8 Pinnacle | Empowerment & Financial Success
October 5, 2023
1 Challenge | A Struggle for Independence & Healthy Ego
October 12, 20239 Pinnacle | Compassion & Following Your Heart
The Pinnacles are four distinct periods of time that each of us experience—with the longest cycles being at the beginning and at the end of our lives, with two nine-year cycles in the middle. Each Pinnacle is a time of personal development.
The Pinnacles can be seen as the degree programs you signed up for during your life—and you get to study that particular subject matter for an extended period of time. Consider them to be like a master plan compartmentalized into stages of development. They are the building blocks of your life—and you take the experiences and skills learned throughout each cycle and bridge them to inform the next.
Each Pinnacle number represents the energy and lessons that are emphasized during a period of several years. Understanding the elements presented to you during your Pinnacle Cycles offers invaluable information about the focus and lessons to be learned during certain chunks of time, and also provides a great format for understanding why certain things happen during these periods of time. This is the environment in which you find yourself, offering you a particular trajectory through life.
In numerology, Pinnacles are sometimes called The Four Pyramids. Calculating your four Pinnacle Cycle numbers is not so much a predictive tool—although it can be used to map out a clearer vision of your past, present, and future—as a tool that offers support and guidance for your life decisions and actions.
I’m making the assumption that you know how to calculate the Pinnacles, or you wouldn’t be searching for information about the 9 Pinnacle!
>>If you aren’t aware of how to calculate them or want to know about the Pinnacle Cycle in more depth, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose.
If you have a 9 Pinnacle, you’re expected to show the world what a true humanitarian looks and acts like on a day-to-day basis. You’re developing the attributes of compassion, love, ethics, and tolerance—combined with a big dose of inspiring and uplifting others through compassionate giving. If this sounds like a big order to fill, it is! The 9 Pinnacle is marked by emotional crises because you’re being asked to end and let go of all matters in your life no longer of service you and your higher purpose. This is a time of selfless-service in the purest sense.
This is a road toward wise maturity and involves healing emotional issues. This Pinnacle is a segment of life demanding the ultimate release of all the painful stories about your past that may haunt you or keep you from stepping into your fullest potential. The ultimate healing takes place during this Pinnacle when you surrender into transformation. There’s plenty of potential for anything you want during this time when you’re fully committed to playing your role in letting go and following your heart. Forgiveness is a key theme during a 9 Pinnacle.
When you surrender, all good things come to you. This is a time where you can literally create your own reality. Money, good fortune, loving relationships, vibrant health, purposeful living—these are all possible during a 9 Pinnacle when you’re willing to let go, surrender, and reinvent. International travel, curiosity about other ways of thinking, living, and being are highlighted. Fame and fortune aren’t out of the question with this Pinnacle, as long the foundation is based in love, giving, and service to the greater good.
1st Pinnacle: With a 9 Pinnacle at the beginning of life, the influence may be barely noticeable. Selflessness is an attribute that’s developed over time and young children must first forge their identity for themselves before doing selfless-service in a healthy and productive manner. When you experience a 9 as a 1st Pinnacle, you may be a child who is the friend to the underdog, who’s a protector of the kids who get bullied, those who are handicapped or those who are ostracized in some way. You may be a bit of an outsider yourself as you attend to those on the margins. You can also be the bully and have experiences that enlighten you and demand that you exchange your selfishness for selflessness. The 9 Pinnacle in your early years can be a challenging period marked by losses, trials, and tribulations making you wise beyond your years.
2nd or 3rd Pinnacle (Main Pinnacle): A 2nd or 3rd Pinnacle directed by the 9 might set the stage for a life guided by humanitarian viewpoints, such as working humanitarian causes like climate change, human or animal rights—or with any other career or organization devoted to humanitarian causes. You may express such views through political action or social service, or in a variety of other venues. The thrust of your desires and actions rests in humanitarian action, whether it’s through charitable contributions, volunteerism or direct employment within these realms of service. You might work for the Peace Corps or be an actor who is an activist for humanitarian causes. You might be a wealthy philanthropist who funds charitable organizations. Either way, your purpose is to effect positive change in the world and promote tolerance and compassion. The 9 Pinnacle is a time for integrating yourself with the higher principles of wisdom, selfless-service, and giving back to the world. Focusing directly on personal material gain during this Pinnacle will backfire. If you reject your higher calling, you’ll also find difficulties. Following your heart and giving generously (while being led by the passion calling on your heart and soul) are the keys to this glorious Pinnacle.
4th Pinnacle: If the 4th Pinnacle is guided by the 9, work will tend to be more charitable in nature with plenty of opportunity to give much more of yourself. If you have done well financially, you might be drawn to using your assets to finance programs and support causes you believe in. This is a time where you’ve mellowed and have developed a more caring and heart-felt attitude about yourself and about others than in earlier periods of life. If you have a 9 as your 4th Pinnacle, you’re required to rise above the fray and become a humanitarian in whatever capacity you choose. This is a period of time devoted to selfless-service, yet it’s marked by an increase in creative desires and abilities. The arts can be a centerpiece during a 9 Pinnacle and a craving for international travel or with some kind of involvement in international affairs can play a major role.