Numerology | The Birth Day Number
October 15, 2023
2 Birth Day | Your Gift Is DIPLOMACY
October 15, 20231 Birth Day |
1 | 10 | 19 | 28
If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of the month, you have a 1 Birth Day.
Your Gift:
You’re here to lead. You’re ambitious and have a desire for success and achievement. You’re most likely not the best at playing well with others! You can be an innovator, entrepreneur, risk-taker, and initiator.
With the 1 Birth Day, you have a creative mind, great business instincts and—with the right training and initiative—can achieve great things in the material world. You have a broad vision and are able to get creative ideas up and running.
Prone to laziness and procrastination, you prefer to blame others for your ineffectiveness rather than pull up your bootstraps and take charge.
Instead of working with others, you tend to plow through with blinders on without taking others into consideration. You might be rebellious for no productive reason.
Or you sit on the sidelines and never risk taking the lead. If on the over-active end of the spectrum, you can resort to bullying behaviors and let self-centered desires control your course.
With the 1 Birth Day, you can resort to angry outbursts and frustration instead of self-confidently blazing a pioneering trail.
Ultimately, the gift resides in leadership, innovative and creative ideas, and healthy independence.