December 17, 2022
The Fibonacci Sequence
October 4, 2023Tesla’s Code of Manifestation: Deciphering the Power of 3/6/9
Nikola Tesla, one of the most brilliant inventors and visionaries of the 19th and 20th centuries, was not only known for his groundbreaking contributions to electrical engineering but also for his methaphysical beliefs and theories.
Among these beliefs, Tesla held a particular fascination for the numbers 3, 6, and 9, often referring to them as a key to understanding the universe’s fundamental secrets. Let’s delve into Tesla’s “Code of Manifestation” and explore what significance he attributed to the numbers 3/6/9.
The Enigmatic Nikola Tesla
Before we dive into the significance of 3/6/9, it’s essential to understand the enigmatic personality of Nikola Tesla. Born in 1856 in what is now Croatia, Tesla immigrated to the United States and became a naturalized citizen. His prolific career included numerous inventions such as the alternating current (AC) electrical system, the Tesla coil, and countless innovations in electrical engineering.
Interestingly, Tesla’s mind was not limited to scientific discoveries. He was also known for his unconventional and mystic beliefs.
The Power of 3/6/9
Tesla was quoted as saying, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”
This statement has piqued the curiosity of many, and some have speculated that Tesla was referring to the significance of these numbers in understanding the fundamental fabric of the cosmos. I would love to have been a fly on the wall if he and Albert Einstein were to get together for a chat over dinner!
The Number 3: Creative Power
Tesla considered the number 3 as a fundamental creative force in the universe. In many spiritual and mystical traditions, 3 is associated with creation, balance, and harmony. Tesla believed that by understanding the power of 3, one could unlock the secrets of creation itself. Of course, these are exactly the same attributes that Pythagorean numerology places on the number 3 – the number of creation itself.
The Number 6: Balance and Harmony
Tesla regarded 6 as a symbol of balance and harmony. He often spoke of the importance of balance in the universe and how it was represented by the number 6. In various cultures, 6 has been associated with equilibrium and unity. Again, this speaks the same language of numerology.
The Number 9: The Key to the Universe
Tesla’s fascination with the number 9 was perhaps the most profound. In numerology, the number 9 is considered a sacred number and contains all of the attributes (both positive and negative) of all the other numbers. He believed that 9 held the key to unlocking the universe’s secrets. Tesla’s obsession with this number led him to develop peculiar habits, such as walking around a building three times before entering. He also had an inclination towards doing everything in sets of 3.
Mathematically, 9 possesses remarkable properties. Any number added to 9 retains its original value when you add its digits and keep reducing until you reach a single digit.
For example, 9 + 4 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4 and so on. This property is not shared by any other number.
Tesla’s “Code of Manifestation”
Tesla’s beliefs about 3/6/9 are often referred to as his “Code of Manifestation.” He believed that by understanding and harnessing the power of these numbers, one could manifest and control the energies of the universe.
As a mystic, Tesla grounded his beliefs and inquires in his deep understanding of mathematics, physics, and the interconnectedness of all things.
How Can You Use It To Manifest Anything You Desire?
Tesla’s manifestation code 3/6/9 is a simple but powerful technique for manifesting your desires. It is based on the belief that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 have special properties that can help us to connect with the universe and bring our goals to fruition.
To use the 3/6/9 manifestation code, simply write down your desire three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night.
You can do this in a journal, on a piece of paper, or even on your computer. The important thing is to be consistent and to believe in the power of the code.
Here is an example of how you might use the 3/6/9 manifestation code:
- Morning: I am grateful for the abundance in my life. I am a magnet for money and prosperity.
- Afternoon: I am open to receiving all the good that the universe has to offer. I am worthy of success and abundance.
- Night: I am living my dream life. I am surrounded by love, joy, and prosperity.
This is the important part!
As you write down your desire, focus on the feeling of already having it. Visualize yourself living your dream life and experience the emotions of joy, gratitude, and excitement.
The more you can FEEL these emotions, the more powerful your manifestation will be.
It is important to note that the 3/6/9 manifestation code is not a magic bullet. It takes time, effort, and belief to manifest your desires.
Yet, if you are consistent with the code and you truly believe that it can work for you, you will start to see results.
Here are some tips for using the 3/6/9 manifestation code effectively:
- Be specific about your desire. What do you really want?
- Write your desire in the present tense, as if you already have it.
- Focus on the feeling of already having your desire.
- Visualize yourself living your dream life.
- Believe that the code can work for you.
- Be consistent with the code.
The 3/6/9 manifestation code is a powerful tool that can help you to achieve your goals and dreams. If you’re ready to start manifesting your desires, begin using the code on a consistent basis.
Remember that (most of the time!) your desires won’t arrive at your doorstep like an order from Amazon.com! Yet when you FEEL the emotion connected to your wishes and follow it up with ACTION, the Universe will support you every time.