3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs An 8 Life Path In Their Life
December 14, 2023
Your Bosses Leadership Style | 1 Life Path
December 15, 20233 Reasons Why Everyone Needs A 9 Life Path In Their Life
The Life Path number is a key to understanding your life’s purpose, innate tendencies and talents, and the obstacles you’ll face as you continue to master the lessons to be learned in your life. The Life Path number indicates the primary mission in life—it outlines what you’re learning, mastering, and evolving into. So while you will have innate gifts and talents in this particular arena, you will also have more distinct or heightened obstacles in getting there.
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Do you know someone who has a 9 Life Path?
The 9 Life Path is the quirky, creative, compassionate humanitarian.
They are fireballs!
The 9 Life Path is learning all about how to give and receive (usually they do more of the giving than receiving!). They’re here to channel their empathy, universal wisdom, compassion, and heart-centered giving into the world.
The 9 Life Path is multi-gifted and is often a rebel with (or without!) a cause.
Also keep in mind that we’re all challenged with the opposing forces to our life’s mission in some way, shape, or form.
Misalignment for the 9 Life Path can present as under-active (self-centered and driven by material gain, for example) or over-active (bitter and resentful or taken advantage of by others, for instance).
3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs A 9 Life Path In Their Life
- When the 9 Life Path is in their groove, they can show you how to FOLLOW YOUR HEART. These people can do anything, yet if it doesn’t speak to their heart and soul, they can get derailed. They can show you by either positive example or negative example how to give generously and also maintain personal boundaries.
- The 9 Life Path follows their own pathway — they’re great at showing you how to DEFY CONVENTION and PUSH THE ENVELOPE.
- If you want to have a friend or partner who is GIVING and GENEROUS, the 9 Life Path is the one.