7 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires TRUTH
December 20, 2023
9 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires WISDOM
December 20, 20238 Soul Urge |
Your Heart Desires POWER
You have a deep need to manifest financial security that allows you freedom and influence to make a difference in the world.
When you look deep into your soul, you have an underlying and pressing need to gain self-mastery.
Your heart’s desire is to achieve and succeed in the material world. Deep down you need to master the elements of money, personal power, control, and authority.
The 8 is a testing number and also an amplifier—it amplifies whatever it touches. When you realize that you’re here to achieve power and abundance—and then act on that knowledge—your heart’s desire will be fulfilled.
At your core, you need to achieve status and power.
Wielding positive influence and being a respected authority in your field of expertise is your touchstone. It’s important that you do well in the world and gain recognition for your accomplishments.
Having an 8 Soul Urge might explain your businesslike demeanor and deep desire for the finer things in life. It’s your task to learn to be a confident and successful person without becoming corrupted or hardened by power and money—or beaten down and disempowered.
Your path takes rigor and tenacity to manifest your soul’s calling.
You have amazing potential for improving the lives of a lot of people. You’re a masterful leader, manager, and organizer—a powerhouse made for material success. Remember that as you give, you receive.
You’re meant for positions of power and therefore often experience authority issues throughout your life. You can be easily misinterpreted because of a gruff, direct, and opinionated manner.
Or if you’re working with the destructive tendencies of the number 8, you can feel disempowered and victimized.
When you’re thriving financially and giving generously, you’re doing what your soul longs to do.
The first item of business that will open the gate for you to achieve your 8 Soul Urge is to dig deep and tap into your sense of personal empowerment. And believe me, you’ll be handed a treasure-trove of opportunities to step up or be stepped on. The energy of the 8 demands that you dig into your power and move through obstacles—and there will be many obstacles.
An 8 Soul Urge number means you have to step it up and make up your mind that you’re in the world to make your mark.
Some of your internal struggles might include an over (or under) focus on money, becoming bullying or wallowing in self-pity. Or if you’re working with the destructive tendencies of the number 8, you can be the ultimate doormat, self-destructive, and obstinate.
When you’re thriving financially and giving generously from your heart, you’re doing what your soul was born to do.
With the 8 as your Soul Urge, this might be something only you can see or feel. Or alternately, you may be a masterful money manager, a giving philanthropist, a powerful and achievement-oriented organizer or other conduit for helping empower others. It ultimately depends on the other numbers in your chart and how those energies mix and match with your intense and power-focused 8 Soul Urge.