8 Personal Year | Money, Empowerment & Resolve
May 13, 2017
Famous 5 Life Paths
April 19, 20199 Personal Year | A Year of Completion, Unraveling & Letting Go
In numerology, we believe we experience nine-year periods of time called Personal Year Cycles.
I call knowing your Personal Year number knowing the theme to your party. You don’t want to show up at the wrong party in the wrong outfit for an entire year! (seriously . . . !)
We all feel this shift in energy, don’t we? We get restless toward the end of the year, as the New Year’s Resolution frenzy get underway.
Numerologically speaking, there’s a very real energetic transition that happens for each of us from year to year.
We feel this energy whether or not we understand numerology—or even believe in numerology. When you learn the theme to each Personal Year, you can align with the energy of the year rather than push against it. Know your theme and you’ll find that you have much more success throughout the year. Or at least you’ll be able to extract deeper meaning about why things are happening and how to make sense out of it.
Also note that the Personal Year Cycle runs from January 1 – December 31 (not from birthday to birthday), even though I find that the energy related to your Personal Year intensifies around your birthday. It also comes to a crescendo during the month of September.
Please be aware that some numerologists calculate the Personal Year to run from birthday to birthday.
It’s up to you to decide which school of thought you feel is correct. When I refer to the Personal Year, I’m referring to a start of January 1 and an ending on December 31.
Remember also, when you’re in a Personal Year that has the same number as your Life Path, you’ll feel double indemnity from the slings and arrows of the year—you’re going to feel all the positives doubly. This also means that you’re going to be doubly challenged with the obstacles inherent in the year’s theme.
When you experience a Personal Year that is the same as your Life Path number (or another of your core numbers), the year offers you many experiences and opportunities to bolster where you might have a weak link that needs strengthening within that particular theme. This simply might show up as more intensity or more dramatic occurrences or experiences that revolve around the key themes of your year.
Take the date of birth: May 3, 1971
Use only the MONTH and DAY:
Month is 5
Day is 3
Then use the CURRENT YEAR (this is just an example! use the actual current year…)
2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1
Now add the month, day, and current year together.
5 (Month) + 3 (Day) + 1 (2017) = 9
In this example, you’re experiencing a 9 Personal Year
9 Personal Year | A Year of Completion, Unraveling & Letting Go
This is the end of a nine-year cycle. It’s a year of completion, unraveling, and letting go of the old to make space for the new.
This change can be somewhat dramatic and tumultuous—affecting possessions, relationships, jobs, geographical location, spirituality, and health.
It’s all under review this year.
This is the year that’s inviting you (oh, let’s be honest, it’s forcing you) to move on to an even more expansive cycle in your life when you choose to let go and allow what’s no longer serving you to fall away.
Don’t despair! This is a year where you can revel in the successful culmination of all that you’ve been working toward for the past eight years and beyond.
The 9 Personal Year struggles with a bad rap. People sometimes recoil with fear and trepidation at the thought of letting go of things in their lives. Facing the 9 Personal Year can send people into a panic. Don’t buy into that!
This is a beautiful year that’s often an emotional roller coaster of change, transition, surrender, and sets the stage for transformation and new beginnings.
Think about it this way. What’s so awful about the end of a party? Or saying good-bye to a co-worker who’s leaving for a new and exciting job overseas? How about the graduation party celebrating the mastery of a specific course of study and you’re marking the time where you’re finished with your coursework, getting through final exams, and moving into a different phase of your life?
That’s the basis for the 9 Personal Year. It’s a natural function of life, evolution, and desire. It’s always moving you into the next bigger and better phase yet—just like that graduation party—it can feel emotional if not a bit sad, confusing, and disorienting.
There is a sense of grief involved with saying good-bye to the people, places, and routine you’ve engaged in during your studies. Yet staying there would be, well, weird. The point of going to college is to graduate and move on. The same for life in general.
And this is a point of graduation. It’s a year of commencement—endings marking the opening for new beginnings.
If you’re eagerly and happily going with the oftentimes strange flow of the year—open to letting it all go or letting it all be seriously re-calibrated—well then, you’re the odd duck in the history of the 9 Personal Year!
