of deep connections and mutually nurturing relationships.