1 Challenge | A Struggle for Independence & Healthy Ego
October 12, 2023
3 Challenge | A Struggle to Express & Be Optimistic
October 12, 20232 Challenge | A Struggle To Create A Strong Self-Image
Knowing your Challenge numbers and understanding their meaning can open a window of understanding during each phase of your Pinnacles.
To know what you’re up against is often half the battle of being able to fully embody your passionate purpose in life! Challenge numbers aren’t meant to be overcome—rather they indicate what you must become.
I see the Challenge numbers (particularly the 3rd or Main Challenge) as the KEYS TO YOUR CASTLE!
Why? Because most often, when the Challenge is mastered, it’s a vital yet mysterious missing link that becomes your best friend rather than your worst foe. Trust me on this.
The issue here is that when a number presents itself to you as a Challenge, it’s bombarding you with the destructive aspects of that number while simultaneously demanding that you operate in the constructive aspects of the number.
We can also see the Challenge numbers as indicative of certain weaknesses we have that we’re being asked to improve upon and turn into strengths.
The Challenge number by definition is confrontational. This number challenges you to overcome the opposing energies while becoming aligned with—and embodying—the constructive elements associated with a particular number.
The Challenge numbers indicate specific areas where there are shortcomings in your character.
I’m making the assumption that you know how to calculate the Challenges, or you wouldn’t be searching for information about the 2 Challenge!
If you aren’t aware of how to calculate them or want to know about the Challenge Cycles in more depth, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose.
2 Challenge
This is one of the most common Challenge Numbers because it revolves around developing your sensitivity to all human relations and developing your sense of seeing other peoples’ points of view.
This is a lifelong challenge for all of us, yet when it’s your Challenge number it’ll present you with especially intense tests surrounding working with feelings of fear or timidness, not standing up for yourself, and lack of self- confidence.
The pain inherent in these lessons can be fierce. You’ll be challenged with getting past basing your actions and decisions on what other people think or say about you.
Again, the balance between giving to others constructively and giving to yourself in a way that isn’t totally either self-absorbed or where you’re always “used and abused” is part of this challenge period.
The challenge here is that you’re being called to work with the energies of harmony, cooperation, and diplomacy, and yet you’re thrown into conflicting situations and into relationship dynamics that are meant to test our resolve and your boundaries.
You’ll often find it difficult to work with people because of your fear of criticism, of not being appreciated, or of being ignored. You feel huge doses of self-doubt, lack self-confidence, and there’s always that nagging worry (sometimes tipping into paranoia) that other people are judging you and conspiring against you. Certainly all eyes are on you and everyone is talking behind your back. Or at least that’s how it looks and feels to you.
So, you can see that the challenge is to understand the destructive aspects of the sensitivity of the 2 energy so that you can strive toward incorporating the constructive aspect instead. This would include using your keen sensitivities as a strength because you’re so attuned to others and what they’re feeling.
If you’re wearing your “psychic armor,” you can use that to your advantage with all of your interactions.
During this period you’re faced with great difficulties in asserting yourself and making solid decisions. You might shy away from positions of responsibility and authority because you’re so emotionally tender, vulnerable, and often have weak boundaries.
Your mantra for the 2 Challenge: Don’t take anything personally. This is a time for slower, more deliberate growth, rather than seeking quick or immediate gain or results. Respect this more “quiet” stage in your life and learn who you are, what you value, and how to stand strong.
Potential Destructive Aspects of the 2 Challenge
- Becoming defensive, self-absorbed, and angry to the point of being irrational
- Stubbornness and taking unfair or over-reactive actions
- Feeling unworthy to the point of allowing abuse
- Feeling resentful and unacknowledged for things you do for others
- Unable to follow through on things you want to do (for example, finish school, train for a job)
- Health issues, particularly in the joints, breast area, and immune system