Just as a point of reference: I have known people who experience just that—they are so ready for everything to change and when it does, they welcome it with open arms. Yet that is rare. The usual response resides primarily in low-level fear (and an elevated sense of anxiety) mixed with a high level of hanging on for dear life. The unknown is not a place that’s a natural habitat for most humans.
The energy of the 9 is about loss—and loss in a more profound and spiritual sense.
It’s like the Buddhist art of making a sand Mandala and then performing a ritual where it’s dissolved and dismantled. The energetic imprint of the Mandala will always be present, albeit not in physical form.
Similarly, the essence of the 9 is a highly-charged spiritual energy supporting us in letting go of the illusion of control and permanence—and offers us a liminal space from which to trust and engage in the present moment. Pretty high-minded, eh?
Ultimately the 9 Personal Year is a game changer all the way around.
We’re not optimizing this transformational energy when we wallow in our losses or obstinately avoid letting go of things we truly know need to be released.
At the end of the day, this is a year to clear out what’s no longer needed in order to make room for a new, exciting, and more evolved chapter ahead.
What’s the saying?—the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results? That is the feeling the 9 Personal Year brings—up close and personal.
The 9 holds a humanitarian focus. The more you can give selflessly this year, the smoother the process. Forgiveness is a key theme.
It’s a time where your dreams can manifest almost instantly if you’re ready to let go of everything that’s no longer serving your best and highest interests.
It’s a matter of evaluating what’s finished and no longer serving a positive function and then moving forward without a net. You know people who are in a marriage or a relationship that’s over with and yet they won’t get a divorce or break up with their partner until they have another love interest waiting in the wings? Well, metaphorically (and sometimes literally!) speaking, the 9 Personal Year won’t allow you to do that. You must break it off and then manage and master that empty space of nothingness for a while.
Needless to say, even the best of us are scared silly when it comes to change. Then to change something without knowing exactly what’s next? What?! That’s what’s required this year.
Some of the punctuation marks that can be the centerpiece of a 9 Personal Year can be divorce, health crises, getting fired or let go from your job, career change, geographical move, death of a close friend or family member or other loss that holds a greater magnitude than usual. It’s like your life is a sand castle and the ocean tides bring in stronger waves that continue to lap away at the sand, resulting in its dissolution.
This can be the time when a child is born or leaves home, when retirement becomes official, when you graduate or go back to school, get a job promotion leading to a geographical move or experience other life changers.
This shift can find its locus in your connection to a spouse—perhaps they get fired, get a promotion or something of that nature. While it’s not happening directly to you, indirectly it’s shaping your world.
This can also be a year where you experience a magical transformation that you’ve been waiting on for a very long time!
Think of that graduation or the birth of the baby—and how these experiences are the epitome of new beginnings wrapped up in an “endings” wrapper. Every new beginning is some other beginnings end.
This is an absolutely necessary time for growth, yet it’s like Fall or Winter. It’s time to cut back the overgrowth, clean up and evaluate the soil, and let it lay fallow until Springtime. It’s a time of reflection. It’s a time to bring in the empowerment gleaned in your 8 Personal Year and put your money where your mouth is (so to speak).
This isn’t a year for implementation or to start something significant.
This is time for closure—not time to rush into something new. It’s a time for sorting, organizing, and reviewing all aspects of your life. The demand that you face and embrace your truth—and the truth of your current situation—is at a peak. When you’re ready and open to make very real changes, that’s when you soar during this transformational year.
This is the grand finalé that offers the final episode of your nine-year series that is your life. No spoiler alerts please! Staying with the TV or movie theme, if the 9 Personal Year were a character from a movie, I would say it’s Mary Poppins.
The 9 Personal Year (we’ll call her Mary) swoops in to help you move through issues and “spit, spot,” put them to bed. Remember that Mary comes in to help the children (and the parents) see what the problem is—and then offers ways to solve those problems. She offers support and yet isn’t particularly warm-and-fuzzy. She’s matter-of-fact and detached, yet loving.
Then as the wind changes direction, she pops open her umbrella and leaves the family to deal with their new dynamics on their own. Get ready to invite Mary Poppins into your home this year. You might not agree with her methods or her mode of discipline, yet Mary also offers openings for fun, not to mention a few catchy show tunes!