Master 33 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 2023
Numerology: The Meaning of Your LAST NAME
November 2, 2023The Meaning of the First Vowel in Your Name
What’s in a name?
What’s so special or so significant about our name? This is something parents usually spend a good deal of thought about – what should we name the baby? What name feels right? Is it a “family name” that goes back generations? Is it a unique name with non-traditional spelling?
In numerology, there is a lot (or one could even say EVERYTHING) to say about your name! Each letter holds a special resonance. And we believe that the name is no mistake, flight-of-fancy or a random decision (even if the story around it seems to indicate that it is).
In numerology, vowels hold a deeper, more “internal” energy or resonance.
The first vowel that shows up in your name “leads the way,” so to speak. It offers a strong indicator of a core value or core aspect to your personality.
If A is your first vowel:
The A reflects the energy of the number 1. When you have the A as your first vowel your tendency is to respond to the world in a rather impulsive yet creative way. You see yourself as hardworking, action-oriented, and in need of acknowledgement and positive feedback. You want the world to know you’re here! You have a drive to be independent, original, and number one at all you do. You’re a seeker of truth and wisdom and yet there is a negative tape that has a tendency to grind you down – particularly when you have a misstep, feel you’ve made a mistake or that you’ve failed. While you want feedback, you’re more than sensitive to criticism. You want accolades and can have a fear of critical feedback, even if (or especially if) it’s true.
If E is your first vowel:
The E reflects the energy of the number 5. When you have the E as your first vowel your tendency is to respond to the world with excitement, energy, and with an ultimate desire for freedom. Above all, you’re instinctive and highly intuitive. You see yourself as emotions-based and curious. You have a quick mind and a highly magical energy about you. You have a drive to experience it all – with disparate interests, diverse talents, and sexual verve. Even though you love people and participate in the drama of life – since you’re so intuitive and emotional – you can easily become emotionally drained by other people.
If I is your first vowel:
The I reflects the energy of the number 9. When you have the I as your first vowel your tendency is to respond to the world with intensity, wisdom, and charisma. You gravitate toward research and approach things with responsibility and compassion. You can display the patience of a saint – and often will do things over and over again until you reach a level of mastery that suits your standards. You often experience challenges with your family insofar as you either feel overly responsible for one or more of your family members – or on a deep level you can feel that you’re unloved. You can be led by your impulsive or even reckless ideas about romance, which often don’t have a practical basis in reality.
If O is your first vowel:
The O reflects the energy of the number 6. When you have the O as your first vowel your tendency is to respond to the world with contradiction. You can appear humble yet strong-willed, independent yet helpless, wise yet self-righteous. You’re innately magnetic, protective of friends and family, service-oriented, and nurturing – especially in the home and family realm. You have challenges modulating your overweening sense of responsibility and can become annoyed when others make demands on you and yet don’t listen to your advice. You benefit when you take the time to step back and find creative solutions to problems rather than immediately reacting. Your highest and best use is when you’re leading others in a position of authority.
If U is your first vowel:
The U reflects the energy of the number 3. When you have the U as your first vowel your tendency is to respond to the world with humor and joyful communication. You are a seeker of spiritual enlightenment and respond to life with energy and spontaneity. You are often a lively storyteller and can excel in entertainment – no matter what you’re doing. You’re led by your emotions – yet you often don’t know how to manage your emotions immediately and can experience “explosions” or “implosions” of emotional energy. Prone to exaggerate, you can slip into superficiality and scatter your energies when you aren’t focused on the task at hand.
If Y is your first vowel:
The Y reflects the energy of the number 7. When you have the Y as your first vowel your tendency is to respond to the world with analytical curiosity and spiritual probing. You’re a truth-seeker and respond to life with a sense of detachment and with questions!. You’re often a specialist of some kind and can excel in any spiritual field (healing, etc.) or with any field that demands an analytical mind or data-crunching. Prone to isolate yourself and seek the answers to life’s deeper questions, you live life on a different wavelength than most.
Numerologist Jean Simpson makes another interesting observation about the placement of the vowel in your name.
She contends that when a vowel is the first letter of your name (ie: Alyssa, Elizabeth, Ian, Owen, Yvonne), you often have challenges making decisions.
When a vowel begins your name, chances are you aren’t the best at making split decisions – it often takes more processing time to come to a decision or provide an answer.