8 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 2023
Master 11/2 Life Path CHILDREN
November 1, 20239 Life Path Child
Knowing how to best support, guide, and just plain understand your child is certainly a parental desire.
Let’s take a look at how to understand and support your child with numerology.
Even though I’ll focus primarily on the Life Path number, please know that your child’s complete chart will offer much more detailed information about what your child is all about.
And yet, if you’re only going to know one number in your entire numerology chart, the Life Path is the one.
It gives you an indication of your child’s life purpose and also indicates what challenges, tendencies, and obstacles will come into play throughout your child’s life.
>>If you don’t know the Life Path, click here to use the Life Path calculator.
If you have an 9 Life Path child, here are some basics:
To develop a humanitarian approach to life, integrity, wisdom, spiritual focus, letting go, and creativity. Understand that because what we’re here to do is never going to be the easiest thing for us to do, your child will have challenges and difficulties with developing and acting upon these very themes.
The 9 Life Path child is on a complex journey. In Numerology, 9 is the number of completion. Therefore, your child is considered to be an “old soul” who’s here to use their much-gathered wisdom in the world. The 9 Life Path child is being encouraged to embrace and act upon all the positive qualities of all the numbers 1-8. So it’s not a little walk in the park. Your 9 Life Path child often feels like they’re out of place or that they don’t belong. Often they’re the champion of the underdog – or they can be the President of the Misfit Club. Ultimately, your child is here to accomplish something that will affect the greater good in whatever way they choose. The 9 is the compassionate humanitarian. Also know that your 9 Life Path child can be extremely talented in the artistic or creative realms.
Children with a 9 Life Path will be challenged with an aversion to asking for help. They think they can do it all solo. Yet learning to ask for – and accept – support from others is an ongoing life lesson. The 9 Life Path experiences more than their fair share of loss in their lives, so one of their challenges can often be difficulty letting go – of relationships, of “stuff,” of experiences. So the 9 Life Path can cling to things when instead they should move through them. Your child can be a fanatic about certain things. They can be the one who likes to stand up on their “soap box” and give their lecture. So the 9 Life Path is often challenged with developing good listening skills. They’ve got such a compassionate heart that often they can be taken advantage of by others.
Your 9 Life Path child is here to develop their sense of spirituality and higher purpose, humanitarianism, integrity, and wisdom. You’ll have to work with them in these areas:
- The 9 Life Path is amazingly charismatic. They can also have a “rebel without a cause” mentality.
- Your child is learning how be the “poster child” for the Buddhist idea of living in the present moment, letting go of the past and moving gently into the future. So there will be consistent troubles with letting go.
- The 9 Life Path child is a heart-felt and compassionate person.
- One of your child’s major life lessons resides in the limited rewards they receive throughout their lives. They’re meant to do what they’re doing because they can’t not do it. All the rewards will then follow.
Here are a few ways that you can support your 9 Life Path child to be the best they can be:
- Support the geek squad. Your 9 Life Path child will often traverse a path that’s a bit off-center. Be supportive of your child’s gifts, quirks, and oddities.
- Show how to let go. The 9 Life Path child’s working with letting go throughout their lives. When you show your child how to let go by your example, you’re giving them a lifelong gift. This can be anything from the death of a pet, to cleaning out the closet and giving away what’s no longer needed to charity, to being rejected by a friend. Show by example healthy detachment, gratitude, and higher meaning and purpose in all of the challenging experiences we have in life.
- Value creativity. Your child is a creative thinker and often has some real artistic talent. Don’t attempt to fit a square peg into a round hole. Validate your child’s worthiness and creativity whenever you can.