9 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires WISDOM
December 20, 2023
3 Life Path | What You Resist Will Persist?
I have to admit. Dealing with the calculation of the Soul Urge number sometimes gives me fits.
If you continue to learn about Numerology, you’ll see that – like every other “ology” – there are different ways to go about it. Numerologist’s believe in various ways to calculate the numbers. There are different ways to calculate the core numbers in your chart.
Yet the bottom line that I find is that – despite the discrepancies in how to arrive at certain numbers – the meaning of the numbers themselves remains the same.
This goes for Chaldean Numerology. And other systems of Numerology (Kabbalistic, Indian, Chinese). The type of Numerology we’re discussing here is Pythagorean, which is the most widespread system used in the Western world.
The Core numbers in your chart vary by Numerologist, yet I feel that the most vital are:
- Life Path
- Expression/Destiny
- Soul Urge/Heart’s Desire
- Personality
- Birthday
- Maturity
Your Soul Urge number – also called your Heart’s Desire or Soul Desire – indicates what motivates you down deep into your core. This is the number that reveals to you what drives you from a soul-level.
This is a great number to know because it might explain some of those “irrational” thoughts and feelings you come up against – those feelings you just can’t explain, yet you feel with great intensity. How “surprising” they are to you will depend on how in alignment your Soul Urge number is with the rest of your Core Numbers.
So here’s the complicating factor.
Numerologist’s don’t necessarily agree on how to arrive at this number.
The calculation is based on adding together ALL THE VOWELS in your full name.
Vowels are A, E, I, O, U (and here’s where it gets sticky) and sometimes Y. And sometimes W.
Different Numerologist’s believe different things.
Dr. Juno Jordan (and others) will tell you that the “y” never enters into the calculation (Dr. Juno Jordan, Numerology: The Romance In Your Name).
Lynn Buess (and others) contends that the “y” is always used in calculating the Soul Urge number (Lynn Buess, MA, EdS, The Heart of Numerology).
Hans Decoz (and others) will show you that the calculation rests on the “y” being considered a vowel by the way it sounds. Numerology, after all, is really all about vibration and frequency, so discerning the sound that the vowel brings to the name is key to this formulation.
When using the “y” to calculate the Soul Urge, understand that the “y” is considered a vowel when it’s the only vowel sound in the syllable.
Hans Decoz states: “When the letter serves as a vowel, and in fact sounds like one, it is a vowel. … Examples of both of these cases are such names as Lynn, Yvonne, Mary, Betty, Ely, and Bryan. However, if the Y does not provide a separate vowel sound, as when it is coupled with another vowel, it is considered a consonant. In names such as Maloney or Murray, the Y is a consonant, because the vowel sound depends upon the long E in Maloney and the long A in Murray. In general, the Y is a consonant when the syllable already has a vowel. Also, the Y is considered a consonant when it is used int he place of the soft J sound, as int he name Yolanda or Yoda.”
So what’s a person to do???
All you can do is choose a way of calculation that feels right to you. Sorry to say it, yet it’s true. I’ve grappled with this personally. Yet you must choose what feels right to you.
And if you’re getting your calculations through a Numerology calculator that’s a computerized program or App, then you definitely must choose whether or not the “y” is or is not included in your calculation. Otherwise, you must do it by hand each time. Doing it by hand is great if that’s what you want to do.
The obvious point to make here is that the whole “y” issue isn’t an issue when calculating everyone’s Soul Urge number – it’s only an issue when a person has the letter “y” in their name (that kinda’ falls into the “no duh” category, yet I’ll observe it anyway).
An observation: You’ll notice that when you know the defining qualities of each of the numbers one through nine (and the Master Numbers), you’re at a huge advantage because the meaning and influence of each of the numbers remains the same no matter where it appears on your chart or within your Cycles. Then it simply becomes a matter of mastering your interpretive skills as to how the numbers interact with each other.
Calculate the Soul Urge Number
Write down the name you were given at birth, just as it is written on your birth certificate.
Use the chart and apply a number to each letter of your name; first, middle, last. If you have more than one middle name, please use all of the names as they appear on your birth certificate. If you’re a Jr., Second or Third, please leave that out of the equation.
Let’s use Stephen (Tyrone) Colbert as an example.
You calculate this much in the same way you calculate your Life Path number. It’s a simple addition problem once you assign a number value to the letter in the name (as indicated by the chart below). Like always, you must digit down to a one-digit number for each part of the calculation:
S T E P H E N = 5 + 5 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1
T Y R O N E = 7 + 6 + 5 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9
C O L B E R T = 6 + 5 = 11/2
Add together: 1 + 9 + 11 = 21 and 2 + 1 = 3
1 + 9 + 11 = 21; 2 + 1 = 3 (This is the calculation WITH the “y” as a vowel)
Or 1 + 11 + 11 = 2 + 3 = 5 (This is the calculation WITHOUT using the “y” as a vowel)
While only Stephen would know, what number do you feel would be more fitting for his Soul Urge? The 3 or the 5?