8 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires POWER
December 20, 2023
Numerology | The Soul Urge Number
December 20, 20239 Soul Urge |
Your Heart Desires WISDOM
You have a deep need to achieve a higher state of consciousness, teach others how to give the highest and best of themselves, and learn the power of selfless-service.
When you look deep into your soul, you have an underlying and pressing need to engage in some sort of humanitarian service.
Underneath it all, yours is a spiritual path and you’re here to love unconditionally and to be of service.
The number 9 is a sacred number.
In numerology, it’s the number of completions. It’s the number of the old soul, of letting go, of releasing attachments, and of loss.
You’re at your optimal when you’re tapping into your creativity, following your quirky creative pathway, and giving generously with your time, talents, energy or money.
At the end of the day, this Soul Urge number is a powerful one demanding that you learn to transform and heal (both yourself and others) while letting go of the past freely and without bitterness or attachment.
Ultimately, it’s all about aligning with the higher spiritual pathway that teaches us that everything is temporary—the good, the bad, and everything in between.
When the 9 is your Soul Urge, you may find yourself tripping over into the arena of bitterness, of intolerance, or gullibility. You may have to deal with enmeshment with your family of origin throughout your life. You often feel either resentment toward the family or feel overly responsible for them.
While the 9 is the path of universal wisdom, the road you travel can feel rocky and, at some times, thankless.
You need to be aware that people respond much more favorably to you when you connect with them through being a compassionate active listener rather than a preacher, lecturer, or proselytizer. Understand that you can have an intimidating quality to you, despite your big heart.
Some of your internal struggles might include being perceived as arrogant or unapproachable. Realize that everyone thinks you have it all (or have it all together) and so you find it difficult to ask for help or support. It’s not only okay to ask for help, it’s very healing for you. You’re truly connecting with your abilities to both give and receive—and usually the receiving part is much harder!
Know that your 9 Soul Urge is a powerful journey that offers you multifaceted opportunities to touch the lives of others and heal some of your own deepest wounds.
At your core, you’re a giving soul and your heart’s desire is to serve others and leave the world a better place while you’re here and when you’re gone.
With the 9 as your Soul Urge, this might be something only you can see or feel. Or alternately, you may use your other-worldly creativity freely and passionately, act with compassion, and serve the higher good in a substantial way. It ultimately depends on the other numbers in your chart and how those energies mix and match with your compassionate and humanitarian-focused 9 Soul Urge.