6 Life Path | Adapting To Change & Uncertainty
If there’s anything that’s clear at this point, it’s that uncertainty is the new certainty.
Looking at it through the most optimistic and positive lens, adaptation and pivoting expectations is the name of the game.
Let’s take a look at how we might approach adapting to change and uncertainty through numerology.
Specifically, let’s focus on the Life Path number.
>>Don’t know your Life Path number? Go here to the free calculator.
For those of you who are more advanced in your knowledge of numerology, you might consider reading for both your Life Path number and your Expression (Destiny) number and see how both of those might offer you a blended pathway to navigating change.
>>For your more detailed numerology profile, go here to order your individual report
This would be similar in Astrology to reading for your Sun Sign and also your Rising Sign.
6 | The 6 Life Path
The 6 Life Path is always learning how to create a nurturing and homey place wherever you go. You’re a cosmic parent in every sense.
To see the world imploding can make even the strongest and most resilient 6 break down and weep.
This path demands that you define and refine yourself as a creative visionary and loving presence, with a dollop of service and responsibility mixed in.
Your ability to see the bigger picture and serve others with heart and compassion is needed now more than ever!
The biggest hurdle that might be facing you is in your propensity to feel somewhat obstinate about your own point of view and by experiencing difficulty accepting and allowing yourself to be satisfied even when your high expectations aren’t met.
With that said, a key for the 6’s navigating change and uncertainty is lodged in focusing your energy and efforts on your natural sense of justice and finding compassionate ways to nurture yourself (and then others) during transitional and uncertain times.
It’s all about understanding and embracing your role as a creative and nurturing visionary and yet the key is not to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Choose small steps, doable actions and activities that allow you to infuse your love, compassion, and service to the greater good, whether it’s your community group or your own friends and family.
The best way to come to terms with change and uncertainty is to extract yourself from placing your own value judgment on everything, which usually has a “this isn’t right!” or “if everyone would just think the way I think, everything would be ok.”
The ultimate challenge and point of growth for the 6 is in taking the responsibility you want to take and letting the other stuff go. You can’t control the world, even though it’s tempting for the 6 to believe that is their ultimate task!
Not so, oh-6 Life Path.
Change and uncertainty serve as a serious opportunity for you to live the motto “See the perfection in the imperfection.”
You focus a lot of effort on feeling grounded, nested, and “at home” in your life, so this is a time that calls on you to continue to hold the line and find your point of balance.
The world’s longing for your loving presence, giving heart, and creative vision as we bridge transitional times.
Master 33/6 | Read for the 3 (and double it!) and then for the 6.