3 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires EXPRESSION
December 20, 2023
5 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires FREEDOM
December 20, 20234 Soul Urge |
You have a deep need to accomplish something tangible that people find beneficial in their day-to-day lives.
When you look deep into your soul, you have an underlying and pressing need to build something of lasting value in the world.
This can be a family of your own, a business or other enterprise.
Deep down you need to build a stable environment for yourself and you work hard to create this in your life. Some of the underlying key values are honestly, loyalty, and trustworthiness.
Know that you have the potential to be a stellar marriage or business partner.
Your heart’s desire revolves around being practical, hardworking, and achieving goals using step-by-step processes.
Underneath it all, you desire to build a life where you feel anchored, rooted, and grounded. Family life often calls to you—a point of your ultimate soul’s growth resides in your ability to create your family of choice where you feel secure, understood, and appreciated.
You’re the systems-builder and keeper of order.
You might lean toward rigidness, stubbornness, and blunt communication. Alternately, you could avoid putting down roots and reject hard work.
Some of your internal struggles might include an aversion to coloring outside the lines and a fear of taking risks. The number 4 is all about coming to terms with limitations—working with them, understanding when you’ve created your own limitations, and working through and around whatever the perceived limitations might be in order to get where you want to go.
Down at your core, you desire outlets for managing, organizing, and creating a foundation from which to build your life or enterprise. Don’t let fear of criticism or the trap of low-level work stop you from creating the foundation from which you build your life.
Don’t succumb to seeing work as a necessary evil—since work is a huge part of the energy of the 4—it’s the number of concerted effort, after all! You might find that it takes you a while to settle in on a career that suits you.
Folks who have a 4 as the Soul Urge often either work really hard from early on in their lives or they take their sweet time before they realize that they feel much better when there’s a focused plan and a commitment to the effort it takes to get the job done. Make a decision. Put down roots.
With the 4 as your Soul Urge, this might be something only you can see or feel. Or alternately, you may work with great tenacity, bask in checking off the goals on your punch-list, and revel in sharing your vast knowledge with others with great consistency and generosity. With the 4 Soul Urge, it’s all about a sense of accomplishment. It ultimately depends on the other numbers in your chart and how those energies mix and match with your steady and hard-working 4 Soul Urge.