1 Pinnacle | Independence & Leadership
October 5, 2023
3 Pinnacle | Creativity & Expression
October 5, 20232 Pinnacle | Harmony & Partnership
The Pinnacles are four distinct periods of time that each of us experience—with the longest cycles being at the beginning and at the end of our lives, with two nine-year cycles in the middle. Each Pinnacle is a time of personal development.
The Pinnacles can be seen as the degree programs you signed up for during your life—and you get to study that particular subject matter for an extended period of time. Consider them to be like a master plan compartmentalized into stages of development. They are the building blocks of your life—and you take the experiences and skills learned throughout each cycle and bridge them to inform the next.
Each Pinnacle number represents the energy and lessons that are emphasized during a period of several years. Understanding the elements presented to you during your Pinnacle Cycles offers invaluable information about the focus and lessons to be learned during certain chunks of time, and also provides a great format for understanding why certain things happen during these periods of time. This is the environment in which you find yourself, offering you a particular trajectory through life.
In numerology, Pinnacles are sometimes called The Four Pyramids. Calculating your four Pinnacle Cycle numbers is not so much a predictive tool—although it can be used to map out a clearer vision of your past, present, and future—as a tool that offers support and guidance for your life decisions and actions.
I’m making the assumption that you know how to calculate the Pinnacles, or you wouldn’t be searching for information about the 2 Pinnacle!
>>If you aren’t aware of how to calculate them or want to know about the Pinnacle Cycle in more depth, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose.
When this is your Pinnacle number, you’re being beckoned to envelop yourself in the elements of learning to cooperate, share, be considerate of others, and be at your best when you are in harmonious relationships without sacrificing yourself in the process. That last item is the real obstacle. The number 2 is the number of partnerships, patience, balance, and diplomacy. Therefore a 2 Pinnacle can be a time where love takes front seat, whether it’s through marriage or partnership, parenting, or other experiences that involve loving relationships.
This is a time where you’ll be called upon to work on—and perfect—your subtle art of relating. The number 2 also has to do with gathering and relating facts or data, perfecting details, and being a team-player whose strength lies in being of service in a calm and balanced way. Where precision and details are valued, you’ll be happiest with your contributions. You’ll learn to discipline your emotions while also bringing your emotional life to the forefront.
A 2 Pinnacle asks you to practice patience and tact. It won’t offer much recognition for all you do during this time, so you must turn to yourself for acknowledgment in order not to feel resentful. Learning to create and hold emotional boundaries is key. This is a time where being an integral part of a group or community is where you feel most satisfied, comfortable, and confident. This can be a warm and fuzzy period when you’re focused on contributing your heart and soul to your relationships and to your enterprises.
1st Pinnacle: If you experience a 2 as a 1st Pinnacle, count on being an overly-sensitive child who’s easily hurt and who takes on the emotions of those around you. Since you’re young and developing emotionally, you won’t realize that you’re feeling both your own emotions, plus those of everyone in your environment. This includes sensitivity to your surroundings. You may have difficulties with both verbal and emotional expression since you are overloaded with feelings that you’re not yet mature enough to recognize and filter out. Your mother is likely to be a strong influence on you during this time, for good or for ill. This is a time when you can feel timid and submissive and have to work at defining and expressing yourself. A low or high level of anxiety is not an uncommon factor during this time. Often you navigate this sensitive Pinnacle by people pleasing.
2nd or 3rd Pinnacle (Main Pinnacle): A 2nd or 3rd Pinnacle with a 2 influence surrounds you with energies associated with working in balance with other people. This is a time that isn’t so much me focused as us focused. When you master your ability to promote harmony in all things, show patience and a willingness to forgo individual credit based on your contributions to the whole, you’ll be operating optimally. The work you engage in during this time is likely to be detailed and demanding. This is most often a time where marriage and children are priority. If you’ve been a stay-at-home parent, as just one example, it wouldn’t be surprising to see this number in your 2nd or 3rd Pinnacle.
4th Pinnacle: If you have the number 2 as your 4th Pinnacle, it’s an opportunity to cultivate harmony in all things—home environment, work conditions, family, and relationships. You can retire or continue to work—yet the key to feeling satisfaction and fulfillment will be in your development of patience, tact, and cooperation. You’ll need to control a tendency toward over-sensitivity. If you don’t work with this energy mindfully, the tendency will be to get your feelings hurt often and deeply. If you take every little thing personally, instead of cultivating your ability to relate well with yourself and others, you’ll experience a substantial amount of angst during this time. This is a Pinnacle set up for truly coming to terms with who you are from the inside out.