2 Challenge | A Struggle To Create A Strong Self-Image
October 12, 2023
4 Challenge | A Struggle To Be Practical & Organized
October 12, 20233 Challenge | A Struggle to Express & Be Optimistic
Knowing your Challenge numbers and understanding their meaning can open a window of understanding during each phase of your Pinnacles.
To know what you’re up against is often half the battle of being able to fully embody your passionate purpose in life! Challenge numbers aren’t meant to be overcome—rather they indicate what you must become.
I see the Challenge numbers (particularly the 3rd or Main Challenge) as the KEYS TO YOUR CASTLE!
Why? Because most often, when the Challenge is mastered, it’s a vital yet mysterious missing link that becomes your best friend rather than your worst foe. Trust me on this.
The issue here is that when a number presents itself to you as a Challenge, it’s bombarding you with the destructive aspects of that number while simultaneously demanding that you operate in the constructive aspects of the number.
We can also see the Challenge numbers as indicative of certain weaknesses we have that we’re being asked to improve upon and turn into strengths.
The Challenge number by definition is confrontational. This number challenges you to overcome the opposing energies while becoming aligned with—and embodying—the constructive elements associated with a particular number.
The Challenge numbers indicate specific areas where there are shortcomings in your character.
I’m making the assumption that you know how to calculate the Challenges, or you wouldn’t be searching for information about the 3 Challenge!
If you aren’t aware of how to calculate them or want to know about the Challenge Cycles in more depth, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose.
3 Challenge
If you have a 3 Challenge, you’re learning to identify your feelings and to speak from your heart and from your own truth.
The key theme: AUTHENTICITY
It’s a time where you’re truly learning and mastering one of the major teachings of the 3: Your words have a profound impact on you and on those around you.
Sometimes the challenge resides in taking yourself and your feelings seriously. It may feel easier to use humor or criticism to mask your feelings. Or perhaps your challenge will be in taking yourself too seriously and expressing in a hostile, inappropriate, or pessimistic manner.
Some of the tendencies that the 3 brings with it are the propensities for superficiality, exaggeration, self-centeredness, moodiness, and scattered focus.
What this Challenge Number is inviting you to do is to use your creative energy to develop a positive, happy, loving, and inspirational spirit. Wasting 3 energy is like throwing away a priceless gift. It’s the vibe of pure happiness.
You might feel the compulsion to do too many things at once during a 3 Challenge. Despite your heightened imagination and gift for words—both written and verbal—this challenge will knock you over with a “block” when you want to express yourself effectively and honestly.
The challenge is centered on EXPRESSION, therefore there will be blockages and stunted (or immature) modes of expression durng this Challenge.
Instead of experiencing the great joy the 3 has to offer, you’ll instead be bombarded with hopelessness or perhaps depression. You’ll struggle with feelings of negativity even to the point of becoming defensive and reclusive. You might also have a tendency for money to slip through your hands during this time.
You may have a talent or desire to practice your talents for writing, acting, or speaking, yet you’re reluctant to involve yourself with these activities because the thought of facing criticism is overwhelming.
So, you might turn to expressing yourself with a negative emphasis (as cynicism or ruthless judgment) or you might hide your creative talents behind a façade of withdrawal and feelings of self-doubt. You’re being called to develop yourself in a social and creative way. You must jump over the destructive landmines along your path.
Potential Destructive Aspects of the 3 Challenge
- Experiencing such a sense of self-doubt that you don’t move forward in your life
- Becoming an emotional sponge and experiencing severe emotional sensitivity
- Acting out of criticism and judgment
- Dwelling in negativity
- Shutting down, withdrawing, and becoming emotionally unavailable
- Attempting to get what you want through manipulation rather than stating it clearly
- Developing physical illness (especially in the intestinal tract) and depression