2 Pinnacle | Harmony & Partnership
October 5, 2023
4 Pinnacle | Hard Work & Organization
October 5, 20233 Pinnacle | Creativity & Expression
The Pinnacles are four distinct periods of time that each of us experience—with the longest cycles being at the beginning and at the end of our lives, with two nine-year cycles in the middle. Each Pinnacle is a time of personal development.
The Pinnacles can be seen as the degree programs you signed up for during your life—and you get to study that particular subject matter for an extended period of time. Consider them to be like a master plan compartmentalized into stages of development. They are the building blocks of your life—and you take the experiences and skills learned throughout each cycle and bridge them to inform the next.
Each Pinnacle number represents the energy and lessons that are emphasized during a period of several years. Understanding the elements presented to you during your Pinnacle Cycles offers invaluable information about the focus and lessons to be learned during certain chunks of time, and also provides a great format for understanding why certain things happen during these periods of time. This is the environment in which you find yourself, offering you a particular trajectory through life.
In numerology, Pinnacles are sometimes called The Four Pyramids. Calculating your four Pinnacle Cycle numbers is not so much a predictive tool—although it can be used to map out a clearer vision of your past, present, and future—as a tool that offers support and guidance for your life decisions and actions.
I’m making the assumption that you know how to calculate the Pinnacles, or you wouldn’t be searching for information about the 3 Pinnacle!
>>If you aren’t aware of how to calculate them or want to know about the Pinnacle Cycle in more depth, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose.
With a 3 Pinnacle, get ready to dig into your emotions and express yourself. The themes for this period of time are communication, self-expression, creativity in all forms, joy, optimism, and locating and speaking your truth. This is a time to get to know your inner life intimately, to identify and deal with your emotions, and to actively engage whatever creative urges you feel compelled to explore.
During this Pinnacle, you’ll have no other choice except to dig deep in order to locate your underlying emotions and learn to communicate with clarity and purpose. If you attempt to hold your feelings and ideas inside yourself, you’ll implode. Now’s the time to allow yourself and others to see the true creative and emotional you. Honestly, this Pinnacle is set up for lightness—with a focus on enjoyable activities that support enjoyment, creativity, and expression. This energy is supportive of travel, social activities, friendships, and entertainment.
The foundation is being poured for growth and development of personal expression—particularly verbal (teaching, coaching, presenting), writing or performance. Even if you haven’t felt particularly artistic or creative before, now you’re likely to feel drawn toward participation in artistic creation of one kind or another—or at least infusing your particular form of creativity into whatever you do. The 3 is aligned with the joy of the present moment. Long-term plans made during this stage might not come to fruition exactly the way you planned. It’s all about being with people, having fun, and taking on a youthful attitude. It can be an easy come, easy go stage, where variety and movement over-ride hunkering down and making things happen. Think. Dream. Imagine. Create. These are your key components for the 3 Pinnacle.
1st Pinnacle: While it sounds rather breezy, if the number 3 shows up during your 1st Pinnacle, it offers many challenges. While there may be lots of opportunities to develop and pursue artistic and creative potentials, chances are you won’t recognize them or be willing to work at making them come to fruition this early in life. So instead, there’s a tendency to scatter your energies or perhaps to work on fleeting ideas. Better yet, you may just be having too much fun to actually dig in and develop a level of expertise that goes beyond being a dilettante. The best spin—the 3 as a 1st Pinnacle encourages the development of a creative career. This is a Pinnacle where over-sensitivity to outside criticism can be debilitating and stand in the way of creative pursuits or of your ability to express emotions. Emotional highs and lows are common during a 3 Pinnacle. Experiencing blockages with expression and communication is expected during this Pinnacle.
2nd or 3rd Pinnacle (Main Pinnacle): If you’re in a 2nd or 3rd Pinnacle, the 3 energy creates an environment composed of good friends and happy relationships, enjoyment, the pleasures of life, and creative self-expression. This is a time where your responsibilities and accomplishments are greatly dependent on your social demeanor and communication skills. You may be presented with opportunities to write, speak, design or take a job in the entertainment industry. This time is marked by imagination and expressive feelings. Great news! If you’re nurturing the 3’s healthy aspects during this Pinnacle, it has a natural attraction for money and an easier life full of creative pursuits, where you’re drawn to encourage and inspire others. You could become interested in some aspect of the healing arts. Anything performance-related or communication focused is favored.
4th Pinnacle: If a 3 shows up for your 4th Pinnacle, there’s a good possibility for travel, social activity, and an overall sense of lightness. Often this is accompanied with a freedom from financial worry. It can be a very comfortable final stage in life that’s supportive of all creative endeavors, with a focus on fun and social engagement. The energy of the 3 is so curious, you’ll want to learn something (or experience something) and then quickly move on to the next thing. You’ll benefit by developing more focus and a sense of self-discipline in order to take full advantage of this creative, light, and happy period of time. You might easily get scattered, distracted, and drained. Stay disciplined and avoid superficiality and negative communication in the form of gossip, sarcasm, and pessimism.