Felicia’s Books
In The Ultimate Guide To Practical Numerology: Mapping Your Path & Purpose, Dr. Felicia Bender — The Practical Numerologist® lays outa contemporary and user-friendly approach to numerology. This comprehensive guide is designed so that you can master and build on basic numerology knowledge and key concepts—and then gain the ability to read, interpret, and understand your own basic numerology profile and also interpret the numbers for others. This is a 555-page resource that’s a “must-have” for those who want to learn about the numbers.
Available in paperback & digital
In Master Numbers 11, 22, and 33, Dr. Felicia Bender explains the essence of these intense and often contradictory master numbers that sometimes show up in our numerology charts. what are they? What do they reveal about us? How do we work with their energy? This book will show you how to work with the potent energy of Master Numbers, so you may find genuine happiness, flourish, and realize your potential.
Available in paperback, digital & audio book
In this practical guide, Felicia shares three key tools from numerology to get you on the fast-track to making focused and meaningful changes in your life. Using the Life Path, Personal Year Cycles, and Life Stages(Pinnacles) and Challenges. The Redesign Your Life book walks you through a step-by-step process for successfully making small, medium, and larger changes in your life.
Available in paperback & digital
Karmic Debt Series
Karmic Debt 13/4, 14/5, 16/7 & 19/1
Felicia lays our a contemporary approach to understanding the Karmic Debt numbers through Pythagorean numerology.
These guides dig into the depths of the power, opportunities, and challenges you’ll face. If one of these numbers shows up in your numerology profile, it indicates that there is specific karma being balanced in this lifetime.
The guides offer an advanced level of information about these numbers that’s extremely empowering and shows you where your karmic gifts are located!
Approx. 50 page paperback
Felicia’s Guides | Immediate Downloads
These guides are extracted from the book Master Numbers 11, 22, 33: The Ultimate Guide.
If you want to know about one of the Master numbers, these are in-depth and complete guides to each of the Master numbers.
Each PDF is approx. 120 pages
Karmic Debt Series | 13/4, 14/5, 16/7 & 19/1
Sold separately
Approx. 50 page each, PDF
“The more DIFFICULT one’s life is,
the more we GROW...
don’t go together.”
- Hans Wilhelm
Life Path Journals
These writable journals are made specifically to support each Life Path (1-9 and Master 11, 22, 33).
These contain affirmations and explanations to support and inspire you on your particular Life Path journey!
These also make great gifts for those interested in numerology and personal growth.
Each paperback is 200-pages, lined paper for journaling, with quotes and affirmations for each Life Path.
Levels 1 & 2