5 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires FREEDOM
December 20, 2023
33/6 Soul Urge | Your Heart Desires UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
December 20, 20236 Soul Urge |
Your Heart Desires HOME & FAMILY
You have a deep need to provide loving service and a nurturing environment for yourself and your loved ones.
When you look deep into your soul, you have an underlying and pressing need to nurture and serve. Whether it’s your family and loved ones or your business or community, you’re an expert at creating beauty, harmony, and balance—emotionally and aesthetically.
Down deep, you’re a walking satellite dish of emotional receptivity and while that’s a blessing, it can also be a curse. Your soul longs for a loving and comforting relationship partner and leans toward creating a family.
You’re a natural counselor who can see past the obvious and often get miffed when others can’t. You’re an idealist—and a perfectionist.
With a 6 Soul Urge, you may find yourself in positions of responsibility early on in life and a sense of heightened responsibility will continue as you mature.
Underneath it all, you need to feel indispensable to others and yet resent the fact that others rely on you too much or that your helping and supportive efforts are underappreciated.
You often have a polished presentation about you and denote an air of authority.
Remember that your mission is to balance and modulate your sense of responsibility—not overly responsible (meddling, self-righteous, perfectionist) and not overly irresponsible (self-centered, judgmental, controlling). Some of your internal struggles might include self-righteousness, codependency or meddling martyr.
With the 6 Soul Urge, your true calling is in healthy nurturing, compassionate detachment, acceptance of others (get past that perfectionism!) and adding beauty and your beautiful vision to the world. When you extract yourself from your self-imposed world of shoulds, you’re on the right track.
You’ll have a tendency to lose yourself and your identity because you’re so busy taking care of others and taking over the responsibilities for others.
Or perhaps you default into the irresponsible side of the energy of the 6 and care only about yourself and what you want to do—and do it whenever you want to, despite the fact that you’re shirking your duties and responsibilities to those around you.
You’re in your element when you’re the cosmic parent, expressing gratitude, acting with a generous spirit, accepting others even if you don’t agree with their choices, and giving comfort to others in times of need.
You express your soul’s calling through loving relationships, nurturing, and service. You’re in your element when you’re taking accountability in a balanced way and by giving comfort to others in times of need.
With the 6 as your Soul Urge, this might be something only you can see or feel. Or alternately, you may act with loving compassion, use your creative visionary abilities to build a successful business and create beautiful surroundings, and be a supportive go-to person for friends and family. It ultimately depends on the other numbers in your chart and how those energies mix and match with your nurturing 6 Soul Urge.