Numerology: The Meaning of the First VOWEL In Your Name
November 2, 2023
8/8 Lion’s Gate
November 2, 2023The Meaning of Your Last Name
When I listen to other people’s conversations at coffee shops or while they’re walking with a friend on a hike, relationships of all shapes and forms are a primary point of conversation.
Yes, I do eavesdrop on conversations!
And where does our training and messaging regarding how to relate come from? Like it or not, our family of origin – of course.
I’d like to share this with you. As you’re potentially evaluating whatever “issues” you’re dealing with at the moment, take a minute to do this simple exercise.
In numerology, your given last name (or family name) provides insights into your inherited traits and into the lessons that your family as a group is here to experience and master.
Take your last name and give each letter a numerical value, as indicated below.
1 – A, J, S
2 – B, K, T
3 – C, L, U
4 – D, M, V
5 – E, N, W
6 – F, O, X
7 – G, P, Y
8 – H, Q, Z
9 – I, R
Let’s use Jimmy Fallon as an example.
This must be the actual family name given on the birth certificate.
And we’re working only with the last name.
6 1 3 3 6 5
6+1+3+3+6+5 = 24; 2 + 4 = 6
FALLON contains the lessons of the number 6
See below for very brief descriptions of what your family name brings to you in terms of inherited traits.
As a family, you’re working on developing leadership abilities, healthy self-esteem, independence, originality, innovation, and courage.
As a family you may struggle with narcissism, fear of failure or dependence.
As a family, you’re working on developing diplomacy, loving relationships, being a team player, harmony, balance, and patience.
As a family you may struggle with over-sensitivity, being a “doormat,” passivity or combativeness.
As a family, you’re working on developing healthy communication, emotional expression, optimism, joy, and inspiring creativity.
As a family you may struggle with moody emotional highs and lows, inability to speak up for yourself, blocked expression or being critical of others.
As a family, you’re working on developing practicality, security, stability, working hard to achieve goals, embracing well-ordered processes to build a strong foundation in your life.
As a family you may struggle with being inflexible, irresponsible or a victim of self-imposed – and other forms of – limitation.
As a family, you’re working on developing adaptability, progressive thought and action, freedom, adventurousness, and fearlessness.
As a family you may struggle with restlessness, overwhelming fear or excessive behaviors/addictions.
As a family, you’re working on developing a nurturing attitude, service, responsibility, love of home and family, justice, and beautifying your surroundings.
As a family you may struggle with co-dependence, self-righteousness or feelings of superiority.
As a family, you’re working on developing your spiritual nature, analysis and research, wisdom, and higher thought.
As a family you may struggle with perfectionism, isolation or superficiality.
As a family, you’re working on developing achievement in the material world, making money, mastery of self, achievement, success, and higher ethics.
As a family you may struggle with ruthlessness, controlling behaviors or scarcity/victimization.
As a family, you’re working on developing unconditional love, universal brotherhood/sisterhood, selflessness, sensitivity, creativity, and healing.
As a family you may struggle with family enmeshment, intolerance or gullibility.
NUMBER 11/2:
See the number 2 – then add the intensity of the Master 11, which brings a mission to inspire and uplift humanity. As a family, you’re working on your intuitive skills, heightened creativity, potential for fame, and inspired leadership. And as a family you might struggle with impatience, inflated ego or being high-strung.
NUMBER 22/4:
See the number 4 – then add the intensity of the Master 22, which brings a mission to build and organize projects that benefit the everyday lives of humanity. As a family, you’re working on building things of lasting value that benefit people in a practical way. And as a family you might struggle with stubbornness, inflexibility or an inability to accept others’ faults.
NUMBER 33/6:
See the number 6 – then add the intensity of the Master 33, which brings a mission to inspire and uplift humanity. As a family, you’re working on joyfully acting on higher forms of love, forgiveness, and joy. And as a family you might struggle with depression, over-giving or self-righteousness.